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School Liaison Office (SLO)
ACS Bldg 7790, 2nd floor
Mississippi Str 22
Hainerberg Housing
Wiesbaden Germany 65189
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
USAG Wiesbaden Schools
Welcome to US Army Garrison Wiesbaden, Germany! USAG Wiesbaden hosts four installation Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) schools - Aukamm Elementary School, Wiesbaden Elementary, Wiesbaden Middle School, and Wiesbaden High School. Alternate school options include Homeschooling, private International schools, and public German schools. USAG has about 2,250 school-age students. Over 2000 attend the base DoDEA schools, about 150 are homeschool students, and the rest attend private International or public German schools in the area.
On-base DoDEA Schools:
Elementary school assignment is determined by place of residence. To register your children for school you will need: passport/birth certificate, current shot record, sponsor's ID card, previous school records and travel orders listing family members.
Registration is online, DoDEA-worldwide; any DoDEA school anywhere in the world from anywhere in the world. Go to the DoDEA Student Information System (DSIS): https://dodeasis.myfollett.com/aspen/logon.do. Contact the School Registrar if assistance is needed.
Stabilization for Soldiers with High School Seniors and Juniors
The intent of MILPER #24-299 is to provide stability to Soldiers during a dependent’s junior and senior year of high school by scheduling Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves at times that avoid disruption. It is applicable to Regular Army Personnel and Officers of the U.S. Army National Guard and Reserve to include Army Medical Department (AMEDD). Special branch Officers (SLD, JAG and Chaplain) will be managed by their proponent. Army personnel assigned to non-Army agencies or units must comply with all directives and regulations that apply to their command before submitting a request.
The procedure is a Soldier-initiated. Soldiers submit Personnel Action Report (PAR) no earlier than March of the Freshman year to no later than September of the Sophomore year. Human Resources Command (HRC) will, to the maximum extent possible, approve stabilization requests and not place Soldiers on assignment with report dates prior to the stabilization termination date. Th high school aged child must be in direct care and custody of the sponsoring Soldier. The Soldier must be assigned to the installation for which they are seeking high school stabilization.
For more information visit Human Resources Command at https://www.hrc.army.mil/content/10934.
DoDEA Student Transportation Office (STO)
USAG Wiesbaden runs 60 school buses every school day. For info on registration, routes, and more contact the STO.
Wiesbaden Middle School Bldg. 7920
DSN 545-2038 International +49 09641 70545-2038
DSN 337-2251 Commercial 0611-705-2251
The Department of Defense Education Activity policy neither encourages nor discourages home schooling. DODEA however does recognize that home schooling is a sponsors right and that home schooling can be a legitimate alternative form of education for the sponsors dependents. There is an active home school organization in the Wiesbaden Community. Wiesbaden Area Teachers of Children at Home (WATCH)
WATCH hosts a variety of events including numerous field trips through the year.
To contact WATCH group, contact the Wiesbaden School Liaison Officer for more details.
Things to know regarding DODEA Home Schooling policy:
Homeschooling in Europe
Some parents elect to homeschool their children while OCONUS. This is a legal option open to all SOFA sponsored active duty military, DoD civilians, and contractors. No state or federal government permission is required.
Be aware that for German citizens home schooling is illegal and homeschooling is not common or recognized in other countries. You should be mindful of potential “looks” if you are out and about off post with your children during "normal school hours". In addition, to prevent unwarranted interest by local authorities you should use discretion when conducting "non-academic" activities or allowing children to be unsupervised outside the home during "normal" school hours.
The Netherlands does not have a SOFA agreement. Instead, they have a "Friendship Agreement" which does not address homeschooling. Homeschooling is not "recognized" by the Dutch government. The Compulsory Education Act, Article 2, paragraph 1, states that school attendance is mandatory, so there may be challenges for homeschoolers going to Schinnen. Homeschool families moving to Europe should check with the School Liaison Officer for more information about homeschooling in their country or region.
School Liaison Officers may also connect homeschool families to local homeschool groups that sometimes share in field trips, PE, parties, curriculum fairs, science fairs, workshops and other educational and social activities.
Child, Youth, & School (CYS) also offers special events/programs for homeschoolers in some locations.
