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Housing Office (Off Post)
Bldg 1023 W, 2nd floor
Clay Kaserne
Wiesbaden Germany 65189
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
Clay Kaserne, Bldg. 1023 West, Second floor
Phone:DSN 548-4430; Civ. (0611) 143-548-4430
Fax:DSN 548-4431; Civ. (0611) 143-548-4431
Hours of Operation:
Mon., Wed., Fri., -- 0800-1130 & 1300-1530 -- Walk ins ONLY
Tues., Thur., -- 0800-1130 & 1300-1530 -- ONLY appointments/NO Walk ins
Other phone numbers:
DSN 548-4460, 548-4456; Civ. (0611) 143-548-4460 or 4456
Homes.Mil website: https://www.homes.mil/homes/DispatchServlet/Back?Mod=HomesWelcome&SSRedir=true
Unaccompanied military personnel in the grades of E-7 to E-9 and O-1 and above are authorized to reside in off-post housing. In order to in-process with the HSO, they are required to obtain a Certificate of Non-Availability from the housing division services branch. All civilians on orders (authorized living quarters allowance and logistical support) to work in Wiesbaden are authorized to use HSO services. Contractor personnel have only limited support. Contact the housing division for more information.
All command-sponsored personnel accompanied by their family members, as well as unaccompanied personnel in grade E-7 and above, are authorized Temporary Lodging Allowance.
The TLA policy is for military personnel, and the housing approval process is closely monitored.
For more detailed information, please see a housing counselor.
MAKE RESERVATIONS FOR TEMPORARY LODGING (and be sure to notify them if you have a pet)
From the US: Main: 011 49 611-723760
Main: 0611- 723760 Within Germany
Military DSN: 314-548-9700
Fax:011 49 611-4080506
Email:wag-lodge-reservations@mail.milWebsite: https://wiesbaden.armymwr.com/programs/wiesbaden-army-lodge/
AddressWiesbaden Lodge, Bldg 7890Mississippistr. 45, Haineberg Housing, Wiesbaden, Germany 65189
Please be aware if you stay off post, there may be an extra fee charged at hotels for pets.
Make arrangements for your pets. Families are allowed up to two pets in housing. Dogs and cats only. No exotic animals. Your pet will need to have a European microchip, a USDA/veterinarian certification, and an up-to-date rabies vaccine.
Contact the VETERINARY CLINIC and the airline for more information on prohibited breeds and customs.
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.
Family housing on post
Available to all ranks provided the Service member is serving on a three year accompanied tour or has command sponsored Family members and at least 6 months remaining on-station
Waiting time for government housing is approximately 0-8 weeks depending on the rank and the bedroom requirement
The majority of on-post housing is located in the immediate vicinity of Clay Kaserne
Information and application for family housing, assignments and terminations of government housing, and temporary lodging allowance (TLA) is accomplished by the DPW Housing Customer Service Branch personnel located in the Welcome Center on Clay Kaserne
Bachelor officer and bachelor senior enlisted quarters
There is limited availability of on post BOQs and SEBQs for authorized personnel; SSG(P) and above will only be issued a Certificate of Non-availability (CNA) upon arrival if there is no availability; pets and excess personal property cannot be accommodated.
When BOQ/SEBQ is not available, Customer Service Branch will issue a certificate of non-availability and instructs these Service Members to report to the Housing Services Office on the second floor of building 1023W for assistance in locating a dwelling.
Assignment of single Service members housing (barracks) for unaccompanied Service members in the grades of E-1 through E-6 is accomplished at or through the Service member’s military unit.