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IACS, Installation Access
BreitenauerStrasse 16
Bldg. 203, Artillery Kaserne
Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany 82467
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
All privately-owned vehicles (POVs) must both pass inspection and be registered in Germany. The Vehicle Registration Office is separate from the Vehicle Inspection Office.Vehicles brought from the United States, or purchased locally, must be registered with USAREUR. All shipped vehicles and used vehicles purchased in Germany must pass a safety inspection before they can be registered. Personnel leaving (ETS or PCS) or individuals who have lost logistical support must turn in their plates to vehicle registration (not MP Station) prior to leaving the Bavaria community.Appointments must be scheduled using the Vehicle Registration Appointment Scheduler (right). If questions or clarification is needed, please email the office at usarmy.bavaria.id-europe.mbx.vehicle-registration@army.mil.
Driving in Germany
ADAC - The German Automobile Club
The German Auto Club has trained mechanics that cruise the autobahns in yellow Volkswagens; equipped with tools, auto parts and gasoline. In the event of a mechanical breakdown, the ADAC can be notified quickly with a call on any of the yellow emergency telephones located roughly every kilometer (1/2 mile) on the German autobahn system. Little arrows on top of small poles spaced every 100 meters along the shoulder of the roadway mark the direction to the nearest telephone. Mechanics provide free labor to ADAC members. ADAC also provides insurance, road maps and tour information to its members. Membership is open to any driver for an annual fee.
Traffic Accidents
If you are involved in an accident and unable to move your vehicle, place your warning triangle or warning flasher 200 meters behind your car if on the Autobahn, 100 meters on other roads. It is German law that all vehicles be equipped with a warning device. Do not forget to turn on your flashers. If you are involved in a two-car accident, especially if the other car is German, it is best not to move your car. Call the German police (Polizei) at 110. Normally, the military police will also come to the accident scene. You will be required to give details concerning the incident and your car. You must fill out an accident report for the military police usually at their station within 72 hours. For the German authorities, you have the right to say nothing about the facts and you have the right to have a lawyer before you say anything. You may be asked by the German police to sign an accident report. If you are not fluent in the language, the best thing to do is to write on the report "I do not speak or read German and I do not understand this report", before signing your name. Be sure to get the name, address, license number, and insurance company name and/or policy number of the other driver, as well as the name and telephone number of any witnesses. Sometimes, if there is only minor damage, the police will assess the damage and you may be able to settle out of court. Do this only if you are not at fault.
German insurance is very expensive and many German drivers would rather pay for damages on their own than have their insurance premiums raised even more. If you are at fault, report it to your insurance company. Although we pay rates comparable to the Germans, our policies are a bit different. Let your insurance company pay the damages, not your wallet. It is always best to contact Legal Assistance if your situation is too complicated or your have questions. There is a German attorney on their staff to assist with situations dealing with German authorities.
Good Samaritan Law -- Should you ever be the first on the scene of an accident you are required by law to stop and give assistance in any way possible.
In addition to the warning triangle, German law also requires you carry a first aid kit that must comply with the norm DIN13164. The warning triangles and first aid kits are sold through AAFES auto parts stores and gas stations.
Cell Phones -- Hands-free devices must be used while operating a motor vehicle on ALL military installations worldwide. This is German law as well. Substantial fines will be assessed when talking on a cell phone without the use of a hands-free device.
Car Maintenance
You may want to think twice before bringing the "old" family car even as a second vehicle. Car repairs and parts can often be expensive and difficult at times for American vehicles. Garmisch does not have a full-service auto parts store. Parts (for American and American spec cars) must be purchased via customer order through AAFES, the Internet, or mail order. Garmisch does however have an Auto Craft Shop for "do-it-yourselfers" or you can pay the mechanic to provide the labor. It is in your best interest to give your car a thorough maintenance check and replace any parts that are beginning to show wear, such as tires, exhaust systems, etc., prior to shipping. If your car is still under warranty, check to ensure its validity in the overseas area.
Gas Rationing
Gasoline and diesel fuel are rationed items. Gas rations are purchased through AAFES using your vehicle registration. Germany has phased in the new AAFES gas card. All new arrivals will be issued a gas card specific to their vehicle registration. Your card acts as a debit card. Money can be added to your card as needed and each month the ration allocation of 400 liters or approximately 106 gallons will be added. The price paid for gasoline is relative to the national average. The card will be valid throughout Germany at all AAFES and ESSO stations. Gasoline can also be purchased with cash at all AAFES gas stations. The AAFES gas station in Garmisch is located on Artillery Kaserne.
Safety Checks
Privately owned vehicles are subject to safety checks. It is the owner's responsibility to ensure their vehicle meets German standards at all times. An annual inspection is required to maintain a USAREUR registration. The inspections are free of charge to all authorized personnel, however the actual registration carries a fee.
Registering Vehicles on the Installation
Registration is authorized for three vehicles and one recreational vehicle per family and one of each for all unaccompanied personnel and single parents unless an exception to policy is obtained from the Garrison Manager. The vehicle registration office will assist with the initial registration, renewing your registration, and inspection procedures. Only drivers possessing a USAREUR certificate of license are authorized to drive USAREUR plated vehicles. All other drivers must be approved as an exception to policy requested through the Provost Marshal's Office and is for a limited time only, i.e. visiting family members with a valid International Drivers License.
Documents required for initial registration are:
Individuals insured with USAA need only call to activate the Double White Insurance Card - it takes 24 hrs and is transmitted electronically. You can reach them toll free number at 0-800-851-6850.
State and local laws regulate the operation of motor vehicles, and these laws can vary by location. Many states regulate the following:
Learn more about motor vehicle laws in your state at the Distraction.gov State Laws page.
Release 2024.08.27.1