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Viale Della Pace 193
Caserma Ederle, Bldg. 108
Davis Soldier and Family Readiness Center
Army Community Service
Vicenza Italy 36100
Browse or search for contact information. Be sure to follow the Defense Service Network, or DSN guidelines.
The DSN provides the long-distance communications service for the Department of Defense. Every installation has a special DSN number, and the numbers vary by world-wide location.
Tips on placing a call using DSN:
Showing 1 - 9 OF 15
106th Financial Management Support Unit
Command: Customer Service
173rd Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) Airborne (A)
Command: Brigade Staff
207th Military Intelligence Brigade
Command: MIB
21st Theater Support Command (TSC)
Command: (ASA #7)
307th MI Battalion
Command: 207th MIB/STAFF DUTY
414th Contracting Support Brigade
Command: CSB
509th Signal Battalion
Command: SIG BN HHD
American Forces Network
Command: AFN
Movement Control Team Vicenza
Command: MCT