One of the most important items to consider is the documentation you will need to have on hand when you arrive. You must have your PCS orders, passports and visas, as well as shot records for yourself and all Family members accompanying you. Contact your current command immediately to obtain assistance in acquiring these items. The Government of Japan is moving to requiring all SOFA members to possess an Official Business (maroon in color) Passport.
In addition to passports and visas, other important documents which will aid in a smooth transition to Okinawa include:
- Immunization Records including COVID vaccinations.
- Naturalization Paperwork.
- Current Drivers' Licenses or Permits
- Marriage Licenses or Divorce Decrees
- All Educational Documentation
- Deeds and Titles to all real estate or other property
- Shipping and storage documents for your household goods
- Insurance Policies
- State and Federal Income Tax Returns
- Adoption Papers
- Addresses of financial institutions you do business with
- Wills and Powers of Attorney
- Civilian & Military Medical/Dental Records
- Original Birth Certificates
- I.D. and Social Security Cards
- Resume/ Previous Employment Records
- Pet Health/Rabies Vaccination Records
Be particularly sure you and your family are properly immunized and have the paperwork to prove it. This is especially important for your children, since they will need their immunization records to enroll in any of the schools on base.
As a military member, you are not required to carry a passport for travel into Okinawa, but you may wish to purchase one at your own expense for leave travel. Your Family members must have their own valid no-fee passport.
If a dependent is command-sponsored, no visa is necessary unless they are a Third Country National. Visas and passports cannot be obtained upon arrival. Deportation will be immediate if attempting to enter without a passport. Some surrounding countries require a tourist passport for military service members traveling on ordinary leave. For a list of those countries, contact the Passport Office.
When you receive notification of your assignment to Okinawa, and your area clearance for your dependents, you should report to your administrative section and obtain a dependent's passport application and photo request. A valid no-fee passport is required even when traveling by commercial air. These requirements are subject to change, so check with your admin office.
If you have a Family member that is a Japanese Passport holder please note when flying commercially into Japan, customs and immigration will be separate lines within the same commercial terminal. However, if you are arriving on an AMC flight, via Kadena Air Base, Family members with Japanese passports cannot be processed at the Air Base Terminal. Japanese law stipulates Japanese citizens must be processed at the Government of Japan office. American customs officials are not permitted to process Japanese citizens.
Additionally, U.S. Customs Officials are not authorized to stamp passports of Family members on EML Orders traveling without their sponsors, who are not stationed in Japan. An example would be a spouse traveling from Korea to Guam, with a stop in Okinawa. Retirees, traveling to Okinawa Space "A" on their ID cards, must also be processed at the Government of Japan office.
In an effort to accommodate these individuals, Air Force Customs Officials provide round trip transportation to and from the GOJ office. It is approximately a four minute ride by car.
Once you have collected all the necessary paperwork, you will be given a flight or port call date. This will either be an Air Mobility Command flight originating from Los Angeles or it will be a commercial flight. In any case, it is important that you notify your gaining command and your sponsor of this date, time, and flight number. Without this information, no one will be there to meet you and your family on arrival.
Pet owners should contact their sponsor for more information and visit the USAG-O website. Be sure to check with the air carrier you will be flying with for additional information on importing pets into Japan.
- As a military member on assignment, you are not required to carry a passport for travel into Okinawa, but you may wish to purchase one at your own expense for leisure travel. Family members must have their own valid no-fee passport. If a dependent is command-sponsored, no visa is necessary unless they are a Third Country National. Ensure you check with the outbound office to determine if your family needs the Official Business Passports.
- Pet owners should contact their Sponsor for more information and visit the Karing Kennels website. Be sure to check with the air carrier you will be flying with for additional information on importing pets into Japan
Important Reporting Instructions
Okinawa Japan (Locations include Torii Station, Kadena Air Base, Ft. Buckner, MCB Foster, Naha Port):
1. Privately owned weapons to include bow and arrows, swords, etc... will not be imported into Japan
2. Soldiers requesting concurrent travel of Family Members (Soldier and Family members traveling together) to Okinawa must apply for and gain approval PRIOR to beginning travel to Okinawa.
