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Army Community Service
Breitenauer Strasse 16
Bldg. 203, Artillery Kaserne
Garmisch-Partenkirchen Germany 82467
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
The Military and Family Support Center is one part of a larger network of agencies, programs, services, partnerships and individuals that supports your personal and family readiness. The larger system called the Military Family Readiness System is a web of support for you and your family. The Military and Family Support Center should be one of your first stops once you arrive at a new installation. The programs and services they offer are a key resource for you and your family.
Military and Family Support Centers provide information, education and support programs to help balance the demands of military life. Offerings include:
Military and Family Support Centers may provide other programs such as the following:
Exceptional Family Member Program
Family Advocacy Program
New Parent Support Program
Federal Voting Assistance Program
Services may vary by location and installation. Use the Search tool to find contact information for your installation Military and Family Support Center. Just enter your installation name, Zip code or state.
USAG Bavaria Garmisch Army Community Service Satellite Center assists service members and their families in maintaining readiness by coordinating and delivering comprehensive, responsive services that promote self-reliance, resiliency and stability. Below is a brief synopsis of the core programs and services available at the USAG Bavaria ACS Satellite Office in the Garmisch Community. Other programs are available as well as programs individualized based on customer need and request. Our goal is to meet the needs of our ever-evolving community.
USAG Bavaria ACS Satellite Office in Garmisch is located on Artillery Kaserne, Building 203. Operating hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Call DSN 314-521-3572 or civilian 011-9641-70-521-3572 to speak to your ACS Coordinator to set up an appointment.
Army Volunteer Corps -- The goal of the AVC is to promote and strengthen volunteerism by uniting community volunteer efforts, supporting professional management, enhancing volunteer career mobility and establishing volunteer partnerships to support personal growth and a lifelong commitment to volunteering. The Army Volunteer Program Manager is located at Rose Barracks; Vilseck, call 09641-70-599-1101 if volunteer assistance is needed and not available at the Satellite Office in Garmisch.
Employment Readiness Program -- The program assists with the job-search process overseas. Assistance is available for resume writing, interviewing skills, step-by-step instructions on maneuvering the federal job-search program and how to submit your resume and/or application online. The Employment Readiness Program Manager is located at Rose Barracks, Vilseck; call 09641-70-599-1101 if employment assistance is need and not available at the ACS Satellite Office at Garmisch.
Exceptional Family Member Program – The EFMP is a mandatory enrollment program that works with military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and community support to families with a special needs family member. The Garmisch community is small with few special education services and no local military health care available. All individuals moving to Garmisch must complete the required enrollment and screening process to determine whether any special needs can be met. USAG Bavaria EFMP services are provided by the ACS Center on Rose Barracks, Vilseck, call 09641-70-599-1101 for EFMP services.
Family Advocacy Program -- FAP contributes to force readiness and mission accomplishment by providing a resource for commanders and families to use for the education and prevention of family violence. The FAP is composed by two parts: prevention – education, which is done through community outreach and a variety of classes and services, and treatment – focusing on treatment of individuals who have been involved in an incident. FAP Services are provided the USAG Bavaria ACS Family Advocacy Program on Rose Barracks, Vilseck; call 09641-70-599-1101 for Family Advocacy services.
24/7 Emergency Hotline numbers:
Part of the FAP team is the New Parent Support Program, which is designed for parents with children from birth to age 4. The program offers individualized and confidential in-home advice, prenatal sessions, parent and child interactive playgroups, parenting guidance, stroller walks, nutrition sessions, individualized lactation support and teaching nurturing parenting skills. For New Parent Support services call 09641-70-599-1101 and ask to speak with the FAP Manager.
Financial Readiness Program -- Provides individuals with the education and assistance needed to gain the skills necessary to create and maintain a strong and stable financial base. We encourage saving and investing for long-term financial prosperity. Part of our FRP is the Army Emergency Relief program. We assist soldiers, retirees and families when a financial emergency arises. Also available through AER are scholarships for family members. Financial Readiness support is provided by a Personal Financial Counselor Contractor and the Financial Readiness Program ion Rose Barracks, Vilseck; call 09641-70-599-1101 and ask to speak to someone from the Financial Readiness Program. .
Information and Referral – Provides community members with comprehensive information regarding military and local civilian community resources.
Relocation Readiness Program -- Moving to a new location is never easy. Our RRP can help ease the transition for you. The program provides a variety of services to help individuals reduce or eliminate the challenges associated with frequent moves. There is a Newcomers Orientation to help you become familiar with community programs and services and to help bridge the cultural differences of living in a new overseas environment. We have a Newcomers Tour to help you feel comfortable in your new surroundings.
We offer the Lending Closet with basic household and baby items for temporary loan pending receipt of your shipment of household goods. We maintain the Garmisch Welcome and Information Guide and local community and host nation information and resources. There are other programs and services available as well to enhance your overseas experience.