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Air Force
Personal Financial Readiness Program (Military & Family Readiness Center)
1410 Langley Ave. Bldg 4215
Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 27531-2442
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
The Financial Readiness Program emphasizes personal financial responsibility and accountability by providing basic principles and practices of sound money management, counseling tools and referral services. Financial Counselors are available for those who are experiencing money management difficulties or for those who wish to be in control of their finances. A financial counselor can work with you to prepare a personalized budget and spending plan. Information and assistance is also available in areas such as military pay and allowances, savings and investments, insurance, car buying, the financial aspects of home buying and credit card management.
A wide range of classes are available, including: Planning Your Financial Future, Improving Your Credit Score, Investing in Your Future -- the Thrift Savings Plan, Understanding the Car-Buying Game, Home Buying, Raising Financially Fit Kids, Holiday Spending, and Identity Theft Prevention.
To schedule an appointment with a financial counselor or to register for a workshop, call 919-722-1123 or DSN 722-1123.
When relocating, you are eligible to draw Advance Pay to assist with costs associated with a permanent change of station, but remember that repayments will be automatically withdrawn from the service member's pay monthly, which reduces your monthly income.
Often, relocating costs more than you anticipate. If you find yourself in a financial pinch, investigate loans through the Air Force Aid Society (ask about the Falcon Loan), Advance Pay or a personal loan with your banking institution. Avoid payday loans at all costs.
Becoming and remaining financially fit is critical to your success in the Air Force. Don't wait until it's too late to ask for help.
The Military and Family Readiness Center has representatives on site that can assist/advise with any finacial need. If Air Force Aid is needed we can walk members through the process or you can access the online portal through the link below; as AFAS has gone strickly online.
Some of the programs AFAS can assist with but not limited to:
The AFAS can be reached at 703-972-2604.
If an emergency happens while in transit, go to the nearest American Red Cross office or call 1-877-272-7337. The Red Cross is available to also assist in a variety of emergencies.
Don't hesitate to contact these agencies should an emergency arise.
We have a certified personal financial counselor through the Office of Financial Readiness. They are here to provide a variety of financial services to our military members and their families, and just like the MFLC, they do not keep any records or report your visit to anyone.
No matter what kind of services you need or want, whether it is just a spending plan or help getting out of debt, investing or repairing your credit, the financial counselor can help. Call the Military and Family Readiness Center at 919-722-1123 or email pfc.seymourjohnson@magellanfederal.com for more information.
The Air Force Aid Society and the Family Child Care Office have joined together to provide 20 hours of free child care per child during your PCS in/out of Seymour Johnson AFB. Stop by the Military and Family Readiness Center for a certificate to use as a voucher with the FCC. This Child Care for PCS opportunity expires 60 days after your arrival.