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Air Force
Military and Family Readiness Center
291 Peacekeeper Place
Minot AFB, ND 58705
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
It’s likely that employment will change when a move occurs, especially for military spouses. The information below will provide you with employment assistance information and resources available such as SECO, MyCAA and MSEP Portals.
The Minot and western North Dakota areas have seen the oil fields come and go a couple of times throughout the years. At this time even though the fields are still pumping over 1M barrels of oil a day the need for workers is low. At this time it is uncertain if the oil companies will start hiring once again. If so some of those positions include roustabout, truck driver, electronic tech, seismic, crane operator, concrete finisher, mud logger and more. To view or apply for oil field jobs go to the website.
The following additional details apply to most oilfield positions:
The North Dakota unemployment rate is 2.6% and has been consistently lower than the national rate.
The M&FRC offers employment assistance through the Employment Assistance Program. The EAP was established to provide information, assistance and training to applicants enabling them to enter or re-enter the job market by giving directions on how and where to look for employment.
The EAP offers a free service to applicants and employers. Military spouses are a tremendous asset in business and volunteer work. They have a large degree of sophistication and flexibility due to travel and work experience. The talent, education, and experience levels vary from eager to learn volunteers to efficient managers.
Military Spouse Employment Partnership Program is active in this region. The program identified employers who have signed on to the program to hire military spouses in areas of portability or career progression positions.
The M&FRC can assist with:
For job hunting purposes, be sure to hand carry all employments records and documents, resumes, OF 612, SF 171, SF 50, transcripts, certificates, licenses and remember your passwords to sites you have been using.
The enhanced content of the transition assistance program proposed by the Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force includes a fully integrated, outcome-based training program, referred to as Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success), which will evolve into the military life cycle TAP. Transition GPS provides each transitioning service member with a broad range of information, skills building and counseling services to strengthen their transition from military to civilian life and prepare them to succeed in the next phase of their lives.
In accordance with public law, TAP services will be made available to all eligible service members and their spouses, commencing up to 24 months prior to anticipated separation or anticipated retirement. TAP services will culminate with Capstone, which separating service members should attend 90 days prior to separation.
For information on MyCAA and Military Spouse Education and Career Opportunities, visit Military OneSource.
Unemployment compensation may be available for the spouse of a newly assigned military member or civilian employee.
For more information contact the Job Service.
The Volunteer Resource Program is a base-wide program designed to fully utilize and recognize the contributions of volunteers at Minot AFB. It creates a central base resource for volunteer recruitment, training and recognition. It was established in recognition of volunteerism as an integral part of our community. The intent of the VRP is to promote the spirit of volunteerism through assisting volunteer agencies in meeting their needs and helping individuals to find volunteer opportunities which best suit their personal interests or career goals.
Are you thinking of becoming a Minot AFB volunteer?
The M&FRC has information available on the following subjects:
Employment in the local area is oriented towards the service, construction, retail, and trade industries. Local jobs are available in service areas such as fast foods, call centers, and retail sales. Experienced clerical workers who are computer literate will find good employment opportunities.
For job opportunities on base, visit the Minot Human Resource office website. For federal job opportunities visit USA JOBS website. With the emphasis on the Bakken oil field, the surge in North Dakota's energy industry continues. The oilfield is seeking quality workers to meet the ever-growing demand. To view or apply for oil field jobs go to the website. The unemployment rate for Minot, North Dakota is 3.5% The median household income for Ward County is $59,029.
Air Force Wounded Warrior Support Services Program
The Air Force Wounded Warrior Support Services Program is the AF military severely injured program to assist combat-related ill/injured Airmen and their families in receiving world-class personnel services and support, extended transition assistance, and five-year case management follow-up. A&FRC staff will provide one-on-one consultation with the Airman and/or family representative for financial assessment, personal issues counseling, AF federal employment opportunities, VA benefits/DTAP counseling and more.
Standardized Tap Components
Each partner is committed to providing counseling, information, skills building and assistance to eligible separating, retiring and demobilizing/deactivating Service members and their eligible spouses. The redesigned TAP expands the original objectives to include making Service members career-ready prior to separation through mandatory and additional modules. This objective will be achieved by completing mandated pre-separation counseling, DOL Employment Workshop, Transition GPS Core Curriculum, VA Benefits Briefings I & II, Additional Training Tracks, and Capstone.
Transition GPS consists of the following components and is based on proof of the service member's ability to meet the Career Readiness Standards:
Career Readiness Standards: The focus of TAP is to enable eligible service members to meet certain career readiness standards as set forth by the Veterans Employment Initiative task force. The CRSs are tangible measures of a service member's preparedness for a civilian career.
Common CRS - ALL eligible service members shall show documented evidence of meeting the following:
Accessing Higher Education and Career Technical Training CRS - Eligible service members seeking higher education or career technical training shall show documented evidence of meeting the following:
Capstone - Mandatory Participation: Capstone is the culminating activity to verify whether service members have/have not met their Career Readiness Standards as outlined on the Service Member Career Readiness Standards/Individual Transition Plan Checklist, DD Form 2958. The checklist, in conjunction with the ITP, will be used by the A&FRC and the commander or commander's designee to verify status of CRS completion.
Capstone is required for ALL separating/retiring personnel and should occur no later than 90 days prior to anticipated separation/retirement; however, if a member has less than 90 days left in the military, the member should attend as soon as possible within their remaining period of service. In the case of demobilizing/deactivating Reserve Component members, Capstone shall occur no later than the date of separation on the DD Form 214. Although service members may participate in other Transition GPS activities as early as 12/24 months prior to separation/retirement, they may not complete Capstone any earlier than 120-150 days prior to separation.
Seminars, Workshops & Individual Appointments
Local Job Market Orientation: Individual assistance provides an overview of the area job market and information on positions that are currently open in the community and on base.
Federal Job Search: Individual assistance provides an overview of jobs in the federal government. Information on various hiring agencies is discussed along with procedures for applying for positions.
Resumes: Writing a resume is an in-depth process through which an individual examines his or her career goals, work history, and personal attributes. Individuals will gain a better understanding of the role of the resume in the employment process. They will also learn to create an effective resume and about various formats for this document. Interview workshops are held monthly.
Interviewing Skills: The job interview is the key that can unlock the door to employment. Answering an interviewer's questions with good, solid responses is important. Additionally, the individual interested in doing well should know how to prepare for an interview, how to create a good appearance, and how to follow-up on an interview. Interview workshops are held monthly.
Poor Prospects
Professional jobs are not in abundance and are very competitive.
Fair Prospects
There are a number of health care providers, hospital, clinics, and private practices in the city of Minot. People with skills in nursing and health specialty positions are often sought after by these facilities.