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Air Force
ID/CAC Card Processing
330 Ellsworth Lane
Whiteman AFB, MO 65305
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
State laws vary when it comes to motor vehicle insurance requirements, licensing and registration. Service members and their families will want to understand their state’s laws on registration and licensing before moving to a new state. Visit the USA.gov Motor Vehicle Services page for links to state-specific websites.
Missouri State law requires you to have sufficient liability insurance and a valid driver’s license in order to operate a vehicle. The term “vehicle” generally includes automobiles, motorcycles, vans, trailers and boats regularly parked or garaged overnight. Further, your vehicle must be properly registered. If you are a resident of another state and are currently stationed in Missouri, you have the option to keep your out-of-state driver license or you may transfer your license and obtain a Missouri driver license. Access complete information on insurance, driver’s licensing, and where and how to register your vehicle by visiting the State Department of Motor Vehicles website.
Persons coming from another state that wish to register their vehicle(s) in Missouri may need to provide the following: An out-of-state title, or if there is a lien holder, a current registration and complete address of the lien holder; a Missouri safety inspection sticker less than 60 days old; a Missouri Personal Property Tax receipt for the previous year. If you do not have one because you were not a resident of the state of Missouri, then you will need to visit the county assessor's office showing that you do not owe personal property taxes in the county. If you are in the military and do not claim Missouri as your state of residence, you must submit a recent Leave and Earning Statement indicating your state of residence in place of obtaining a statement of non-assessment.
Missouri law requires many motor vehicles to pass a vehicle safety inspection performed by an authorized Missouri inspection station, unless exempt as detailed below. The renewal notice you receive from the Department of Revenue will assist you in determining if your vehicle needs to have a safety inspection.
The inspection station will issue a Certificate of Inspection and Approval that must be presented to a license office when the motor vehicle is registered. A Certificate of Inspection and Approval is valid for 60 days starting with the date of inspection. A valid Certificate of Inspection and Approval must be submitted at the time of application for title and license or registration renewal (unless exempt).
A Certificate of Inspection and Approval is valid for 90 days starting with the date of inspection when a motor vehicle is purchased from a Missouri dealer and the Certificate of Inspection and Approval provided by the Missouri dealer indicates the safety inspection was completed within 60 days prior to the purchase date. A valid Certificate of Inspection and Approval must be submitted at the time of application for title and license (unless exempt).
If there is no change in vehicle ownership, even model year vehicles must be safety/emissions inspected (unless exempt) in even calendar years, and odd model year vehicles must be inspected (unless exempt) in odd calendar years.
Speed Limits - The speed limit on base is 30 MPH unless otherwise posted, with a 20 MPH speed limit in the housing area. The speed limit drops to 5 MPH where children are present in the housing and school areas. This is heavily enforced by law enforcement patrols equipped with radar. Maximum speed in CDC/School zones is 15 mph when children are not present. Max speed for parking lots is 5 MPH.
Seat Belts -- Seat belts are required at all times while driving on base.
Vehicle Checks -- Random vehicle checks are conducted periodically at each gate.
Accidents -- All motor vehicle accidents must be reported to 509 Security Forces (Base police).
Cell Phones -- May not be used while driving on base unless using a hands free device. This is strictly enforced.
Windshield Wipers -- When windshield wipers are needed, vehicle headlights MUST be on.
Military members coming from other states who wish to change their driver's license to Missouri will need to do the following:
1. Those with a valid out-of-state license will not need to take the Missouri written test. You will need to provide to the examiners your out-of-state license and your social security card. A military ID will suffice for your social security verification if your social security number is on it. If your out-of-state driver's license is expired, you will be required to take both the written and road test. For persons wishing to obtain their driver's license for the first time, they will need to take both the written and road tests. A birth certificate or some other legal document with your birth date along with your social security card is required. A military ID card will suffice.
2. Military members may make use of any valid driver's license from their home state or state of last assignment; family members must obtain a Missouri drivers license. Personnel returning from overseas locations with foreign license plates on their vehicles must obtain a valid license plate from their state of residence, or Missouri, within 30 days of their return to CONUS. There cannot be a three-way split between the state issuing the vehicle license plates, driver's license, and the owner's state of residence. This information also applies to vehicle registration.
The nearest DMV is the Warrensburg License Office, located at 123 E Gay St A-4, Warrensburg, MO. The License Bureau will accept cash, check or credit card payments.
Vehicle Code
Whiteman has incorporated Missouri Vehicle Codes in accordance with Air Force instructions. Those assigned to Whiteman should become familiar with these laws and regulations. Military members who own vehicles are permitted to operate the vehicles while displaying valid license plates.
Motorcycle riders must have a valid state driver's license or an endorsement of the state motor vehicle license if the operator's state requires it. Active-duty members who operate a motorcycle must complete the motorcycle-driving course conducted by the wing safety office or show completion of this course from another base. Also, a helmet (Department of Transportation endorsed), long-sleeved shirt, or upper outer garment must be contrasting or reflective, long pants, over-ankle footwear and full-fingered gloves are required when operating a motorcycle.
Uninsured MotoristsMotorists involved in an accident, regardless of fault, who fail to provide proof of insurance coverage or a bond at the time of the accident will have their license suspended for one year. This mandatory suspension will continue despite the establishment of proof of insurance following the accident.
When involved in an accident resulting in property damage, injury, or death, you must stop at the scene immediately. In case of property damage accidents, you must locate the owner and provide your name and current address, or leave this information in a conspicuous place and notify the law enforcement agency of the accident. When injury or death occurs, identify yourself to others involved and render reasonable assistance, including transportation to injured people. Accidents involving injury or death should be reported immediately to the city police or the Missouri State Highway Patrol. Written reports must follow within 24 hours.
Seat Belts
Missouri law and Air Force regulations require and enforce the use of seat belts by everyone in the vehicle both on and off base. Violators of this regulation will be cited.
Missouri's Child Restraint Law (modot.org)
(RSMo 307.179)
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location. Many states regulate the following:
You and your passengers must always wear seatbelts while driving, you will be ticketed and issued heavy fines if seatbelts are not secured. According to www.modot.org, state law requires the following:
Motorcycles and their operators are subject to special laws. If you own and operate a motorcycle, you must comply with those laws. Visit the State Department of Motor Vehicles website for more information.
As of Aug. 28, 2023, the Siddens Bening hands free law is in effect. Under this law, drivers are prohibited from physically holding or supporting a cell phone with any part of their body; manually typing, writing, sending, or reading text-based messages; recording, posting, sending or broadcasting video, including video calls and social media posts; and watching a video or movie. Tickets will be issued and fines assessed for violating these laws. Play it safe and always use a “hands-free” device if you must use a cell phone or other PDA while driving. Hands-free devices must be used while operating a motor vehicle on ALL military installations worldwide.