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Naval Station Rota Housing Service Center
Bldg. 1960
Rota (Cadiz) Spain 11520
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
Contact your base Fleet Family Support Center for a warm hand offer to your gaining command if you have not be assigned a sponsor. Once you have been provided with a sponsor, let them sponsor know your arrival date. Keep in contact with your assigned sponsor. Contact our sponsor and admin section for reporting procedures. Assigned sponsors or command point of contact will provide all the required and recommended information for the current check-in processes. All overseas screening forms for dependents must be approved by Naval Hospital Rota.
After reporting aboard Naval Station Rota, personnel will report to Naval Station Admin, Naval Hospital and Base Security to ensure all proper documentation and IDs are assigned. Keep in mind, it is very important that newly reporting personnel complete their check-in process with their Command Pay and Personnel Administrator within the allotted time to ensure that overseas entitlements and pay allowances are started. Bring your original orders, overseas screening form for each dependent if applicable, tickets and receipts for reimbursement during the check-in process. Additionally, if you have PERS-451 approval for advance or delay travel of dependents, please bring that documentation as well.
Temporary Lodging Reservations
It's important you make reservations for your trip to Spain well in advance. Temporary lodging is available at the Navy Lodge, Navy Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS), bachelor housing visitors quarters or commercial hotels.
Accompanied personnel are required to stay at the Navy Lodge or Navy Gateway Inns and Suites if space is available and unaccompanied personnel in ranks E-5 and above are required to stay either at the bachelor housing visitors quarters or Navy Lodge. Be aware that pet space is limited at the Navy Lodge. Your sponsor can help you make arrangements for pets with a kennel off base.
If space is not available for you at the Navy Lodge or visitors quarters, a statement of non-availability must be obtained from them before making arrangements for lodging at a hotel in the community. A list of endorsed commercial lodging facilities, which have agreed to rates within the daily maximum Temporary Lodging Allowance, is available at the Housing Welcome Center.
Command Sponsorship
Concurrent travel is defined as travel taken by the service member and command-sponsored dependents traveling together. Before transferring, overseas screening should be completed for all command-sponsored family members to determine suitability. Service members with dependents who arrive to the overseas location without their dependents must either designate a place for the dependents to continue Housing Allowances (CONUS) or if dependents are traveling at a later time, service members will need authorization from COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-451) for a "Delay of Dependents" travel for housing allowance purposes. E-3 and below personnel will not be assigned an accompanied overseas duty. On a non-command sponsored tour, service members will not be eligible for entitlements. Single E-3 and below who acquire family members en route and bring them without dependent entry approval or command sponsorship will return them at personal expense and serve the complete area tour unaccompanied.
What to Do If You Get Married En Route
If you get married before your permanent change of station, you must inform your commander immediately in order to get an order modification and follow the procedures exactly as you are given them. The military will not pay for travel and housing of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.
Release 2024.08.27.1