Ensure you have all necessary documentation (e.g. PCS orders, area clearance, passports, and shot records). It is also recommended that you have enough Yen for phone calls, food, or local transportation if needed (e.g. taxis with on-base privileges). Typically, 50,000 yen ($500) is sufficient for the first several weeks on island.
Kadena will only offer 90-day loaner furniture to PCSing personnel that are authorized full personal household goods shipment. Major appliances are offered for the duration of tour for all accompanied Air Force personnel who are authorized to reside in off-base community housing. Yellow Box operates a furniture store on Camp Foster; however, the selection is limited. Furnishings off base can be expensive and many of the items are not manufactured in US sizes. Lamps are especially expensive and hard to find.
Because there is no unaccompanied housing for E-5s and above, full JFTR is authorized for personnel meeting this criteria.
The following are prohibited and should not be shipped or imported: firearms, illegal drugs, Vicks nasal inhalers, cough syrups containing codeine, pornographic materials, (e.g. videos, movies, books, etc.), and knives (other than kitchen knives) with blades over 2 1/2 inches.
Passports and Visas
Military/Family members PCSing to an overseas location are required an official/no-fee passport, visa and/or SOFA stamp in order to travel to the overseas location. Family members PCSing to the States are required to have a no-fee passport or tourist passport or U.S. visa if dependent is non U.S. Citizen. NOTE: Members who do not have the required passports/visas in hand prior to final out-processing are not authorized to final out-process and depart. Family members who do not have the required passport or visa are not authorized to depart with the member. Members must send copy of orders CONUS/OCONUS to 718FSS.MPS.PassportMatters@us.af.mil to be signed off.
Members WITH dependent(s) must send the following: copy of PCS orders, dependent(s) passport(s) & VISA information to 718FSS.MPS.PassportMatters@us.af.mil via encrypted email. For any questions, please email the base passport office @ DSN: 632-0446/632-0447.
These actions are necessary to prevent unforeseen hardships to the military members and their families. Therefore, as a last reiteration, it is essential, members do not out-process without having the appropriate passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Passport information can be found at www.travel.state.gov