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White Sands Transportation Office
143 Crozier Street
Room 218
White Sands Missile Range, NM 88002
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A PCS or military move can be a challenge, especially if you have a lot of stuff. Breaking down your to-dos into more manageable pieces often helps. Here, you’ll find out how to handle household goods, manage your pet and guidelines on the shipping process.
Your installation household goods/transportation office can provide assistance with understanding your entitlements and shipping your personal property. For information on shipping your vehicle, check out the Personal Property Resources page on MilitaryOneSource.mil, or visit the PCSmyPOV website.
To help customers access moving resources more easily, Move.mil has moved to the Military OneSource website. Now, moving resources from the Defense Personal Property Program and Military OneSource are available on the Military OneSource website.
Visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil for comprehensive moving information, resources and services. Access content from the former Move.mil website, including moving guides and tips, videos and FAQs, entitlement brochures, household goods shipment logistics, DPS log in and more. There are also links for retiring and separating members, specific service branch information and comprehensive relocation assistance.
The Personal Property Transportation Office is in Bldg. 143, 2nd floor, to the right, Rm 216/218.
Upon your arrival, you can contact your Transportation Office (575-678-3506 or 575-678-5005) or your Transportation Service Provider (TSP) to inquire if your shipment has arrived and to update any new information (i.e., phone number/address) into the DPS / ETOP System.
Your Movement Coordinator or the TSP will assist in scheduling a delivery date/alternate delivery date for your shipment. Be prepared to accept delivery of your property as soon as it arrives if possible. This will prevent shipment from going into Storage in transit (SIT) or NON-temporary storage (NTS). Have a physical address prior to scheduling a delivery date.
1. On your delivery date: You or your representative must be available between the hours of 8 a.m.- 5 p.m. or you may be responsible for an attempted delivery charge. If you cannot be available, your representative must be available (remember your representative /receiving agent must be appointed in writing to act on your behalf (name may already be on DD 1299).
2. In the event of increment weather, sidewalks and stairs must be free of ice, snow, and animal waste. All PETS must be in a secured location during delivery/pick up. Ensure that small children are closely monitored to prevent any serious incidents and allow movers to move freely during delivery of your property.3. You must be ready for delivery and know in advance where you want each item/piece of furniture placed. The mover is required to do a onetime placement.4. Use your inventory sheet to mark off each item as they are brought into the resident to assure all items are accounted for.5. All items disassembled by the carrier at origin will be reassembled by the carrier at destination. If you request a complete unpack, the carrier will remove everything from the cartons and place items in closets (will not place on hanger) and cupboards if you desire; however, they are not required to organize/decorate for you. The packer/s will remove the boxes and debris. If unpacking service is waived, you will be responsible for disposing of your boxes.6. If there are firearms in your shipment you must verify that all firearms are accounted for by make, model, and serial number prior to carrier's departure.7. The carrier will contact you prior to your shipment being delivered to let you know if they will be delivering in the AM or PM. 8. Do not sign for services if they were not performed by the carrier.9. Do not argue with the carrier, contact the Transportation Office if problems arise.10. Any items requiring special services or 3rd party reassembly must be approved by transportation office prior to the service being done.11. Any vandalism or poor-quality service should be immediately reported to the Quality Control Officer in the Transportation office.12. The carrier will provide the following documents at the time of delivery: DD Form 619-1 - one of the packers delivering the property will explain the purpose of this form and will ask you to sign verifying the service that was provided during your delivery, if in doubt ask questions prior to signing any document or contact the transportation office (575-678-3506).
Please DO NOT SIGN a blank form/s. DD Form 1840 -- This form is a joint statement of loss and damage used for shipments that has come out of Local storage or DPM shipments. On the day of delivery, you will annotate the damage or missing item/s noted at that time of delivery and later once you have had the opportunity to go through your property, you must record all additional loss/damage on the DD Form 1840r (back of DD Form 1840). The DD 1840r must be returned to the Local carrier that delivered your property (by mailed or emailed) with your assessment of damages if there are any. Other shipment/s that are delivered from the DPS System, you will file your claim in the DPS System. This information is also found on the website: https://www.militaryonesource.mil/moving-pcs/moving-personal-property/.
You must file your claim for loss/damage within 9 months (180days) from the delivery of your property. Military members are authorized 90 days Storage in Transit (SIT) and IN WRITING you can apply for a 2nd 90-day period of Storage in Transit (SIT). Civilian members: Storage in Transit (SIT) is based on SIT authorized on your orders. Personal Procured Move (PPM)/Self Procured Move (DITY) Do It amendments. 1 Original and copy of the DD 2278. 1 Voucher for advance operating allowance. 1 Copies (original and 1 copy) of certified empty weight ticket with name, signature of weight master. 1 Copies (original and 1 copy) of certified loaded weight ticket with name, signature of weight master. Original and copy of the DD 1351-2 with address, dates and member's signature and phone number. Copies of fuel, oil, and toll receipts. 1 Copy of rental contract.1 Copy of moving equipment receipt. 1 Copies of registration(s) for POV(s), boat(s), or trailer(s), if applicable this checklist will be provided during your briefing, which must be turned in with the final paperwork to Finance.
1. Upon completion of your PPM move, contact your Transportation Office to review the document and submit your packet IAW the appropriate guidelines.2. Civilians: Personal Procured Move (PPM) DD Form 2278 is no longer authorized. Cost estimate and a Letter of Memorandum is done for reimbursement of total expense.3. You have been provided with general information and guidance regarding your responsibilities for your move, more detailed information and guidance maybe found in the "IT'S YOUR MOVE" pamphlet for Armed Forces and the "IT'S YOUR MOVE” pamphlet for Civilians located on the above website.
The Transportation office is available to assistance you.
Do not hesitate to contact us at: Counselor: 575-678-3506 Quality Control Inspector: 575-678-5005Bldg. 143, 2nd floor to the right.
As soon as you receive your permanent change of station orders, it’s important to begin scheduling your move. The Defense Personal Property System, or DPS, is the online system you can use to request and manage your household goods shipment(s). For more information and a DPS log in link, visit the Moving Your Personal Property page on MilitaryOneSource.mil.
Read Preparing for Your PCS Move to learn more about coordinating your shipment and review the Personal Property Quick Reference Guide for actions you can take to ensure a smooth move.
Learn more about Your OCONUS Move: Planning, Resources and Tips. Begin to plan what items will go in unaccompanied baggage, in your household goods shipment and in long-term, Non-Temporary Storage, or NTS, storage – check with your sponsor or overseas housing office to assist in determining what items to ship.
Moving with your pet includes researching airline requirements and quarantine restriction laws in your new location. Many airlines have requirements for size, weight, breed, number of animals, kennel construction, documentation and seasonal limitations. Small pets may be shipped on military flights, but availability and regulations frequently change. Contact your installation household goods/transportation office to request specific country instructions. Military OneSource can make your move easier with helpful tips, resources and hands-on information related to moving with pets and more.