USARAF/SETAF Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA)
Viale Della Pace 193
Caserma Ederle, Building 167
Vicenza Italy 36100
COMM phone number for USAG Italy USARAF/SETAF Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA)+011-39-0444-71-8496
DSN phone number for USAG Italy USARAF/SETAF Office of the Staff Judge Advocate (OSJA)+011-39-314-646-8496
Hours of operation:
Mon. (0900-1200; 1300-1600)
Tue. (0900-1200; 1300-1600)
Wed. (0900-1200; 1300-1600)
Thu. (0900-1200)
Fri. (0900-1200; 1300-1600)
Closed on U.S. federal holidays and training holidays.