Support within the DoDEA Schools for Homeschoolers
Homeschool families may request special education evaluation and services in the DoDEA schools. Homeschool families also have the option of benefitting from some of the activities or classes within the DoDEA schools. For example, a homeschool student may wish to participate in an extra-curricular activity, take just an art or math course at the school, complete standardized tests, have access to online learning program memberships the school has, take select virtual school classes, or use school textbooks. All these options are open to eligible Dependent homeschoolers through the on post schools on a space-available basis. Students must have completed registration paperwork with the school and commit to regular participation in any chosen activity to allow for proper planning on the part of the teachers or activity sponsors. For more information contact the school or your School Liaison Officer.
The purpose of the following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is to inform implementation of DoDEA Administrative Instruction 1375.01, Home-School Students dated April 10, 2018.
For assistance and support with education and transition needs contact the Garrison School Liaison Officer. The SLO helps connect students and families to their installation, school, community, and future. Core support services include:
Go to the SLO school support page and click on menu items for specific info, resources, links, and contacts.
USAG Wiesbaden Installation School Liaison OfficerChild & Youth Services, Family and MWRBldg 7790 Office #33
DSN 314-548-9305Commercial 011-49-611-143-548-9305International +49 0611-143-548-9305
There are four Department of Defense Dependants' Schools located in the Wiesbaden area.
These schools provide DoD military and eligible civilian personnel with a high-quality education. Schools in the Wiesbaden area include:
For more school information review our education section or contact the School Liaison Officer,
Commercial - (011)-49-611-143-548-9305 or DSN: 314-548-9305.
Stabilization Act Information
Military personnel who have dependents that are high school juniors may request stabilization at their current assignment or installation until the juniors graduate from high school.
Active duty sponsors must request participation/consideration for this program through their unit personnel office. (DA Form 4187)
Education Information
Plan ahead for school moves. When transitioning, be sure to have the following:
A Copy of Cumulative Folder (Only the copy mailed between schools is considered an official copy.) Current Schedule Report Cards Withdrawal Grades Test Scores: Standardized, Writing, etc. Attendance and Tardy Record.
Special Programs Records as Appropriate Individual Education Plan/Individual Accommodation Plan/Gifted English as a Second Language At-Risk or Other Action Plans for Classroom Modifications.
Please note: DODEA has changed its Early Child Hood Education programs entrance requirements for all DOD Schools. Age requirements are:
Also Recommended:
School Sports
Elementary and Middle school provides physical fitness education as part of the school curriculum. Some after school non competitive sports programs are offered at the elementary and middle school.
Wiesbaden High school has competitive sports programs including: Football, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Soccer, Wrestling, Cross Country, Track, and Baseball.
In addition to school sports programs Child Youth and School Services offer a range of sports programs for children and youth ages 3-18 years.
Before and After School Programs
Child Youth and School Services offer a range of before and after school programs.
Free and Reduced Lunch Program
What is it: The Free and Reduced Lunch Program is sponsored by the United States Department of Agriculture and the Department of Defense. The program is administered locally by School Liaison Services, part of the Child and Youth Service Program. The program allows students from families whose income meets the eligibility criteria to receive free or reduced price meals at the school cafeteria of their respective school.
Many of our Community members qualify for this program sponsored by the Department of Agriculture. Qualification is based on income and number of family members. Example: A family of 4 with a combined income of less than $51,000 qualifies for a reduced price school lunch.
Drop off completed application including current leave & earning statements at the Child Youth and School Services Parent Central Services Office, Building 1213 on Clay Kaserne Services.
Eligibility: All students enrolled in DODEA schools are eligible for the free or reduced price lunch program based on the combined family income level of their sponsor.
Standardized test scores for Wiesbaden Schools are available through the DODEA Data Center via these links:
Lunch Program
TheAAFES Exchange Student Meal Program provides wholesome, nutritious meals to students in participating DOD OCONUS schools.
Payments can be conveniently made online in most locations.
Sponsors/Families must ensure that their Student Lunch Program account (debts or credits from the school lunch program) has been cleared before departing the garrison.
Free and Reduced Meal Program
Applications are made through an online application on the AAFES site.
Applications are to be made each school year starting on 1 July.
For questions and assistance contact the SLO.
Step-by-step instructions for filling out online free and reduced meal application
ANSWERS to common questions about the changes in the Student Meal Program
Do not include housing allowance or COLA in your total income!
Qualification for this benefit requires lunch registration with the Exchange and is based on income and number of family members. Savings are typically $300-$500 per year per child!
Applications taken by CYS Services, Parent Central Services, Building 1213 on Clay Kaserne. CIV: 0611-143-548-9356 DSN: 548-9356