3. Passports - Active Duty Military Personnel on PCS or TDY/TAD may enter and exit Japan on military ID cards and travel orders. No-fee passports are required for all Active Duty Command Sponsored Dependents. Official passports are required for all DoD Civilians and DoD Command Sponsored Dependents. In an emergency (no-fee passport has not arrived, medical emergency, etc.), eligible Family Members and DoD Civilians may travel on a tourist passport pending arrival of their no-fee passport. Japanese Immigration will place the SOFA stamp in either passport. A visa is not required for official travel to Japan. For more information please contact Torii Passport Office DSN 315-652-4060
Foreign-born spouse support -- whether your question concerns immigration and naturalization, learning the English language or how to use local transportation, the relocation program provides assistance, classes and referrals. The US Consulate in Naha can provide guidance and support for all of your immigration needs. Briefs are regularly held on both Kadena Air Base, Camp Foster, and Torii Station to give you direct access to USCIS personnel. For information regarding the Immigration Visa process please go to If you have further questions please email the immigration department at
4. For Servicing ATCO/SATO -- The AMC rotator/Patriot Express flight travels from Seattle-Tacoma IAP (SEATAC), WA to Kadena Air Base (DNA), Okinawa and is the preferred mode of travel for all Soldiers traveling to Okinawa, Japan. However, in the event military air is unavailable, commercial air travel to Okinawa MAY BE authorized by your servicing ATCO. All commercial air travel to Okinawa is routed through Tokyo, Japan (Narita IAP and/or Haneda IAP). However, Soldiers should ensure their FINAL DESTINATION is listed as Naha International Airport. NOTE: ATCO/SATO should only use THROUGH-FARE ticketing (with no break in fare from Tokyo to Okinawa) to transit Soldiers to Okinawa. If other ticketing options are utilized, Soldier and Family members will incur significant excess baggage costs/fees/charges. All airline receipts for excess baggage are required for reimbursement regardless of dollar amount. The traveler should be financially prepared to pay for excess baggage charges while traveling to/through Japan. Travelers should be aware that infant car seats, strollers and other large items ARE NOT allowed to be carried aboard aircraft in Japan. Upon arrival in Japan, these items will be checked baggage and will result in excess baggage fees. Excess baggage is not authorized in conjunction with circuitous or personal convenience travel if the excess baggage costs would not be incurred if Government-procured airline tickets were available/used. Check with your servicing ATCO to obtain additional information about these options and cost associated.
5. Soldiers and command sponsored Family members are authorized a standard baggage entitlement not to exceed 2 pieces at 70 pounds each when traveling via military (Air Mobility Command, AMC)) aircraft from SeaTac IAP, WA. If not traveling via military aircraft, Soldier and command sponsored Family Members should check with their servicing ATCO/SATO or the airlines to determine their standard baggage weight entitlement.
6. Soldiers should contact the gaining unit sponsor prior to departure to verify correct destination on airline tickets, flight arrival times, and adequate lodging confirmations.
7. POV shipments to Japan are generally not authorized.
8. Soldiers with accompanied Family members are authorized Temporary Lodging Allowance to cover hotel costs. Contact local finance for details.
9. It is highly recommended that Soldiers and Family members arrive in Japan with a valid stateside driver's license. SOFA driver's license will only be issued to personnel with a valid stateside license. Please check with your local Department of Motor Vehicles to inquire about extending the expiration date of your orders to match the expiration date on your license. Driver's training is available however, waiting lists and non reimbursable fees will apply.
10. Housing information for Okinawa can be found online.
11. Accompanied Soldiers are authorized full JFTR/JTR. Unaccompanied and single Soldiers are authorized the administrative weight allowance of 2,500 or 25% of the full JFTR weight allowance, whichever is greater plus unaccompanied baggage. NOTE: Housing and barracks in Okinawa are smaller than in CONUS, commercial storage is not available and excess furniture will not be shipped back to CONUS for storage. Housing and furniture support are provided by Kadena AB; however, Soldiers authorized full JFTR will only receive loaner furniture for 90 days until their household goods arrive. All personnel should closely coordinate with their sponsor for information regarding household items required while in Okinawa. Accompanied and Unaccompanied Soldiers may contact the Army Housing Liaison at DSN 315-652-4446 for additional guidance.
12. Pet information for Okinawa Can be found at: