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Air Force
Relocation Assistance Program (Military & Family Readiness Center)
1410 Langley Ave. Bldg 4215
Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 27531-2442
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Service providers are available with support both before and after a PCS move. Learn more about how to put the military’s relocation assistance program to work for you. See below for an overview of Military and Family Support Center Relocation Assistance services. Services vary by installation, so check the “Other” section below to see what other services are available at your location.
Your Military and Family Support Center provides relocation assistance to help make PCS moves as smooth as possible. Resources include:
The Military and Family Readiness Center has various relocation assistance programs to make your relocation experience a stress-free one. Our staff offers individual counseling, a Loan Closet with household items to loan for free, and an Airman's Attic for E-6 and below. We also offer personal financial management and Air Force Aid Society assistance. All newcomers will be scheduled to attend an Military and Family Orientation/Right Start and Information Fair which is held at the Eagles Landing. There is also an optional virtual pre-arrival workshop for inbound members and their families. Spouses are welcome and encouraged to attend. For more information, contact the M&FRC at 919-722-1123.
Child care is provided through the Child Care for PCS program, which includes 20 hours of free child care and is available to all ranks. This Child Care for PCS opportunity expires 60 days after your arrival. For additional information, please contact the M&FRC staff at 919-722-1123/1124 or DSN 919-722-1123.
Installation Specific Information
The Relocation Assistance Program provides information, counseling, relocation planning, referral, emergency assistance and services necessary to support military members and Department of Defense civilians, married or single, spouses and retirees who are undergoing a permanent change of station move or a relocation to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, North Carolina, or the surrounding areas. Services include, but are not limited to: Jump Start, Military and Family Newcomers Orientation/Info Fair. These events introduce newly arriving service and family members to the base and local community.
Specifically, we coordinate and ensure that agencies from both on base and off base are there to answer questions and give information. Active-duty members will be given a date to attend these workshops. Spouses are encouraged to attend a Newcomers Orientation. Members who have children that require child care are encouraged to use the Air Force Aid Society's Child Care for PCS program, which provides 20 hours of free child care per child. To participate in this program, stop by the Military and Family Readiness Center with a copy of the PCS orders. This program is open to all ranks but must be used within 60 days of arrival. For additional information regarding Military and Family Newcomers Orientation, contact the Military Personnel Section. For additional informational regarding Jump Start, contact Patient Administration at 919-722-0604/DSN 919-722-0604.
NEW!!! "Let's Chat" SJAFB Pre-Arrival Orientation is a virtual workshop that connects inbound service members and their families to resources at the installation and the surrounding community. The workshop is open to all service members, civilians, spouses, and family members who will be relocating to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base in the near future. To register for the workshop or for additional information, contact the M&FRC staff at 919-722-1123/1124 or email 4fss.fsfr@us.af.mil.
AFAS is expanding the Child Care for PCS program to include Air Force members with retirement orders, to include temporary disability retirement list orders. In addition to Air Force members with PCS orders, those members who are about to retire may be issued a Child Care for PCS certificate for 20 hours of child care at the base they are departing, for use at that base only. The certificate may be issued within 60 days of their date of departure, which may be different from the date of retirement. The Child Care for PCS program does not include members who are separating from the Air Force or members moving for reasons other than retirement or PCS.
Heart Link is the official spouse orientation program to the Air Force and the base. This program is designed to enable families to quickly acclimate and become familiar with programs and resources available at the installation. The wing commander drops by to welcome in our families and returns to officially "coin" our spouses who complete the program. It is presented in a light-hearted, game-oriented manner and a complimentary brunch and child care are provided. Topics covered include protocol, familiarization with the base mission and construction projects underway, spouse employment, spouse scholarships, key spouse program, a base-wide bus tour, programs for families with children, Family Life Education programs available, and programs that support families impacted by deployment. Call the Military and Family Readiness Center for further information.
First Duty Station Married Airmen's Briefing (First Flight) is a one-on-one session with preferably both the military member and spouse. It is designed to be presented immediately after arrival to make sure that airmen are aware of the financial options available before making any commitments.
The Loan Closet – The Loan Closet at the Military and Family Readiness Center is equipped with pots and pans, dishes, card tables, chairs, strollers, portable playpens, etc. Military members and their families may check these items out free of charge by bringing a copy of their orders and their identification card. PCS personnel, in or out, have first priority and may check these items out for 30 days and can be extended on a case by case basis depending upon circumstances.
The Airman's Attic – The Attic has donated items that military members and their families in grades E-6 (TSgt) and below can receive free of charge. There are specifications on the number of certain items one family may receive per month and E-5s and E-6s are not allowed to get certain items if E-4 or below is on the waiting list for those items. Check in to see what is available for you.
Married military members will want to be sure to check with the Housing Referral Office to see what rentals are available in the area. If you are choosing not to live on base, don't forget to check with housing before signing a lease or contract.
Separations from the military are handled by the Separations and Retirement Section of the Military Personnel Flight. Once the decision is made that you will be separating or retiring, whether because of your decision or due to other controls, contact the MPF Section to begin your separation or retirement process.