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Fleet and Family Support Center
201 Highway 34 North
Building C-59
Colts Neck, NJ 07722-5011
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Military and Family Support Center is one part of a larger network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships and individuals that supports your personal and family readiness. The larger system called the Military Family Readiness System is a web of support for you and your family. The Military and Family Support Center should be one of your first stops once you arrive at a new installation. The programs and services they offer are a key resource for you and your family.
Military and Family Support Centers provide information, education and support programs to help balance the demands of military life. Offerings include:
Military and Family Support Centers may provide other programs such as the following:
Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Advocacy Program
New Parent Support Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Services may vary by location and installation. Use the Search tool to find contact information for your installation Military and Family Support Center. Just enter your installation name, Zip code or state.
Naval Weapons Station Earle Fleet Family Support Center also offers individual, family and child counseling, family advocacy, Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, civilian Sexual Assault Prevention and Response victim advocate and Gold Star services. We also have internet access with printers and scanners, fax machine and copier services.
Susan Mullen, Clinician 732-866-2511 for CAP/FAP
Lola Odejobi, SAPR 732-866-2585
Jalaah Kenney, Civilian Sexual Assault Victim Advocate 732-866-2592
24/7 SAPR HOTLINE 732-573-5199