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Legal Service - Netherlands Law Center
Kranenpool 3
USAG Benelux-Brunssum
Building 8
Brunssum Netherlands 6443 VA
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
Netherlands Law Center
The Legal Assistance Office is comprised of one U.S. attorney, one Dutch attorney, one Dutch paralegal, one non-commissioned officer in charge and one claims adjudicator. The office provides free legal assistance to service members, family members, Department of Defense civilians and retirees.
Legal Assistance Services
The Legal Assistance Office provides advice and assistance concerning a variety of civil legal issues, including:
Limitations on Legal Assistance Services: Private business activities and in-court representation are outside the scope of the Legal Assistance Office.
The Netherlands Law Center is located at USAG Benelux-Brunssum, Kranenpool 3, 6443 VA , Netherlands. Call 011-31-45534-0175or DSN 314-597-4175.
The Claims Office will assist in processing your claim for damaged or lost items. The Claims Office will process claims for military members from all branches of service and all eligible civilians.
Documentation for Your Claim
It is a good idea to take pictures of your goods to document their condition prior to shipment. You should also gather purchase receipts for goods you are shipping, to record their original value.
When your goods arrive:
After the movers depart, inspect your goods carefully and record any additional damage on DD Form 1840R, 1850R or Notification of Loss or Damage after Delivery.
You have 75 calendar days from receipt of your shipment to submit your DD Form 1840/1840R, 1850/185R or Notification of Loss or Damage at Delivery or Notification of Loss or Damage after Delivery to the Claims Office.
Claims Office
The Claims Office is open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-noon, and 1-4 p.m. Claims may be processed by appointment or on a walk-in basis.
Contact Information
The Netherlands Law Center is located at USAG Benelux-Brunssum, Kranenpool 3, 6443 VA , Netherlands. Call 011-31-45534-0175 or DSN 314-597-4175.