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Defense Logistics Agency
Hart-Dole-Inouye ID / CAC Card Processing
74 Washington Avenue North
Rm. 2-1-41
Battle Creek, MI 49037
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
State laws vary when it comes to motor vehicle insurance requirements, licensing, and registration. The term "vehicle" generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Service members and their families will want to understand their state’s laws on registration and licensing before moving to a new state. Visit the USA.gov Motor Vehicle Services page for links to state-specific websites.
Michigan State law requires you to have sufficient liability insurance and a valid driver’s license in order to operate a vehicle. Your vehicle must be properly registered. Even though you are in the Military, you are required by Michigan law to register your vehicle in-state and obtain an in-state license as soon as you establish residency in this state. Access complete information on insurance, driver’s licensing, and where and how to register your vehicle by visiting the Michigan Secretary of State at State Department of Motor Vehicles website. If you have a Lein Holder (a bank or financial firm) on your vehicle, it is recommended you have both comprehensive & collision to protect you from financial loss.
The Hart Dole Inouye Federal Center is a "closed" facility; access requires visitors to have a Military or Photo ID Card and vehicle parking placard. For new employees arriving at the facility; you will receive a temporary visitors ID card until your Common Access Card ID card is issued. You may also receive a decal for your vehicle provided you have all the documentation required below; otherwise you will be issued a temporary parking placard.
The HDIFC Visitor Center is located at the Washington Avenue entrance. https://www.gsa.gov/about-us/regions/welcome-to-the-great-lakes-region-5/buildings-and-facilities/michigan/hartdoleinouye-federal-center The lobby is attended by security officers from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for federal holidays. Visitors must enter the facility through the Washington Street lobby during normal duty hours. During non-duty hours, visitors will enter the facility through the Champion Street entrance. You may contact the security officer at the Security Control Center by using the intercom located outside the Champion Street entrance.
A visitor's badge is required; and visitors must be escorted at all times by a designated HDIFC sponsor. The visitor badge or CAC must be worn above the waist on the front of your clothing and visible at all times.Parking decals or permits are required for parking in the HDIFC parking lots. Temporary parking permits may be obtained from the security officers at the Washington Street entrance during normal duty hours and the Security Control Center located at the Champion Street lobby during non-duty hours. Two-hour visitor parking does not require a permit.
Documents required for Vehicle Registration: You must present your state vehicle registration and driver's license. DOD and contractor employees working at this facility are required to have an HDIFC parking decal affixed to their windshield. If the vehicle in use does not have a parking decal, the employee or contractor must follow the above instructions to get a temporary parking decal.
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location. Many states regulate the following:
Veteran Designation can be added to your driver's license. Military veterans who served in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces and have an honorable or under honorable conditions (general) discharge may have a veteran designation printed on their Michigan driver's license or state identification card. Qualifying services include the U.S. Air Force, Air Force National Guard, Army, Army National Guard, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy, as well as their Reserve components.Individuals who actively serve in the National Guard or Reserves at the time of application may qualify for the designation if they have a DD214 with an honorable or under honorable conditions discharge. Get more information at https://www.michigan.gov/sos/0,4670,7-127-1627_68162---,00.html
Public Act 165 - Driver Responsibility Law was implemented in Michigan in 2003 and later amended by Public Act 52 in 2018.
Safety belts are required in Michigan for all front seat passengers, and those 16 years of age and younger must use safety belts no matter where they are seated in the vehicle. Children under the age of 4 must be in an approved safety seat. Children under 20 pounds must be facing the rear of the vehicle in the safety seat. Rear-facing safety seats must not be in the front seat of the vehicle. Children may not ride in another passenger's lap, or share the same lap restraint. Young people under the age of 18 years may not ride in an open bed of a pick-up truck traveling more than 15 miles per hour. It is illegal to drive while intoxicated, or visibly impaired by alcohol, illegal drugs, or some prescribed medications, or if the body alcohol level is .08 or above. The laws are even stricter for those under the age of 21. Michigan encourages the Designated Driver program. For more information regarding the Michigan motor vehicle laws, go to the State of Michigan website to obtain the "What Every Driver Must Know" guide.
For additional information, see the following links:
You can get your Recreation Passport when you renew your license plate online, by mail, at Self Service Stations, at a Secretary of State office or when getting a new plate for an additional $12. The Recreation Passport replaces the state park sticker to get you into all state parks, state recreation areas, and state boat launches. This does not include local, county, municipal, or metropolitan parks or recreation areas. See “owning a vehicle” above for more information on the Recreation Passport.
