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Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
The Common Access Card (CAC) is the principle identity credential to gain access to this installation. DOD and contractor employees are required to swipe their CAC in the building card readers located at all entrances to gain access to the facility. Upon entering the door, you must hold up and show the CAC to the security officer standing post at the entrance.
ID Card Office daily hours of operation are Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. ID Card Office is closed on all federal holidays.
CACs are issued by appointment. In addition, the ID Card Office also does walk-ins Monday – Friday (0900-1300). The ID Card Office no longer has a monitored phone number or voice mail. If you have questions, contact DLA_Battle_Creek_ID_Card_Office@dla.mil
If you would like to schedule an appointment, follow the link https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/. If any day on the appointment calendar is green then that day has available appointments. If any day on the appointment calendar is gray then all appointments for that day are taken. The ID Card Office is located in room 2-1-41 of the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center and our address is: DLA Installation Management at Battle Creek, 74 Washington Avenue North, Battle Creek, MI 49037-3084.
The following items, if applicable to you, should be brought when you in-process for your ID Card.
Civil Service Employees:
Civil Service Employees Deployed overseas:
Military Retirees:
Military Ready to Retire:
ID Cards: Military or civilian, retirees - military or civilian, and dependent ID card renewal:
Military spouse:
Military children under age 21:
Military stepchildren:
Note: ID Cards are not required for children under 10 years, however, if the sponsor is divorced or the child has parents that are dual military, or for medical reasons, these children may be issued ID cards before the age of 10 depending on the circumstances involved.
Military children - Full-time students (Age 21-26):
Any other questions please email…DLA Battle Creek ID Card Office DLA_Battle_Creek_ID_Card_Office@dla.mil.
Short-term government housing is available at the the Fort Custer Education Center website https://minationalguard.com/fort-custer-training-center/ as well as contact information, rates, and reservations. Temporary Lodging in the area is available at executive style suites off of the installation in local community hotels. Several of the local apartment complexes are now offering short term leases for transient housing. All of the options listed here require advance reservations. These services are provided on a need to have while waiting for household goods, house hunting, or housing to be built. Be sure to ask about your pets when making your reservations. Some allow pets, while others do not.
For more information or assistance, please call the Installation Family Advocacy Program Manager at 269-961-4051.
Reporting Procedures
The Hart Dole Inouye Federal Center is a "closed" facility; access requires issuing visitors ID Cards and vehicle placard. For new employees arriving at the facility; you will receive temporary visitors ID card until your Common Access Card ID card is issued. You may also receive a decal for your vehicle provided you have all the documentation required below; otherwise you will be issued a temporary parking placard.
The HDIFC Visitor Center is located at 74 Washington St. North, Battle Creek MI 49037; the Washington Street entrance. The lobby is attended by security officers and accessible from 6 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for federal holidays. Visitors must enter the facility through the Washington Street lobby during normal duty hours. During non-duty hours, visitors will enter the facility through the Champion Street entrance. You may contact the security officer at the Security Control Center by using the intercom located outside the Champion Street entrance.
A visitor's badge is required; and visitors must be escorted at all times by a designated HDIFC sponsor. The visitor badge or CAC must be worn above the waist on the front of your clothing and visible at all times. Parking decals or permits are required for parking in the HDIFC parking lots. Temporary parking permits may be obtained from the security officers at the Washington Street entrance during normal duty hours and the Security Control Center located at the Champion Street lobby during non-duty hours. Two-hour visitor parking does not require a permit.
Documents required for Vehicle Registration: You must present your state vehicle registration and driver's license. Department of Defense and contracted employees working at this facility are required to have an HDIFC parking decal affixed to their windshield. If the vehicle in use does not have a parking decal, the employee or contractor must follow the above instructions to get a temporary parking decal.
Sponsorship for civilian employees
Once the supervisor has been advised of the candidate's position acceptance, the supervisor assigns a sponsor for the new hire. Soon after you have been notified the job is yours with the firm offer letter, you will receive a phone call from your sponsor. Your sponsor will be able to answer your questions or concerns. You will receive a selection confirmation letter that explains you are to report to the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center using the Washington St. visitor entrance. Ask the guard to call the representative identified in your firm offer letter. Once the representative completes the in-processing with you, the representative will call your sponsor or supervisor and inform them you are ready to begin your first day at the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center. You will be greeted by your sponsor or supervisor and be escorted to your work area to meet your management team and co-workers.
Sponsorship for military service members
For personnel reporting to Defense Logistics Agency Disposition Services please contact Active Duty Military Program Manager via email at DispSvcsActiveDutyMP@dla.mil, via phone 269-961-5205 or DSN 312-661-5205. The office will be notified in advance and be provided with a copy of reporting service members' orders. Service members will be contacted directly and provided additional guidance along with sponsor point of contact information to ensure the process will be a smooth transition.
The Military Human Resources Office processes the new gain into the Army, Navy or Air Force systems for both finance and personnel actions. The Marine Corps personnel are in-processed by applicable Directorates.
If you get married before your permanent change of station or en route to your new duty station, you must inform your commander and follow the procedures exactly as given. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.
Be sure to submit a proper leave request prior to taking permissive leave for a house hunting trip. Contact the hiring Human Resources Office representative for more information.
Release 2024.08.27.1