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The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, requires states and territories to provide early intervention and special education services to eligible children and young adults. Early intervention services, or EIS, are available for children from birth to 3 years old, and special education services are available to children from 3 to 21 years old. Installation EFMP Family Support providers can provide specific information and resources for these services.
All states and territories must provide early intervention services to children who have, or are at risk for having, developmental delays, from birth to their third birthday.
Most CONUS locations, local school districts or health departments provide these early intervention services. The program is called different names in different areas, but it is often referred to as Part C because that is the section of the law that pertains to early intervention. The Education Directory for Children with Special Needs has a list of resources specific to each state to help you determine who you should contact. Your installation EFMP Family Support provider can also answer your questions.
If you are moving OCONUS or to a CONUS location with a DODEA school (and you live on installation), your child will receive EIS through the Defense Department’s Educational and Developmental Intervention Services, or EDIS, program.
When moving, you should hand carry copies of your child's most current individual family service plan, or IFSP, and the most current evaluation reports to your new home to ensure they are not lost.
All states and territories provide special education and related services to eligible children between the ages of 3 through 21.
When a child transfers to a different district in the same state, the new school must provide a free, appropriate public education, including comparable services, until the previously held IEP is adopted or a new one is developed and implemented. When a child transfers to another state, the receiving school must provide comparable services until an IEP review can determine if a new evaluation or IEP is appropriate.
If you are moving and your child receives special education and related services, you should hand carry all necessary school and medical documents, including the most current IEP and current evaluation reports. Hand carrying these documents ensures that they are not lost and allows the new school to begin the process as soon as you arrive.
DLA McNamara HQC does not have an Exceptional Family Program; however, Fort Belvoir serves family members of military personnel. Special Education and related services are offered in Fairfax County, Prince William County, Alexandria City Schools, and other surrounding school systems. Students are referred by the Child Study Committee for evaluation. If the committee determines that the student has a need and requires special education and related services, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed to provide free, appropriate, public education in the least restrictive environment. For information about specific programs available, contact the individual school.
Fort Belvoir Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)
The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory program that assists soldiers who have family members with special needs with community support, housing, education, medical and personnel services.
The EFMP is dedicated to serving military families with special needs. EFMP information and advocacy services are housed at Fort Belvoir Army Community Services located at 5965 6th St, Fort Belvoir Road, Bldg. 1263. For more information, please contact the EFMP office at (571) 231-7020. If seeking information on EFMP enrollment/disenrollment, overseas screenings, or records updating, please contact the Fort Belvoir Army Community Hospital EFMP office at 571-231-1054.
If you need to enroll your spouse or child for the first time, see your Primary Care Provider to have paperwork completed for an EFMP initial enrollment, update, or disenrollment. Once provider has completed paperwork it can be submitted to the EFMP coordinator. EFMP information updates are required every 3 years. If you need to be screened for an overseas assignment, contact the EFMP office at Fort Belvoir Community Hospital or call 571-231-1054.
All Soldiers who have Family members enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) are responsible for keeping their documentation current as the Family member's condition changes or at least every three years. Outdated EFM information must completed via DD Form 2792 for medical updates and/or DD Form 2792-1, for education updates, and must be submitted to the Fort Belvoir Community Hospital EFMP Coordinator located in the Pediatric clinic of the hospital.
Fort Belvoir Elementary School Special Education Program
Fort Belvoir Elementary School offers a reduced-ratio program in first grade classes and special needs staffing throughout the school to support the academic needs of all students. Title I services in language arts (SULA) and mathematics (SUM) are provided to assist selected students with specific learning needs. A Reading Recovery team of teachers offers an early intervention reading program for "at risk" first grade students.
Using the integrated services delivery model (ISDM), a team of school-based specialists coordinate special education services for students with learning, emotional, physical, and speech related disabilities. Gifted and talented, band, strings, and choral programs are also offered to students.
Release 2024.08.27.1