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NATO ID Card/ VAT Form / Vehicle Registration Office
Rimburgerweg 30
Building H-102
Brunssum Netherlands 6445 PA
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
Traffic in Europe is typical of any congested locale. However, driving in
Europe requires the operator to be aware of different regulations (right of
way) and bicycles. A valid US driver's license is one licensing requirement;
however individuals under the age of 18 CANNOT drive in NL, GE, BE and most
other European countries. All new personnel must attend a driver's
orientation prior to being licensed in NL (the licensing process is
complicated by the requirement for licensing by the American military
authority (USAG BENELUX-BRUNSSUM DRIVERS PERMITH and by the JFC Brunssum military (JFC Brunssum operator's license).
Insurance rates are high. If you have a safe driving record, it is advisable that you obtain certification from your insurance company (not the agent). Another option is for the operator to visit the local legal office and complete an affidavit attesting to his/her safe driver record. This certification can result in as great as a 75% reduction in insurance costs. Due to host nation tax laws, only the registered owner and authorized family members are eligible to operate POV's that are registered tax free in NL.
For accidents occurring in NL, contact the local Dutch Royal Marechausse accidents must be reported to the military police nearest your location. Emergency telephone numbers in NL are listed in the directory of frequently used numbers in this guide. The Good Samaritan Law applies in Europe where it is against the law not to stop at the scene of an accident and render aid.
Auto Clubs
ANBW is the Dutch equivalent to AAA, and ADAC is the German equivalent. As a member of either of these organizations, you will receive free service if you have a roadside breakdown. Their yellow station wagons cruise the autobahns looking for breakdowns. If they can't fix the breakdown on the spot, they will arrange to have the vehicle towed (the first few kilometers are free). In case of an accident or breakdown, the expense of the policy will become worthwhile. These clubs also provide tourist guide information and directional maps (local and long distance) to suit your needs. For more information on ANWB please call (0031) 800-0503 toll free from Europe.
Criminal Offenses
In NL, active duty military personnel are under the jurisdiction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Civilians are under the jurisdiction of the local authorities. The local police traditionally relinquish this authority to the local military commander for Civilian Misconduct Action Authority (CMAA).
Crime Stop
Crime exists in NL just as in any other country; however, there are things that you can do to protect yourself and your belongings. Be alert and aware of your surroundings, blend into your locale, and use a hip pack instead of a purse. Utilize Operation Identification (USA plus SSN, USAF plus SSN, USN plus SSN) to engrave identifying information on your personal property. Local authorities, in conjunction with the Provost Marshals Office (PMO), will assist in performing home security evaluations. The "House Watch" program is for personnel going on leave or TDY. The Military Police will make periodic checks on your residence.
Host Nation Laws vary when it comes to motor vehicle insurance requirements, licensing and registration. The term vehicle generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Service members and their families will want to understand their Host Nation Laws on registration and licensing before moving to OCONUS.
Registering a privately owned vehicle with the Netherlands vehicle registration office is not necessary if you are an active duty member or government employee assigned to JFC Brunssum or USAG Benelux-Brunssum. However, you will need to register it through the JFC Brunssum Vehicle Registration system.
In order to register your vehicle and to obtain a JFC Brunssum Motor Vehicle Operator's License, the following requirements must be met:
Paperwork Needed for Registration: State driving license. According to the AE REG 550-35 and AE REG 190-1, you must have a valid country license before you will be able to obtain a USAG BENELUX-BRUNSSUM DRIVERS PERMIT license. This means that while driver's licensing regulations for military members vary from state to state, you need to maintain a valid and current driver's license while driving a privately owned vehicle.
NOTE: As a married military member, you are allowed to register two vehicles.
Child Safety Seats
The use of child safety restraint systems is mandatory while operating a POV in USAREUR. GE has authorized the use of Department of Transportation (DOT) approved child restraint systems. The requirement extends from birth through twelve years of age, subject to a 50 pound or 4 foot limitation.
Vehicle Checks
Vehicles are subject to safety inspections at all times. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure the safe mechanical condition of the vehicle. Failure to maintain a safe automobile, and running out of gas (on the autobahn), can result in heavy fines. It is advisable that every car be equipped with a warning triangle and a first aid kit (available from AAFES).
Drivers Testing is located on USAG Benelux-Brunssum BLDG 9007.
The Drivers Testing Office provides assistance in obtaining a privately owned vehicle license and a government vehicle license.
Any member of the military services assigned to The Netherlands is required to obtain a POV license issued by this Command. To obtain a POV license,
service members are required to attend a Traffic Orientation Class, pass an exam on Dutch signs and law, and pass an eye-test.
Study books are available at the Drivers Testing Station to help people prepare for the class. At the time a person picks up the study-book, they
will be informed on requirements and can be scheduled for class. Study manuals are basically issued for a period of one month.
The test on Dutch signs and law consists of 50 questions (computer test). Test-takers may miss up to five questions and still pass
Prior to operating any US Government Vehicle, a GOV license must be obtained through the USAG Benelux-Brunssum Drivers Testing Station. Please call for an
appointment. Bring DA Form 348 to the appointment if given one from a previous assignment. Customs and Safety Inspections
Safety Inspections are required on Privately Owned Vehicles older than three years.
Therefore, before you register your car, three years and older, at JFC Brunssum Vehicle Registration Section it has to be tested for road worthiness by one of the local APK (The Netherlands Legally Obliged Periodical) testing stations. However a state inspection less than three months old, with equivalent inspection criteria will be accepted for initial registration of a vehicle at JFC Brunssum. The price for a road worthiness testing is approximately 40 euros for vehicles with a gas engine and 80 euros for vehicles with a diesel engine.
To verify the safety of your vehicle, the following is checked:
front of the vehicle must emit white light (lenses and bulbs)speedometer and windshields wipers are functioningHeadlights are both working and properly alignedBrakes are functionalSeatbelts are operationalSufficient tread on all tiresNow that the inspection is complete, you will be given the results along with the DO 109 form (Customs form). Notify the Police Services office with your results and provide them with the DO 109 form. If for any reason your vehicle did not pass, you will be required to return within 30 calendar days with the defective item(s) repaired or replaced. The Police Services office will schedule this appointment if needed.
Getting the Vehicle Registered
Vehicle Registration is done at JFC Brunssum at the PASS & ID Office
You will need to go by the Troop Store on USAG Benelux- Brunssum to order a Gas Ration Card. You will need to show your new vehicle registration and have an active military Star Card to activate the gas card.
The gas ration card is only authorized for one vehicle and is valid for one year from date of issue. If you lose your gas ration card you must receive a letter from your section commander authorizing a new gas ration card.
License Plates
After you receive your new registration and APK. Your have three duty days to get your new license plates on your vehicle. If it should take longer than this please contact the Police Services office. Most local auto garages will make them for approximately $25.
Local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location.