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Health Benefits Advisor - Tower Barracks
Bldg. 475
Grafenwoehr Germany 92655
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Health care and other services for families with special needs are available and accessible to military families across all installations. It’s important to know that programs and services may vary from installation to installation. Make sure to contact your health care provider(s) before your move. Also make sure you know how to reach them during and after your move in case of emergencies.
Whether this is your first move, or you’re a seasoned professional, moving can be a challenge. A little planning and preparation can help make your move as easy as possible. Try the following Defense Department resources to help you get organized:
Make sure your transition is as smooth as possible by visiting Moving on the TRICARE website. Talk to your medical case manager before you move. They can help you find a new doctor and other resources to avoid any interruptions in coverage.
On arrival at your new duty location, you or your sponsor can contact the Beneficiary Counseling and Assistance Coordinator at the military treatment facility. They can help if you have questions or need assistance with authorizations for TRICARE Extended Care Health Option, or ECHO, services.
All TRICARE regional offices and most military treatment facilities are staffed with beneficiary counseling and assistance coordinators who educate beneficiaries and help with TRICARE-related eligibility, enrollment, referrals/authorizations and claims processing questions. If you or your family has more complex needs, contact your TRICARE case manager.
TRICARE debt collection assistance officers are assigned to regional offices and military treatment facilities worldwide. DCAOs assist with confirmed debt collection due to unpaid TRICARE claims. Please note, the debt must be in collections or listed on your credit report.
Medicaid provides health coverage for eligible individuals and families with low incomes or with special needs. The department of social services or the department of medical assistance may administer the Medicaid program in your state. Supplemental Security Income is a cash assistance program intended to assist adults and children with special needs who have limited resources. Families must reapply after moving to a new state.
Medicaid waivers are state-specific Medicaid programs that provide funding for long-term care services to be provided in the community instead of in nursing homes or hospitals. There may be waitlists for waivers, however many states have agreed to the policy of allowing active-duty military families to enroll in their state of legal residence to get on the wait list.
Learn more about Benefits for Families With Special Needs, or review the Government Assistance Programs course on MilLife Learning.
The TRICARE Extended Care Health Option provides supplemental services to:
The qualifying family member’s disability must be entered properly in the Defense Eligibility Enrollment Reporting System to have access to TRICARE ECHO services.
For qualifying medical and/or educational special needs, TRICARE ECHO offers integrated services and supplies beyond those offered by your TRICARE program option (such as TRICARE Prime and TRICARE Select). See this TRICARE ECHO factsheet for more information, or listen to this TRICARE ECHO webinar on Military OneSource.
Military hospitals and clinics are found at military bases and posts around the world. They are also referred to as military treatment facilities. Before you move, find out your new military treatment facility and contact them for local information.
Medical case management involves a team of health care professionals who help you and your family find solutions to complex health problems. It is important to let your medical case manager know if you are moving. They can help you connect with a medical case manager at your new location. Learn more about TRICARE case management services.
If your family member has special transportation needs for the move, such as oxygen or a special bed or wheelchair, contact your TRICARE medical case manager. They can advise you on equipment and transportation.
You can also contact your current installation’s household goods/transportation office (outbound) for information on special procedures for transporting medical equipment.
Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
Army Community Service (ACS) is the agency responsible for the overall management of the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The EFMP Manager at ACS serves as the primary advocate for USAG Bavaria EFMP enrollees and can assist all military and civilian ID card holders with information on EFMP enrollment and registration process. Soldiers and family members needing to enroll in EFMP, update a family members EFMP status or initiate a Command Sponsorship (CS) or Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) will initiate the process in the Enterprise EFMP or E-EFMP website at the following link: https://efmp.army.mil/EnterpriseEfmp/ the clinical EFMP Case Coordinator at the Military Treatment Facility (MTF) will contact the Service Member for any other needed information. Soldiers can track the status of these Soldier actions in their E-EFMP account.
