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Employment Readiness Program
Leuvensesteen 13
1932 St. Stevens-Woluwe
USAG Benelux Brussels
Unit 28100 Bldg 4
Brussels Belgium
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
Finding employment opportunities is one of the biggest challenges facing any relocating family. For personal assistance, contact United States Army Garrison Benelux-Brunssum Army Community Service Employment Readiness Program or the Relocation Assistance Program for employment information and counseling.
The ERP provides information and referral service in the areas of employment, education, training, transition and volunteer opportunities to give family members the competitive edge needed to secure employment. Classes or individual appointments are offered in career assessment, job search, resume writing and interviewing skills.
A current listing of employment opportunities is available in the employment office and a variety of employment-related resources are available for check out, including books, DVDs and CDs. An employment and education fair is held at least once a year. Information on educational opportunities, internships and scholarships is also available.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) workshops are held two or three times a year to assist retiring or separating military members learn the skills needed to locate a job, including job-search, resume-writing and interviewing techniques. Veterans Affairs will also provide benefits briefings several times a year.
Making an informed decision -- Soldiers are encouraged to visit their Retention Non-Commissioned Officer and complete a Regular Military Compensation Chart prior to visiting their Army Career and Alumni Program center. A completed RMC Chart informs a soldier of how much their annual salary is and provides them with a list of the benefits they have on active duty. Anyone considering leaving active duty needs this information if they want to make an informed decision about their future.
Benefits and services -- Public law requires soldiers to receive pre-separation counseling and learn about the benefits and services they have earned, no later than 90 days before their separation date; however, soldiers and their spouses may attend pre-separation counseling up to a year prior to their separation date. Retirees and their spouses may attend up to two years before their projected retirement date. The sooner a person attends the better.
Job assistance training – TAP provides job assistance training workshops designed to give soldiers and their adult family members the basic knowledge and skills necessary to plan and execute a successful job search. Training includes learning how to set goals, do research, prepare cover letters, write resumes, be interviewed, negotiate and evaluate salaries and job offers, and find jobs.
Transition assistance – TAP can assist soldiers and their families develop an individual transition plan and help them find information on schools, housing, taxes, etc., in the communities they are thinking about moving to.
For U.S. family members, opportunities for employment in the Dutch economy are limited and have strict hiring laws. Requirements may include: work permit, social service numbers, and payment of Dutch taxes and health insurance. Home-based businesses require significant financial investment and must follow strict guidelines. Consult U.S. Army Garrison Benelux-Brunssum Netherlands Law Center or the Army Community Service Employment Readiness program for current rules and regulations.
Please contact the ACS Employment Readiness manager for information about employment opportunities in the Benelux-Brunssum and Joint Force Command Brunssum areas. Employment Readiness phone: 011-31-45-534-4243.
Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts
For information on MyCAA and the military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, visit the Military OneSource website.