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Legal Office – Tower Barracks
Gebaeude 106
Grafenwoehr Germany 92655
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
Welcome to the 7th Army Joint Multinational Training Command Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, the Legal Office that supports the command and the community -- Soldiers, civilian employees, contractors, and their families -- at Headquarters, 7th Army JMTC and in Bavaria.
OSJA offers a broad range of services, including legal assistance (family matters, landlord-tenant issues, wills), claims for damaged or destroyed household goods and automobiles, and electronic filing of tax returns. For more, visit the SJA website.
United States Army Garrison Grafenwoehr’s Legal Offices may provide assistance in the following areas:
Types of Services
Legal assistance and information may also be provided on the following topics:
Release 2024.08.27.1