The ACS EFMP Manager can assist relocating families with information on medical services, housing concerns, educational needs, and community support available within the local community. The EFMP Manager also chairs the EFMP Committee, which helps coordinate medical, legal, social services, education, housing, and recreational services available within the communities of Grafenwoehr, Vilseck, Hohenfels, and Garmisch.
The Multidisciplinary Inclusion Action Team (MIAT) meets regularly to ensure appropriate placement of children with disabilities within the Child and Youth Services (CYS) program. Support groups to accommodate various needs and concerns in the community are available, and may include information on autism, attention deficit, developmental delays and behavioral health concerns such as anxiety and depression. The EFMP will also facilitate regular fun, family friendly activities to encourage an inclusive environment, facilitate community awareness and education and promote mutual support. Respite care is not currently being provided at USAG Bavaria.
Emergency Care
The local Military Treatment Facilities (MTF) in the USAG Bavaria footprint do not provide emergency care. For medical emergencies, go to the hospital nearest you or dial: 114 on the installation - 112 off post - or call the MP station at +49-9641-83-8319.
If you go to a German clinic or hospital without a referral, you must contact the clinic's TRICARE Service Center (DSN 314-590-3000 or +49-0049-6371-9464-3000) the next working day to ensure that TRICARE will cover the cost of your care. For 24-hour medical advice, call the toll-free Nurse Advice Line at +49-800-825-1600. This number also provides access to an Audio Health Library of common medical conditions.
German Hospitals
Emergency Care -- Patients requiring emergency treatment should report to the nearest host nation facility. Active-duty soldiers and family members must notify the clinic's patient liaison within 24 - 48 hours of any emergency room visit or admission to a host nation facility.
AMBERGKlinikum St. MarienMariahilfbergweg 7, 92224 Amberg, Phone 09621-380
SULZBACH - ROSENBERGKreiskrankenhaus Sulzbach-RosenbergKrankenhausstrasse 16, 92237 Sulzbach-Rosenberg, Phone 09661-5200
For patients requiring specialty consultations or hospitalization services beyond the capabilities of the Military Treatment Facility (MTF), the TRICARE Referral Office in the clinic will arrange appointments and admissions to a Host Nation Facility.
Educational and Developmental Intervention Services (EDIS) -- The goal of EDIS is to make sure that all children are ready to learn when they reach school age by providing services and support to eligible families who have concerns about their child's development. Developmental screenings are provided for all children under the age of three. EDIS is a self-referral or medical referral program. Other community agencies can provide EDIS contact information, but can’t make a direct referral. School age children are referred for physical therapy, occupational therapy, psychological evaluations and social work through the DoD special education process.
Social Work Services -- Provide quality care to all beneficiaries capitalizing on their strengths while promoting and enhancing their social functioning and well-being.
Patient Liaison -- will assist you and your family during a hospital stay and act as an intermediary between patients and hospital staff.
TRICARE Advisor -- The TRICARE Advisor educates patients about TRICARE/CHAMPUS benefits, policies and responsibilities. The advisor acts as a liaison between German and American physicians, assists with written German instructions and coordinates the network of Host Nation Preferred Providers/Facilities. Located at the MTF.
TRICARE Enrollment Office --is responsible for updating TRICARE information for soldiers and families during In-processing and Out-processing and for the enrollment of beneficiaries in TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Plus. Located at the MTF.
Behavioral Health Clinic – The interdisciplinary behavioral health clinic treats the active duty soldier, family members and other citizens employed in a support capacity by the Department of Defense. Other civilians may be treated on an emergency basis and will be referred as appropriate. The following services are offered: Emergency psychiatric care, psychiatric assessment, individual counseling, psychological testing, medication management, in service training, outpatient medical consultation, community consultation, command consultation, referral to other care providers, referral to Substance Use Disorder Clinical Care (SUDCC), referral for hospitalization, consultation to the local community counseling centers or the Alcohol and Substance Abuse Program (ASAP), Consultation to Adolescent substance Abuse Counseling Services (ASACS).
Release 2024.08.27.1