The Garmisch-Partenkirchen Community provides logistic and community support to the George C. Marshall Center, the NATO School in Oberammergau, and the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort. The George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies strives to create a more stable security environment by advancing democratic defense institutions and relationships, promoting active, peaceful engagement and enhancing enduring partnerships among the nations of America, Europe, and Eurasia. The NATO School in Oberammergau conducts courses, training and seminars in support of NATO's current and developing strategy and policy, including cooperation and dialogue with military and civilian personnel from Non-NATO nations. The Armed Forces Recreation Center Edelweiss Lodge and Resort provides a venue of rest, recreation and conference facilities for active duty Soldiers, Civilians, Retirees and their Families.
For additional information and resources, community members may reach out to Army Community Service Garmisch Satellite Center at CIV:09641-70-521-3572 or DSN: 314-521-3572
In May of 1945, the 10th Armored Division moved into Garmisch and shortly thereafter, the Garmisch Military Post and the Garmisch Recreation Area (now Edelweiss Lodge and Resort) were established. The military history of this area is very interesting and involved and needs far more detail than is allowed here to fully encompass it all.
Artillery Kaserne, now the Community Headquarters, was built from 1935-1936. The Kaserne was intended for the German 1st Mountain Division. The Mountain Infantry Regiment 99 and the Mountain Artillery Regiment 69 moved into the Kaserne; although with the start of WWII, the headquarters never moved and the use of the Kaserne changed. In 1944-45, it became a garrison hospital and after the war, it was utilized as an internee hospital, as a POW camp, and U.S. Soldier barracks.
In 1948, the part of the Kaserne used as a POW camp was returned to the German government. On 14 July 1975, the German HQ 1st Mountain Division and the Musikkorps 8 of the 1st Mountain Division relocated from nearby Sheridan Kaserne to the German part of the Artillery Kaseme. The German part was again named Krafft von Dellmensingen (KvD) Kaserne, the name it held in 1937.
In 1989, the Engineering Departments, Housing Division and the Command Group moved onto Artillery Kaserne. From 1990 - 1992, the HQ, 1st Mountain Division (German) also resided on the Kaserne but now the only remaining Edelweiss soldiers are those in the Musikkorps who frequently entertain the Soldiers and Civilians on the Kaserne with their regular practices.
The Garmisch community is comprised of three major entities: the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies whose mission is to create a more stable security environment by advancing democratic defense institutions and relationships; promoting active, peaceful engagement; and enhancing enduring partnerships among the nations of America, Europe, and Eurasia; the NATO School in Oberammergau that conducts courses, training and seminars in support of NATO's current and developing strategy and policy, including cooperation and dialogue with military and civilian personnel from Non-NATO nations; and the Armed Forces Recreation Center, AFRC, Edelweiss Lodge and Resort, that provides a venue of rest, relaxation, and recreation for active duty Service Members, Civilians, and their Families while also supporting the entire military community with a state-of-the-art conference facility.
Garmisch is a small community; therefore does not enjoy a full range of services. Although command efforts have resulted in improved services and facilities, many services are available only a few times per week, per month, or per quarter. Despite that, the overall quality of life in the Garmisch community leaves little to be desired. Also, the American community enjoys a thriving and productive relationship with our host nation nationals, particularly in the area of health care. Visit us on Facebook, USAG Bavaria Garmisch Community or our https://home.army.mil/bavaria/index.php.
The community has a population around 200 permanent party Active Duty and their Family members in its footprint. The civilian employees and their families add another 500 or so. The transient population resulting from the educational programs results in upwards of 10,000 annually and the ELR guests, approximately 250,000 annually.
Garmisch has a total of approximately 26,178 registered principal residents.
The Garmisch community is located in the German town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, a beautiful resort area nestled in the Bavarian Alps on the German/Austrian border, southwest of the city of Munich. The Garmisch Community provides support to the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies, the NATO School in nearby Oberammergau, and the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort (ELR), the Armed Forces Recreation Center (AFRC).
The Community Headquarters is located on the west side of Garmisch on Artillery Kaserne. This is where you will find all support services and the Exchange and Commissary.
The housing area is adjacent to the Artillery Kaserne with the school and Child and Youth Service centers located at its entrance. The Marshall Center and the Edelweiss Lodge and Resort are across the street on Sheridan Kaserne. The NATO School is located in Oberammergau, approximately a 30-minute drive northwest.
The base operator for the Garmisch community is 011-49-8821-750-1110 or DSN 314-440-1110.
From the direction of Munich to the north:
Travel south on the A95/E533 direction of Garmisch-Partenkirchen for approximately 70 KM (42 miles). You will lose the Autobahn (highway) near the town of Eschenlohe. Continue straight along the B2/E533 from approximately 12 KM (7 miles). Just after the town of Oberau, you will pass through a tunnel. Take the first exit to the right after leaving the tunnel, B23, direction Garmisch/Grainau. Continue on the B23 (Burgstrasse) through Garmisch (Promenadenstrasse) and head southwest out of town on Zugspitzstrasse, approximately 5 KM (3 miles). Make a right at the last traffic light before leaving town onto the street Maximilianstrasse. You will immediately cross the bridge and will be facing the gate for Artillery Kaserne.
From the direction of Innsbruck, Austria to the southeast:
From the A12/E533/E60 direction Garmisch, exit towards Garmisch, Seefeld, Zirl-Ost (Exit #87). Continue along B177/E533 past Zirl, Seefeld in Tirol, and Scharnitz, approximately 21 KM (12 mi). Just through the town of Scharnitz you will enter into Germany. Continue on the B2/E533 for approximately 24 KM (14 mi) past Mittenwald, Kruen, Klais, Gerold, and Kalthenbrunn. Continue on the B2 down the hill into Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Pass through the first traffic light, make a left at the second light (Rathhaus Platz) onto Bahnhofstrasse. Follow Bahnhofstrasse, past the Bahnhof (train station), under the bridge (train tressel), and continue straight on St. Martin Strasse, approximately 4 KM (2.4 mi). Follow St. Martin Strasse to the end where it will turn to the right onto Gernackerstrasse. At the light, turn left onto Zugspitzstrasse. At the next traffic light, make a right where you will immediately cross the bridge and will be facing the gate for Artillery Kaserne.
Base Transportation
Currently, there is no base transportation on this installation. However, public transportation is reliable in the community. Bus stops are easily accessible from the Artillery and Sheridan Kaserne gates.
Army Community Service (ACS) provides an Informational Bus Tour to new community members. ACS utilizes the public transportation to show you around the Garmisch-Partenkirchen community. The bus tour is offered on a monthly basis. Reach out to ACS to learn more at CIV +49 9641-70-521-3572 / DSN 314-521-3572.
To learn more about the local public bus system in Garmisch, you may visit: https://www.gw-gap.de.
Disclaimer: The United States Army does not advertise or promote any non-governmental agencies/organizations. Resources provided are for informational purpose.
Contact Information
The base operator can be reached by dialing 011-49-8821-750-1110 or DSN 314-440-1110