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Air Force
Child Development Center
501 N. Altus Road
Building 53
Altus AFB, OK 73523-5008
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Programs and services are available at most installations for children up to age 12. Care may be provided in Child Development Centers, School Age Care Programs, and Family Child Care Homes. Please review the information to find out what programs and services are available at this installation. Please contact the Child and Youth Program point of contact at this installation if you require information, assistance or resources for child care in your local community.
The Altus Air Force Base CDC is a state-of-the-art facility providing care for children ages 6 weeks-5 years old.
The facility includes a one-year-old, two-year-old, and toddler playgrounds with pour in place fall zones.
The Altus Air Force Base CDC offers hourly care, full-time day care and an Enrichment Program.
The Family Child Care (FCC) Program offers home-based child care in licensed homes for children ages six weeks through twelve years.
These self-employed providers operate their home independently in compliance with strict Air Force policies, including frequent inspections and close monitoring by the Family Child Care staff. Extensive background screening and orientation training must be completed prior to licensing. Full time, part time, hourly, weekends, extended hours and school age care is available.
For more information on FCC Providers and care, or on how to become an FCC provider, call the Family Child Care Coordinator – Daniele Fabis - at 580-481-6453 or DSN 312-866-6453, Monday - Friday.
The office is located at on the second floor in Building 52 - 508 1st Street, right next to MPF.
Altus AFB Child Development Center is available for children from 6 weeks up to 5 years of age. The Child Development Center (CDC) is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and certified by the Department of Defense. The (CDC) has numerous activities to both entertain and assist your child's learning in a safe, supervised environment. Active-duty military (single parent, dual military) and DoD civilians assigned to Altus AFB whose spouse works full-time or go to school full-time have priority. However, if the above status changes and the spouse is not working or attending school on a full-time basis the patron has two months to acquire full-time status in either employment or school. If this is not accomplished in two months, and there is another patron on the wait list in a higher priority category, you will have to give up your child's slot at the center.
Whether your child is 6 weeks old or 5 years of age, the (CDC) provides a quality care program to assist you. The child development program was established to meet the needs of working parents by providing a safe, developmental program that provides a variety of activities including independent and organized group play.
The Altus AFB Child Development Center’s activities include reading, manipulative play, music, painting, water play, and sand tables, art, dramatic play, science, etc. Weather permitting; children play outside every day. The center also provides breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks.
Types of Care
Full-time care and drop-in hourly care are available at the Altus AFB Child Development Center. Reservations are required for hourly drop-in care, which is offered on a space available basis. The center also has an active sublet program for parents seeking temporary care.
Special Needs
AFI 34-248, Child Development Programs, defines children with "special needs" as those with physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life activities; has a record of such impairment, or is regarded as having such impairment.
Child Development programs are authorized to accept these children under certain conditions. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) of any child diagnosed with a special need is requested. Determination of special need must be made by the Child and Youth Program's Medical Advisor, Exceptional Family Member Program - Family Support, and Exceptional Family Member Program - Medical Group (ADAF or Reservists/Guardsman on orders only), and Center Management. A child with special health problems or handicaps will be admitted with the written concurrence of the Child and Youth Program's Medical Advisor. An inclusion plan developed jointly by medical personnel, special education professionals, child development staff, and parents must be on file and followed for each child designated as having special needs. Staff working with child will receive specialized and targeted training unique to the child's needs.
Wait List
Altus AFB (CDC) does have a wait list. All Patrons must request care through the waitlist, which is an online program at militarychildcare.com. Patrons create an account, list their children, search for our installation, and then request care. Patrons are on the immediate waitlist 30 days prior to the date listed for care. The Center monitors the waitlist daily and offers space accordingly. When patrons are offered care, they receive an email and have 48 hours to accept. If you haven't responded within 48 hours or refuse services, you will be removed from the waiting list. If patrons wish to remain on the wait list, care will need to be requested again and patrons will be placed at the bottom of the wait list.
Once patrons accept care the enrollment process begins. The centers enrollment is through a cloud-based system, Child Youth Program Business Modernization System (CYPBMS). The center clerks contact incoming patrons for a current email and will send an invite to CYPBMS. All Patrons must create an account with CYPBMS and complete all required documents before care can start; to include all medical forms, emergency medication, and updated immunization records.
Patron must complete the following before care begins.
Rates are based on total family income. If the child is not living with the parent who is the sponsor, the total income of the household in which the child is living, exclusive of child support, is used to determine total family income. Drop-in care is $8 per hour, per child, and a minimum of two hours will be charged each visit.
The (CDC) uses the wait list and eligibility criteria to determine placement. Special circumstances would be determined on a case-by-case basis.
Hours of Operation
The (CDC) is open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday - Friday for 6 weeks through 5 years. Our programs are closed on all Federal holidays, and family days. Patrons pay for federal holidays, but not family days. The center is open for exercises as directed by the Wing Commander. The (CDC) is in Bldg. 53, 501 N. Altus Road. For more information please call: 580- 481-7502, DSN 312-866-7502
The Youth Center assists active-duty personnel and DOD civilians by offering a safe learning environment for youth ages 5 to 18.
Located in Building 1866, near Rivers Elementary.
For additional information, call 580-481-7903, DSN 312-866-7903.
Continuing programs include homework assistance, computer resource, job referral, community service projects, youth transition programs, social programs, before-and-after school programs, summer and holiday camp programs.
The Child Development Center, in conjunction with the Military and Family Readiness Center, offers the "Give Parents a Break,” Program.
This program provides limited free childcare for ages 6 weeks - 5 years for military families in the following categories: Military member deployed, TDY or remote; members with special needs children; family emergencies and other hardship circumstances.
This program is offered the third Saturday of each month.
Reservations are required.
Contact your unit's First Sergeant, the Military and Family Readiness Center or the Chaplains office to determine eligibility.