Obtaining a Driver's License
This licensing and registration information comes from the State of Michigan's website. All new Michigan residents 18 years or older whom wish to drive, must obtain a Michigan driver's license upon moving to the state or obtaining employment with the intent of remaining in the state. Please see the guidance provided at the State of Michigan's website for drivers under 18 years of age. The initial state driver's license may be obtained from the Secretary of State's branch office (a branch office is available in Battle Creek). Additional fees and testing may be required for special licenses, such as motorcycle and Commercial Driver's License. If you have a valid license from another state, the written and driving skills tests may be waived. The Secretary of State will contact your previous home state to obtain your driving record, which then becomes part of your Michigan driving record.
To apply for a Michigan driver's license you must:
License plates are required for each vehicle and are updated with stickers annually. Cost for the plates/stickers is based on the age, type, and weight of the vehicle. If not updated by your birthday each year, you will face a late fee. Late fees are waived for military personnel stationed out-of-state on active duty. Also, an expired plate is subject to a 24-month renewal fee, the military owner may purchase a new original plate prorated to the owner's birthday. These individuals are exempt under the federal Soldiers and Sailors Act.
New Michigan residents must immediately title and register their vehicles at a Secretary of State branch office (a branch office is available in Battle Creek) and turn in the title from their previous home state. More information regarding registering vehicles can be found on the State of Michigan website. "Resident means every person who resides in a settled or permanent home or domicile with the intention of remaining in this state. A person who obtains employment in Michigan is presumed to have the intention of remaining here."
If your out-of-state title is being held by a lien holder or leasing company, you may take your previous state registration (it can be recently expired) or proof of your out-of-state title to any Secretary of State branch office along with proof of Michigan no-fault insurance for the vehicle. Michigan will issue a registration-only for the vehicle. This will allow Michigan to issue a license plate without converting the out-of-state title to a Michigan title.
If there is more than one owner showing on your out-of-state title, all owners must be present. If an owner cannot appear, they may complete and sign an Appointment of Agent form designating another individual to sign on their behalf.
Michigan passenger plate fees are based on the vehicle's manufacturer's suggested retail price. Secretary of State branch offices do not accept credit or debit cards, with the exception of Plus offices and Super Centers, which accept the Discover credit card. Follow this link to locate the Plus office or Super Center nearest you. Payment must be by cash, check, or money order in branch offices that are not a Plus office or Super Center.
Registering to vote information is available on the State of Michigan's website.
Michigan is a no-fault auto insurance state, which makes personal auto insurance high cost. Everyone that operates a motorized vehicle is required to purchase no-fault auto insurance that includes the following coverage: Personal Injury Protection, Property Protection, and Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. On July 2, 2020, many changes occurred to the existing no fault auto insurance law, including giving Michigan drivers a choice in their level of Personal Injury Protection coverage. A Consumers Guide to No-Fault Automobile Insurance at https://www.michigan.gov/documents/difs/Auto_Insurance_Guide_448003_7.pdf provides a complete explanation of these three types of policies. There are several insurance calculators available online to help with cost estimates for your vehicles sponsored by various insurance companies.
The ID Card Office is the principle identity credential to gain access to this installation. DOD and contracted employees are required to swipe their CAC in the building card readers located at all entrances to gain access to the facility. Upon entering the door, you must hold up and show the CAC to the security officer standing post at the entrance.
ID Card Office daily hours of operation are Monday through Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The ID Card Office is closed on all federal holidays. In addition to ID Card appts, the ID Card Office also does walk-ins Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (9 to 11 a.m.) (12 to 1 p.m.). The ID Card Office no longer has a monitored phone number (or voicemail) you make contact them at email: DLA_Battle_Creek_ID_Card_Office@dla.mil.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, follow the link https://idco.dmdc.osd.mil/idco/ If any day on the appointment calendar is green then that day has available appointments. If any day on the appointment calendar is gray then all appointments for that day are taken. The CAC office is located in room 2-1-41 of the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center and our address is: DLA Installation Support at Battle Creek, 74 Washington St. North, Battle Creek, MI 49037-3084.
The following items, if applicable to you, should be brought when you in process for your CAC or Dependent ID.
Civil Service Employees:
Civil Service Employees Deployed overseas:
Civil Service Retirees:
Military Retirees:
Military Ready to Retire:
CAC's: Military or Civilian, Retirees - Military or Civilian, and Dependent ID card renewal:
Military Spouse:
Military Children age 10:
Military Stepchildren:
Military Children - Full- time Students (Age 21-26):
New DoD civilian, military, and Contractor employees are required to attend the New Employee Orientation at the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center. The New Employee Orientation is held virtually the second Wednesday of every month. The new employee's sponsor will assist the new employee with the orientation sign-up.
Release 2024.08.27.1