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Mobilization/Deployment Program
Army Community Service
Rose Barracks
Vilseck Germany
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
For the most part, deployments are not an issue in the Garmisch or Oberammergau communities. The majority of military personnel are assigned to the George C. Marshall Center or the NATO School in Oberammergau, both of which are learning institutions and are not deployable.
Should a deployment or separation occur - such as In-Country Training assignments for Foreign Area Officer students - occur while you are here, support is readily available to assist with any needs that may arise.
If you or your family need any additional support during time of deployment or separation, please reach out to Army Community Service at:
CIV: +49 9641-70-521-3572 or DSN: 314-521-3572, email: usarmy.bavaria.id-europe.list.garmisch-acs@army.mil
Release 2024.08.27.1