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Defense Logistics Agency
8725 John J. Kingman Rd.
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6221
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As the nation's combat logistics support agency, the Defense Logistics Agency manages the global supply chain - from raw materials to end user to disposition - for the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, 11 combatant commands, other federal agencies, and partner and allied nations. Headquartered at Fort Belvoir, VA, the agency is the one source for nearly every consumable item, whether for combat readiness, emergency preparedness or day-to-day operations inside DOD.
DLA supplies almost every consumable item America's military services need to operate from groceries to jet fuel and helps dispose of material and equipment that is no longer needed. DLA has supported every major war and contingency operation of the past four decades, from the Vietnam War to Operation Iraqi Freedom, and operates in most states and 28 countries. For more information on DLA Headquarters, see our homepage and check out the videos about the DLA mission and people. You may also visit our facebook page.
The McNamara Headquarters Complex Visitors Control Center is open to the public Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 4:30 p.m (hours are subject to change). Individuals without appropriate credentials must use the VCC to access the complex. Anyone without a DOD credential must stop at the VCC. Individuals with a current DOD/government Common Access Card or a military retiree/dependent ID card are not required to stop at the VCC and may use any gate to enter the complex. The VCC is located at the McNamara HQC gate closest to the Fort Belvoir gate on Kingman Road. VCC parking is immediately to the right.
Department of Defense regulations require that HQC visitors be cleared before accessing the facility. On-line pre-registration is recommended. For more information, contact HQVisitorAccess.HQDLA@dla.mil
The Pass & ID Office provides Common Access Cards and is open from 6:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday (closed for lunch between 12 p.m. and 1 p.m.). The last appointment of the day is at 2:45pm. Scheduled appointments are highly advised. Appointments can be made through the RAPIDS Appointment Scheduler at RAPIDS (McNamara BLDG). The HQC Pass and ID Office remains open for walk-in CAC services for HQC-assigned employees ONLY. The staff continues to support non-CAC services for military retirees and dependents on an appointment-only basis. These appointments are also made through the RAPIDS online scheduler. Every other Monday and Tuesday, walk-in appointments are limited due to appointments made for new hires on the EOD list. Two forms of ID are required to issue or change the CAC or ID card. Acceptable forms of ID are: Current CAC, Military/Family Member ID Card, and/or Civilian Retiree Card, Valid Driver's License; Valid Passport; Voter's Registration Card; SSN Card; Birth Certificate. For more information, call 571-767-4036/4008/4039 or DSN 392-767-4036/4008/4039.
Mass Transit Benefits Program
Federal Workforce Transportation in the NCR allows qualified employees to participate in a Mass Transportation Benefit Program. Washington Headquarters Services is managing this program for NCR employees and the Department of Transportation is responsible for employees Outside of the National Capital Region.
A Web-based portal assists employees participating in the National Capital Region's Mass Transit Benefits Program, which provides transit benefits to offset participants' commuting costs to and from work. Participants must use the qualified methods of public transportation (i.e. commuter bus or rail, light rail and registered van pools). For additional information, email your requests to the DLATravelServices@dla.mil mailbox.
Under the MTBP, participating employees in the NCR have the convenience of their monthly transit benefits being electronically 'loaded' directly to the employee's registered SmarTrip® cards for automatic disbursement. The current maximum allowed transit benefit is up to $300.00 for enrolled mass transit participants in both the NCR and ONCR. Employees who are named on a federally subsidized parking permit with DOD or any other Federal Agency, must relinquish their permit prior to enrolling in this program. Eligibility: To be eligible you must be a civilian, military or NAF employee paid and employed by the Department of Defense and permanently stationed and working in the National Capital Region.
Cell Phone Usage While Driving
Anyone using a cell phone while driving a motor vehicle on DOD installations will be ticketed unless the vehicle is safely parked or the driver is using a hands-free device.
Text Messaging While Driving
Text messaging when driving government or privately owned vehicles while on official government business or when using electronic equipment supplied by the government is prohibited.
Fairfax County police are cracking down on distracted driving. Drivers caught snacking, running a comb through their hair, freshening lipstick, reading a map, changing a CD, texting, using their cell phone, and a host of other activities while driving can now earn a ticket.
Headphone Usage While Jogging
The use of headphones and personal stereos are prohibited for all personnel (civilian and military) when running along roadways to include sidewalks. Headphones may be worn by military personnel in PT uniform or civilians when running at the field tracks, or exercising inside gymnasiums or field houses. While using authorized roadways, run facing oncoming traffic.
Looking to learn more about DLA McNamara HQC? View the in-depth overview.
Check-in Procedures
Emergency Assistance
Major Units
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Medical support and services may vary by location. Check out what services and resources are available to you at this installation.
Learn about your housing options before your move – government and non-government housing is available across installations. Contact your housing office to find out housing availability both on and off the installation.
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Provides support for deployment, relocation and financial assistance as well as installation specific resources such as employment and availability of support on the installation. Utilize these resources to help you and your family balance life in the military.
A network of support and leisure services offer service members and their families options to engage with the community. Programs and activities vary by installation but may include health and wellness opportunities or discounted ticket options.
Relocation assistance programs and services are available to support you throughout your move.
Learn about your transportation options and key and essential information when moving to a new installation.
Release 2024.08.27.1