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Health care services provided by the Defense Department are available to you and your family at your installation. We know that finding the right health care is important, especially in special circumstances such as emergency or during recent move. Here, you’ll find information and options about the services you have regarding healthcare.
The Garmisch community does not have a Military Treatment Facility (MTF). Active-duty service members and their command-sponsored eligible family members are covered under the TRICARE Overseas Program, Prime Remote and International SOS.
In lieu of a MTF, the USAG Bavaria, Garmisch community schedules a medical rodeo supported by our team from Hohenfels. Dates will be shared to the community.
For more information on Tricare, visit www.Tricare-overseas.com, call the TRICARE Beneficiaries Services office at 0044-20-8762-8384 or DSN 314-590-3101.
When you move, TRICARE moves with you. No matter where you go in the world, TRICARE is there before, during and when you get to your next duty station.
There are steps you need to take to make sure changes to your TRICARE coverage go smoothly. Understand that when you move, you may have to use a different TRICARE option. Visit TRICARE Moving to learn more.
Before you move, you should take care of any routine medical needs, including immunizations, and fill your prescriptions so you have enough while traveling. If you need care during your move, visit TRICARE Getting Care When Traveling to learn what to do.
Filling prescriptions while traveling
You should refill prescriptions before traveling. But if you run out of a prescription drug while traveling, visit TRICARE Filling Prescriptions When Traveling.
Getting dental care while traveling
Getting dental care while traveling depends on your location and whether you are a service member or family member.
With permanent change of station orders, ask for a copy of your medical and dental records from your military treatment facility and the dental treatment facility. Do this at least one month before your PCS date. The MTF should also transfer a copy of your record and any family records to your new duty station or you may be able to hand carry them to your new duty station.
If you want someone else to be able to get medical or dental information on you or your family while you are moving, you need to complete a DD Form 2870, "Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information."
For more information on getting copies of medical records, visit TRICARE Request Copies of Medical Records.
We know how important health care is to you. Our goal is to provide information concerning access to high quality care in a friendly and pleasant environment. We are always open to your comments and suggestions and welcome feedback on your experiences with the services available in our community.
Medical Care
The Garmisch community does not have a Military Treatment Facility.
Active-duty service members and their families are enrolled to Garmisch (a TRICARE Prime Remote site) and must use the services of International SOS. International SOS is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Visit the TRICARE Overseas link for a list of network providers, contact information, including phone and fax numbers, email addresses, enrollment and claims mailing addresses or call 011-4420-8762-8384.
Dental Care
It is highly recommended that all active-duty family members enroll in the TRICARE Dental Program managed by United Concordia Companies Inc. prior to their arrival as there is no military dental clinic in Garmisch. Please reach out to TRICARE to request an updated listing of network providers.
Release 2024.08.27.1