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Installation Access Control System (IACS)
Chievres Air Base
Bldg. 20134
Chievres Belgium 7950
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Upon your arrival at European theatre, your sponsor will take you to your temporary quarters if you are single or to the U.S. Army Lodging, located at Chièvres Air Base. Your sponsor should have made a reservation previously based on your date of arrival.
Visit the Army Community Service office and meet with the relocation readiness manager. You will learn important information about your new community. You will also sign up for the Host Nation Orientation classes.
In-processing at U.S. Army Garrison Benelux is a little different than what you are used to in the United States. In the Benelux, you will notice that it may take a little longer. Because we are working in an international environment, there are a few extra steps.
We recommend that you sit back, try to relax and keep plugging away until it is completed. To help you, we have broken down the process by the country to which you are assigned. Additionally, if you are Air Force, Navy or Marine, you should check with your local service office for additional information.
Within your first week in Belgium, you should complete the following important in-processing details after you check in with your unit.
Your sponsor can assist you in obtaining an appointment if required. You will need to obtain your SHAPE identification cards to in-process, and you will not be able to look at houses or register your children at school without the ID card. Rations will be uploaded on your SHAPE ID card. All family members need to apply for a Belgian ID card.
Unaccompanied enlisted personnel should contact their respective personnel division. Each military service has established a central processing center to ensure the service's requirements are met for in-processing. The processing procedures are parallel to each other, in that each service member must process through the national and international processing center.
Service members and sponsors should contact their service's element for in-processing. This will reduce the congestion during peak hours. The reporting procedures should be coordinated with your sponsor at the gaining unit prior to arrival in Belgium.
If you get married before you PCS, you must inform your commander and follow the procedures. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures. Be aware that it takes time to complete all the paperwork.
Call at Building 253, DSN 597-7489, or commercial: +32(0) 65 75 7489 for in-processing procedure and getting Army in-processing checklist. (Air Force and Navy may obtain checklists from units). For SHAPE ID and Belgian ID card applications visit the Shape2Day website to fill out the SF 94 form. For more information, call DSN 423-4955/5462, or commercial: +32(0) 65 44 4955/5462. For ID cards registered into the Installation Access Control System, or IACS, call DSN 597-5251, or commercial: +32(0) 65 25 5251.
Make an appointment with the Personnel Service Center, HHC or equivalent, to have your records screened and updated. Be sure to bring your orders, DA Form 201, DA Form 31 signed by unit, a copy of your last NCOER/OER, and the Duty Memorandum from your unit or strength management.
Update and apply for all required ID cards depending upon where you are stationed. Most military personnel, civilian employees and dependents will need a SHAPE ID, Belgian ID and a military ID.
Call (DSN 597-7400),send an (email usarmy.benelux.id-europe.mbx.dpw-housing@army.mil) or stop by your housing office (Bldg 209, SHAPE) to discuss housing options in your area. Be aware that the Housing Tab on the SHAPE2day does not refer to the US Housing office.
To avoid any delay in your overseas pay, etc., visit the finance office. Bring airline ticket stubs and any other travel receipts including a copy of your orders as well as orders issued for dependents. During this visit, you should also inquire about a signature card for check cashing purposes.
Visit the health facility to register you and your family with TRICARE Europe, and visit the dental office as well.
Register your children for Child & Youth Services programs on the MWR website. For more information, visit the Education Section and Child & Youth Services Section of this book.
Upon your arrival, go to Army Community Service to meet with the Relocation Readiness Program manager to find out the information for integrating you in our community . It is recommended that family members attend the Host Nation Orientation classes.
Some events may require individuals to perform additional in processing. Examples of these requirements are as follows:
Arrival of Deferred-Travel Family Members
Soldiers will notify their commands of deferred-travel family members. Within five duty days after the family arrives, the soldier and his or her spouse will visit the Central Processing Facility, or CPF for supplemental in-processing. Soldiers who are issued deferred travel for family members based on the unavailability of housing are required to in-process at the housing work office during initial in-processing. Soldiers will be allowed time to schedule follow-on appointments at the housing office and complete necessary requirements for housing. In-processing at the CPF may include an orientation briefing and processing through the following work centers: personnel, medical, dental, and finance. Stop by Army Community Service (ACS), to receive information on what is available for families. Once you do sign a lease agreement, you may be authorized loaner furniture and appliances.
Civilian In-Processing
After checking in to your hotel, your first stop should be the Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC). Your sponsor should be able to help with transportation between the communities.
You will need to obtain a certificate of assignment/employment from the CPAC office before obtaining any IDs and completing the in-processing procedures. If you have a sponsor, they should do this for you and have this ready for you. You will need to take your Certificate of Assignment to Building 101 on SHAPE (the HQ building,) and visit the NMNR office. Your assignment will have exact details. Once you have your Certificate of Assignment (or employment letter), you must then process through the office of the US National Military Representation (USNMR), located in the main building on SHAPE. This is the large building with all the flags in front. You'll have to go through the gate and will have to show ID. When you enter the main building, use the phone in the lobby to call the USNMR. Somebody will come and meet you. They will take your employment letter and enter a certificate number, stamp the form and return it to you while you wait in the lobby. You should bring your passport and a copy of your orders.
Next make an appointment with the Central Processing Facility, or CPF, for you and your family. Here you will receive your community in-processing sheet and US DOD ID Card. For SHAPE ID and Belgian ID card applications, visit the Shape2Day website to fill out the SF 94 form. For more information, call DSN 423-4955/5462, COMM: +32(0) 65 44 4955/5462. For ID cards registered into the Installation Access Control System, or IACS, please call DSN 597-5251, COMM: +32(0) 65 25 5251.
Next visit the finance office in your community. To receive reimbursement for travel, you will need to complete DD Form 1351-2. You will need five copies of the travel packet to include airline ticket stubs and any other travel receipts including a copy of your orders as well as orders issued for dependents. During this visit, you should also inquire about a signature card for check-cashing purposes.
To receive your SHAPE driver's license, sign up for the next driving class and test. At this time, you may also sign up for the government driving test if you require authorization to drive government vehicles at any time. Once you have a SHAPE driver's license, go to Building 210 on SHAPE and register your automobile and sign up to receive a Belgian driver's license.
ACS offers training as well as other helpful information.
Release 2024.08.27.1