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School Liaison
11 Hap Arnold Boulevard
Building 335
Tobyhanna, PA 18466-5044
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
Pocono Mountain School District is a diverse school district in Pennsylvania and is located in Northeastern PA, within the heart of the Pocono resort and recreation area. The district spans 305 square miles and serves a population of approximately 55,000 within seven municipalities and one borough in Monroe County including the Borough of Mount Pocono, and the Townships of Barrett, Coolbaugh, Jackson, Paradise, Pocono, Tobyhanna and Tunkhannock. Much of the growth is due to its location near Philadelphia and New York City, both of which are approximately 100 miles away.
Townships that comprise the EAST side of the district are Jackson, Pocono, Paradise, Barrett and Mount Pocono Borough. The WEST side of the district is made up of Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock and Coolbaugh Townships. Note: The small area east of Route 380 that is Coolbaugh Township is also part of the East side of the district.
Pocono Mountain School District (PMSD) is the public school system that serves Tobyhanna Army Depot. The district is comprised of 2 High Schools (Grades 9-12), 1 Cyber Program (All grades), 2 Junior High Schools (Grades 7-8), 2 Intermediate Schools (serving a combination of Grades 3-6), & 3 Elementary Schools (serving a combination of Grades K-6).
The Pocono Mountain School District (PMSD) serves Tobyhanna Army Depot. The district is comprised of 2 High Schools (Grades 9-12), 1 Academy (alternative) High School (Grades 9-12), 2 Junior High Schools (Grades 7-8), 2 Intermediate Schools (serving a combination of Grades 3-6), & 3 Elementary Schools (serving a combination of Grades K-6).
Enrollment Requirements
To register for school, students need the following: current immunization records, school transcripts, and proof of residency. Special needs students, supply a current individualized education program (IEP), psychological evaluation, and medical records, if applicable. Please forward these records to the appropriate school as soon as possible to expedite the registration process.
Student-Teacher Ratio
Student-Teacher Ratio:
Grading System
The Pocono Mountain School District believes that every student should be provided as many opportunities as possible to demonstrate achievement each marking period both formally and informally. The assessments both formal and informal are what collectively contribute to the formation of a grade for each individual student.
Assessments should be made in multiple formats and may include homework, tests, quizzes, class work, center work, lab work, final exams, project completions, paper and pencil activities, notebooks, portfolios, participation and verbal presentations. Each student is assessed eight times per school year. Every 45 days a formal report card is issued to the students, 4 per year, as well as every mid-quarter a mid-marking period progress report is sent home, 4 per year. Assessment information can be sent home eight times per year and parent conferences may be scheduled based on need. Student grades can be viewed on our web based Home Access Center. This program can be accessed from our school web site. Login and passwords will be mailed to parents. Various grade levels reflect student achievement differently, but all grades are based on the scale of 0 - 100.
The scale and designation of alpha and numeric is as follows: A (93-100) Distinguished Honors; B (85-92) Honors; C (76-84) Acceptable Work; D (70-75) Marginally Passing; and F (0-69) Failing Work. O is Outstanding work; G is Good work; S is Satisfactory work; N is Needs Improvement and U is Unsatisfactory work.
Graduation Requirements
28 courses for the Applied Academic and Academic programs and a comprehensive research project. All students are required to take at least 1 mathematics course each year, grades 9-12.
Applied Academic Program course requirements include:
4 Language Arts4 Mathematics3 Science3 Social Studies1 Arts and Humanities4 Courses in the Block8 Electives
Academic Program course requirements include:
4 Language Arts4 Mathematics4 Science3 Social Studies6 Arts and Humanities3 Electives4 Courses in the Block
Special Education Services and Assistance
According to Chapter 14, Pennsylvania State Board of Education regulation for Special Education Services and Programs, "Each school district's long range plan shall include procedures for the education of all exceptional students and early intervention for eligible young children who are residents of the district, including those attending nonpublic schools and those placed in approved private schools."
Pocono Mountain School District (PMSD) complies with all state and federal mandates. Special education services are provided directly by PMSD and through various education agencies. Programs and services include learning, sensory, emotional, speech and language, physical and autistic support, to name a few.
If your child has an IEP or receives any special education services such as reading support, math support, or speech/language support, or has a 504 Plan requiring accommodations for Health/Physical needs, you are required to meet with an educational consultant to ensure proper placement. Please contact the Student Registration Center for an appointment – (570) 839-7121, Ext 40400.
Day Care
Pocono Mountain School District does not provide extended day care services. See Child and Teen Services for information about day care facilities on the installation. See the Pocono Mountain School District Web site for day care facilities off the installation where school bus service is provided.
PMSD is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is provided by the school and comes on-post through the Family Housing Area and to the Child Development Center, Bldg 335.
Meal Program
Full lunch cost at the intermediate and secondary schools is $2.40. Full lunch at the elementary school level is $2.00. Breakfast is also available at the cost of $1.40. Families can apply for free or reduced priced meals.
Gifted Support Program
The Gifted Support Program is tailored for individual student needs and program implementation differs for elementary, intermediate, and high school grades. At the request of the district administration, please contact the individual schools for more information.
There are a few alternatives to public education for those assigned to/residing on Tobyhanna Army Depot. One charter school, several private schools and several cyber school options for students residing at the Tobyhanna Army Depot.
Please contact the School Liaison Officer at 570-615-6559 for more information regarding private, charter or cyber school options.
Should you reside outside the Pocono Mountain School District, the School Liaison Officer at the installation will also be happy to assist you with locating a private/alternative educational environment for your family members.