Telephone Access
- USAG Italy (Caserma Ederle) from the United States: 011 39 0444 71 XXXX
- USAG Vicenza (Caserma Ederle) DSN from the United States: 314-646-XXXX
- USAG Vicenza (Caserma Ederle) from off post in the city of Vicenza or other Italian towns: 0444 71 XXXX
- The city of Vicenza (off post) from the United States: 011 39 0444 XXXXXX
Passport and Visa Requirements
Each of your family members and civilians must have an Italian visa attached to their official passport before coming to Italy! The ‘Missione’ visa is issued by Italian Consulates outside of Italy only and under no circumstances will be issued in Italy. This requirement is mandatory - without it, your family members may not remain legally in Italy for more than 90 days and will have to return to your home of record at your own expense. See topic Check-in Procedures, section Command Sponsorship, for more information.
POV Insurance
Request an insurance estimate before shipping your car to Italy. Insurance in Italy can run up to 20% more than the same coverage stateside! GEICO 800-841-3005 and USAA 800-531-8722 provide free estimates and are available in Italy.
Exceptional Family Member Program
USAG Italy does not have a hospital or emergency care, care is provided on post at a health clinic for Active Duty Soldiers and their Family members while all others may be seen on a space available basis. Emergency care must be obtained at San Bortolo hospital in Vicenza. Each family member's medical history undergoes a medical review during the EFMP screening and command sponsorship process. Consult your installation EFM Program for guidance and/or the Vicenza EFMP Manager by calling +39 0444 71 5845 or DSN 314-646-5845.
It is forbidden to bring firearms, explosives or ammunition into Italy.
Child and Youth Services Waiting Lists
Waiting lists for CYS programs are in effect frequently. It is imperative that persons requiring full time childcare, especially for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years, create an account on the DOD's MilitaryChildCare Website and place their children on the wait lists for care as soon as possible. Unborn infants can also be placed on a wait list. Once on station, registration appointments can be made by contacting the Parent Central Services office.
Cost Of Living
Living costs in Italy are comparable to those in major metropolitan areas in the United States. Additional moving fees may be incurred when leasing privately. Army Emergency Relief provides financial assistance to eligible Soldiers and dependents if a bona fide, unforeseen emergency arises. The Women, Infants and Children Overseas Program, providing supplemental food and nutrition education, is available for eligible personnel.
Electrical Current
Do not ship American major appliances, as they do not work correctly with Italian 220 Volt current and 110 Volt items would require transformers. The Housing Division provides major appliances for you to use during your tour. Either 220 Volt or automatic dual voltage 110/240 Volt appliances/electronics work best.
Certain aggressive dog breeds and exotic pets are prohibited from entering Italy or may require a special permit. Contact your installation Veterinary Clinic or Italian Embassy in your area for guidance. Service alert animals and pets are welcome on the local train from Vicenza to Venice; in Venice on gondolas; in the ruins of Pompeii; and in the grand Teatro Olimpico theater in Naples (as long as you carry them in your arms). Service animals and pets are NOT allowed in the 3 major enclosed sites in Rome, including the Coliseum.
- Civilians and family members must have an Italian visa attached to their official passport before coming to Italy. Visas cannot be obtained in country.
- It is highly recommended that each adult driver obtain an International Driver’s License prior to arrival in Vicenza and have a valid Stateside driver’s license.
- Is recommended that you also have a tourist passport for all Family members, including the Active Duty member.
- Certain aggressive dog breeds and exotic pets are prohibited from entering Italy or may require a special permit.
Religious Services
The Unites States Army Garrison Italy Chapel's mission is to provide quality Religious Ministry Support to Military Service Members, Department of Defense personal, and their family members who are living in the community. The Chaplains of Caserma Ederle hold as their priority the spiritual welfare of the community and offer ministry opportunities in Religious education, Counseling, Special Programs for Men, Women, Couples and Families of all faiths.
Defense Service Network (DSN) Dialing Instructions
The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications service for the Department of Defense (DoD). Every installation has a special DSN number and the numbers vary by world-wide location. In order to place a call using DSN, the caller must be using a military phone on an installation. Cell phones cannot dial DSN numbers. When dialing a DSN number from a United States installation to another United States installation, it is unnecessary to dial the DSN 312 area code. When dialing a DSN number to/from overseas locations, the DSN area code must be included (DSN area code for Italy is 314).