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Air Force
Military and Family Readiness Center-Spouse Education, Training & Careers
308 N. 1st Street
Bldg 52, Suite 1201
Altus AFB, OK 73523-5008
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
Appropriated and non-appropriated fund jobs at Altus Air Force Base are published on the USAJOBS website.
The Military and Family Readiness Center offers additional assistance with all aspects of employment.
Although Altus is a small city and a slightly lower than average salary opportunities do exist for family members.
Positions range from local, county, state and federal government positions, education, health care, childcare assistants to aircraft maintenance and administrative support.
Military Spouse Hiring Authorities
The Noncompetitive Appointment of Certain Military Spouses hiring authority is the government-wide hiring authority available to all agencies for hiring certain eligible military spouses.
• The Noncompetitive Appointment of Certain Military Spouses hiring authority allows agencies to appoint certain military spouses without using traditional competitive examining procedures.
• The Noncompetitive Appointment of Certain Military Spouses Hiring Authority currently applies to the following categories of military spouses:
o Spouses of service members of the armed forces on active duty
o Spouses of service members who incurred a 100% disability because of the service member's active duty service
o Spouses of service members killed while on active duty
• This authority is an additional non-competitive hiring tool that agencies may use to select qualified, eligible individuals. Agencies can choose to use this authority when filling competitive service positions on a temporary (not to exceed 1 year), term (more than 1 year but not more than 4 years), or permanent basis. Agencies must post a Job Opportunity Announcement (JOA) on the USAJOBS website. Spouses must apply to the JOA and be found qualified for the position for the hiring agency to consider them under this authority. Spouses must provide acceptable documentation of their appointment eligibility. The authority does not take precedence over the use of other appointment mechanisms, nor does it entitle spouses to an appointment over any other applicant; it is used at the discretion of an agency.
• Executive Order 13832: Enhancing Noncompetitive Civil Service Appointments of Military Spouses encourages agencies to hire military spouses to the greatest extent possible and places mandatory reporting requirements by all agencies. This is further emphasized in Executive Order 14100: Advancing Economic Security for Military and Veteran Spouses, Military Caregivers, and Survivors, which directed the issuance of a guidance memo on additional flexibilities that agencies have to retain military spouse talent.
Relevant Military Spouse Noncompetitive Appointing Authority resources:
• March 2019: Recent Changes to the Noncompetitive Hiring Authority of Military Spouses: https://chcoc.gov/content/recent-changes-noncompetitive-hiring-authoritymilitary-spouses
Separately, the Military Spouse Preference (MSP) is a DOD program applicable only to DOD positions in the U.S. as well as overseas.
• To support military spouses in advancing their careers despite the frequent relocations required by military life, the DOD has expanded employment opportunities for military spouses. MSP applies when positions are filled using competition procedures and the spouse is determined to be among the best qualified. This program is derived from Title 10, U.S.C, Section 1784, “Employment Opportunities for Military Spouses,” and applies to spouses of active duty military members of the U.S. Armed Forces (including the Coast Guard), who relocate to accompany their sponsor on a PCS move.
For job hunting purposes, be sure to hand carry the following when you move: all employment records, resumes, college transcripts, certificates, license and last performance appraisal (SF50) if applicable. Do not let the movers pack these items.
Employment Resources in Altus OK:
Workforce Oklahoma- Altus Center; 1115 N. Spurgeon St, Altus OK 73521. 580.482.3262 Workforce Oklahoma - Altus Center in Altus, OK | CareerCenterOffices.com https://www.careercenteroffices.com/center/1252/workforce-oklahoma-altus-center/
The City of Altus Oklahoma Jobs • Altus, OK • CivicEngage (altusok.gov)
Indeed Job Search | Indeed Altus Military Spouse Employment Network Facebook
Altus Chamber of Commerce Facebook
Jobs in Altus, OK (private FB group) Jobs in Altus, OK | Facebook
USAjobs.gov for federal employment opportunies USAJOBS - The Federal Government's official employment site
Jackson County Memorial Hospital Job Search (healthcaresource.com)
Western Oklahoma State College Job Opportunities - Western Oklahoma State College | Altus, OK (wosc.edu) Southwest Technology Center Employment Opportunies | Southwest Technology Center (swtech.edu)
Altus Public Schools EMPLOYMENT - Altus Public Schools (altusps.com)
Altus AFB Military & Family Readiness Center along with the Civilian Personnel Office and the Non-Appropriated Fund HR Office are also available to assist with answering quesons, helping with navigating the
USAjobs website for resumes and applications as well as helping find the right fit.
Call 580-481-6761 for more information and/or assistance
My Career Advancement Account:
The My Career Advancement Account is a tuition assistance program providing up to $4,000 over two years of financial assistance for military spouses who are pursuing a license, certification or associate’s degree. For information on MyCAA and military spouse education and career opportunities, visit the Military OneSource website.
Gen. Henry H. Arnold Grant
The Gen. Henry H. Arnold Grant is a $500-$4,000 scholarship awarded to eligible Air Force dependents each year. Competitive, needs-based criteria correlates to the student’s level of financial need. For information about the grant, visit the Air Force Aid Society's website.
The office for the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission (unemployment) is located outside the base; the address is 1115 N. Spurgeon St., Altus, OK 73521, 580-482-3262. Call 888-980-9675 for unemployment claims services and employment information. You must complete your unemployment application online; however, a staff member from the office can assist you.
Military Spouse Unemployment Compensation:
Laws for eligibility for unemployment compensation (due to permanent change of station-related job loss) varies from state to state. For a state-by-state guide to the laws as they affect military spouses, check out the your state’s employment website, go to Career One Stop or visit the Oklahoma Employment Security Commission website.
Release 2024.08.27.1