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Naval Station Rota

Cost of Living

Very affordable. Spain is still one of the most affordable places to live or visit in Europe. 

  • Cost of Living in United States is 42.2% higher than in Spain (without rent)
  • Cost of Living Including Rent in United States is 54.2% higher than in Spain
  • Rent Prices in United States are 85.7% higher than in Spain
  • Restaurant Prices in United States are 42.0% higher than in Spain
  • Groceries Prices in United States are 59.3% higher than in Spain
  • Local Purchasing Power in United States is 51.5% higher than in Spain

The Overseas Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is a non-taxable supplemental pay allowance, designed to offset overseas prices of non-housing goods and services.

Two surveys determine the relative cost of living overseas compared with CONUS:

  • Living Pattern Survey (LPS) - asks service members where (what outlets) they shop and what percentage of goods they purchase locally, at the Commissary/Exchange, and via online retailers/mail-order shopping. Service members can have a direct impact on Overseas COLA indexes by participating in the LPS every 3 years.
  • Retail Price Schedule (RPS or Market Basket Survey) - annually captures prices for nearly 120 goods and services based on outlets identified in the most recent LPS.