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Air Force
Legal Services/JAG
308 N 1st Street
Building 52, Suite 1701
Altus AFB, OK 73523-5008
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
Altus AFB Legal
Department of the Air Force
308 N. 1st Street
Altus AFB, OK 73523-5316
Phone 580-481-7294
Fax 580-481-5922
DOD DSN 866-7294
WEBSITE: 97th Air Mobility Wing Legal Services
Mon - Fri 0730 – 1630, Closed Thurs 1300-1630, Sat, Sun, & Holidays
Legal Assistance
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have any questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation. Remember to Just Ask!
The household claims process has been streamlined with the development of the Air Force Claims Service Center (CSC). You can contact the CSC help desk at DSN 312-986-8044 or 877-754-1212. They are open 0700 - 1900 Eastern Time, Mon – Fri (except federal holidays). We are here to assist you regarding the scanning of your documents and obtaining the contact information for the carriers that may be involved in your move.
Please come to our office for guidance regarding the submission and completion of any other claims, such as government, hospital and Army and Air Force Exchange Service claims.
The Altus Air Force Base Office of the Staff Judge Advocate offers free professional legal advice concerning a wide range of personal civil legal matters. Legal assistance appointments may be provided to those with valid military identification. Specifically, legal assistance is available to active-duty personnel (including National Guard and reservists on Title 10 status or in preparation for deployment), their dependents and retired military personnel, regardless of service branch or unit of assignment.
Air Force attorneys may give legal advice but cannot draft court documents, represent members or their families in court, provide advice regarding civilian business matters, or provide advice regarding criminal matters. You can call the Legal Office to schedule an appointment. However, Air Force attorneys may not provide any legal advice or legal information by phone. Attorney-client confidentiality is strictly observed.
Types of Services
Legal advice is available on personal civil legal matters, such as:
Area Defense Counsel
The Area Defense Counsel (ADC) serves as the public defender for Altus AFB. The ADC is separate from the Legal Office. The ADC defends military members in courts-martial or when any negative administrative actions are being brought against the member. These types of actions include Article 15s, unfavorable information files, control rosters, letters of reprimand, admonishment, and counseling, Officer Performance Report and Enlisted Performance Report referrals, denials of reenlistment and just about any other action that could negatively affect a member’s career. The ADC staff ensures confidentiality with regard to the information provided by clients. Again, the ADC is independent of the base Legal Office and the base command structure, meaning the ADC reports to no one on Altus AFB. Please call 580-481-7501 or DSN 312-866-7501 for assistance. The ADC is located on the second floor of Building 52 in Room 2101.
Phone: 580-481-7294
Fax: 580-481-5922
DOD DSN: 866-7294<
View the DOD DSN number
View the DOD DSN FAX number
E-MAIL: 97AMW/JA@us.af.mil
Location/Hours of Operation/Phone Number
We are located on the first floor of Building 52 in Room 1701. Normal legal services hours are Mon - Fri 0730 – 1630, except Thurs when we are closed for training from 1300-1630. Our phone number is 580-481-7294. Our goal is to make appointments available during the week requested or soon thereafter. Emergency cases will be seen as soon as possible.
Notary, powers of attorney (POA), and claims services do not need appointments. These are walk-in services that are offered daily. For POAs, please make sure to have the name and address of the person to whom you are granting the power as well as any relevant information for the specific POA you would like. For example, if the POA involves a car, please bring the VIN, license plate number, and other identifying information for the vehicle.
The Legal Office is equipped to perform basic estate planning. Please go online to https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil and complete the will worksheet. Once completed, call the Legal Office with the will worksheet ticket number exactly as it shows to make an appointment. Paper copies of the will worksheets are available at the Legal Office. Will appointments are scheduled for Wednesday afternoons.
Release 2024.08.27.1