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Youth Services also known as the Teen Center or Middle School/Teen Program
Bldg 7884
Hainerberg Housing
Wiesbaden Germany 65189
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
Youth Center
The Youth Center also known as the Teen Center or Middle School/Teen Program is a CYS designated program geared to accommodate youth who are in grades 6th-12th (typically 11-18 years of age). They offer fun-filled activities daily after school and on some Saturdays.
During the summer vacation all field trips are offered at a nominal fee on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to complement the free summer afternoon program. Parents can participate with their children on Saturday Family City Tours.
The Center partners with 4-H Clubs and Boys and Girls Clubs of America to bring enhanced curriculum and other opportunities to our children and youth. Activities are planned to meet the five Youth Program Service Areas: Sports, Fitness, and Recreation; The Arts; Health, Wellness and Life Skills; Character and Leadership Development; and Education Support and Career Development.
Programs are intended to offer positive alternatives that will minimize "at risk" behavior during parental duty hours.
Activity Areas
B-Ball Court - Weather permitting, this area can be used for basketball, volleyball, table tennis, BBQs and other outdoor activities.
Technology Lab - Lab allows controlled computer access for learning and fun. New Mac books, and ten iPads are available. Virtual reality activities regularly take place.
Home Work Room - A quiet place with a staff member available for assistance is available for one hour every day. Youth have the opportunity to finish their homework before going home.
Teen Room - High school students can socialize and relax. Four large screen TVs are available for movies and video games. A large selection of board and card games are also available. A full-size billiard and Fuss ball table can be used. A dance floor with disco lights and recording booth add a flair.
Middle School Area - Middle school students have a similar area to the Teen Room. Free snacks are served every school day and before week day field trips for all youth in the program who wish to take advantage of it.>
Keystone Club - This is the premier BGCA club for high schoolers equating to the HS student council. There are opportunities for community service and developing leadership skills. Throughout the school year youth have an opportunity to complete a Youth of the Year packet with a chance to represent the Wiesbaden Community at the regional level. The regional winner then has an opportunity to advance to the BGCA’s Military Youth of the Year where there is an opportunity to win money for college scholarships.
Other BGCA clubs - Torch Club is a middle school leadership club that is offered for ages 11-13 and Smart Girls and Wise Guys are offered for both middle and high school.
4-H Clubs - The full range of 4-H materials are available at the center. The most popular club is the gardening club.
Flight Club - Once a week youth go to a large indoor area to fly radio controlled aircraft. They learn about the basics of aviation.
Art Club - The club meets weekly to participate in various art mediums. Youth artwork is forwarded every year to a central site to take part in the BGCA sponsored Art Competition.
Student2Student (S2S) - This program is conducted in conjunction with the DODDS schools and the CYS School Liaison Officer. Current students act as sponsors to incoming youth to ease transition.
For your questions please call DSN 314-548-9341 or from the US 011-49-611-143-548-9341
Youth Employment Opportunities
There are volunteer and paid employment opportunities in the Wiesbaden community ranging from the Hire A Teen program, to employment in one of the many Army and Air Force Exchange Service concessions, the community Summer Hire program and Defense Commissary Agency Commissary.
Also contact Parent Central at 0611-143-548-9341 for information.
The Employment Readiness Program Manager at Army Community Service can also assist with your questions.
Please call ACS at DSN 548-9201 or 0611-143548-9201 to schedule an appointment.
The Youth Center also known as the Teen Center or Middle School/Teen (MS/T) Program is a CYS designated program geared to accommodate youth who are in grades 6th-12th (typically 11-18 years of age). They offer fun-filled activities daily after school and on some Saturdays. During the summer vacation all field trips are offered at a nominal fee on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to complement the free summer afternoon program.
Parents can participate with their children on Saturday Family City Tours.
The Center partners with 4-H Clubs and Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) to bring enhanced curriculum and other opportunities to our children and youth. Activities are planned to meet the five Youth Program Service Areas: Sports, Fitness, and Recreation; The Arts; Health, Wellness and Life Skills; Character and Leadership Development; and Education Support and Career Development.
The Wiesbaden Teen Center program specializes in recreational and educational activities for young adults in the 6th through 12th grades.
There is one center on post: Hainerberg Teen Center.
What types of programs and activities are offered for middle school students and teens?
Please send an email to the School Liaison Officer (SLO) to request a sponsor: usarmy.wiesbaden.id-europe.list.slo@army.mil
Youth Sponsorship Program
Moving to Europe is an adventure, but can also be overwhelming. Having a local youth sponsor to provide information and make a personal connection prior to arrival can make the move easier.
Contact your School Liaison Officer (SLO) to request a youth sponsor and get information to make the move smoother.
Some locations offer local cultural orientation classes and trips as well. Youth Centers are great places to connect with other localstudents as well as get involved in activities right away. Parents may wish to complete CYS registration for use of the centers prior to arrival. If your child is already enrolled in CYS the registration can be transferred from your current location. Contact Parent Central Services for more information.
Parents can find out more about living in Europe and their new installations.
Sponsors provide Peer-to-Peer guidance regarding what's available in the community for Teens. Newly arriving Teens can experience a German Bus ride, a Downtown tour of Wiesbaden/Mainz, German food and a Military Shuttle Bus Tour of the community.
The School Liaison Officer (SLO) works in conjunction with the Child and Youth Services Division and the local school community to address educational issues involving military children. Through partnering with the local and military community, the School Liaison Officer acts as a communication link between the installation and the surrounding school districts.
For more information please contact the School Liaison Officer at DSN: 314-548-9305 or CIV: 0611-143-548-9305.