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Air Force
Welcome/Visitors Center
Building 2220
601 Chindit Ave
Cannon AFB, NM 88103
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Instructions should accompany the welcome letter from your sponsor and are detailed below. If you have not received sponsor information within 45 days of your permanent change of station and you need assistance contacting your gaining unit, go through your CSS at your current base. You can also go to the Major Units article on this website to look up contact information on your gaining unit to contact them directly. You can also call the Military & Family Readiness Center for assistance, 575-784-4228.
Base in-processing at the Commando Readiness Center on the first floor of Building 1 is mandatory. You can contact the CRC at 575-784-2700. Report to your sponsor or your gaining unit's CSS for unit in-processing information during normal duty hours, then immediately to the CRC. This office will ensure you are gained to the base and schedule mandatory briefings including newcomers’ orientation, base onboarding classes, first-term airmen center or first permanent duty station officers' appointments, if applicable.
Important: Be sure to see Finance for your travel voucher and questions. Located at Bldg. 600, Suite 1110 (1st floor), 575-784-1161. Walk-in hours 0800 - 1400 M-F. Schedule an appointment through https//app.waitwhile.com/
After duty hours, weekends or holidays, contact your sponsor for further guidance. If you want to make lodging reservations, contact the Caprock Inn at 575-784-2918 or DSN 312-681-2918. Lodging is located at 331 Eagle Claw Blvd., Building 1900.
Note that Air Force Instruction 36-3003 requires you to receive your gaining commander's permission prior to any permissive house hunting.
Inbound federal civil service employees report to the Civilian Personnel Office, located in Building 600, Room 2038, 110 Alison Ave., during normal duty hours, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. If civilians would like to attend the newcomers’ orientation, please sign-up through the Commando Readiness Center on the first floor of Building 1, 575-784-2700.
If you get married before you permanent change of station and your spouse is not on your orders you must contact your Commander Support Staff or military personnel section for further guidance. The military will not pay for travel and housing for your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures. Important employment eligibility for base jobs, reimbursement of recertification costs stateside to stateside and more will also be unavailable if your spouse is not on your orders.