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Air Force
Family Advocacy
6900 Alden Drive
Bldg. 160
F.E. Warren AFB, WY 82005
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
You may be expecting your first baby or busy with a toddler. That probably means you have your hands full, and may have questions. Thankfully, help is at hand.
The New Parent Support Program is a free service that helps military parents, including expectant parents, transition successfully into parenthood and provide a nurturing environment for their children. Services vary, but may include home visits, parenting classes, playgroups or prenatal classes.
The New Parent Support Program is a team made up of nurses, social workers and home visitation specialists who offer support and guidance by helping parents:
Learn more about the New Parent Support Program and contact your installation New Parent Support Program office to find out what’s available at your installation.
New Parent Support Program staff are child development professionals, including registered nurses, clinical social workers, and para-professionals trained in the delivery and practice of established home visiting models. The program is supervised and monitored at the installation level by the Family Advocacy program manager.
The program is available to military families who are expecting a baby or have children age 3 or younger. Marine Corps eligibility includes families with at least one child under 5.
Contact your installation New Parent Support Program office or Family Advocacy Program office.
F.E. Warren NPSP Services:
All classes are held at the Family Advocacy Office, Mental Health Clinic of the 90th Medical Group unless otherwise indicated.
Empathy Belly Class for Expectant Couples -- Allows father the opportunity to experience the last trimester of pregnancy in a unique way. Scheduled upon request. Call 307-773-4643 for an appointment.
New Fathers Class -- Offered on the first Wednesday of the month from 1430-1630 for expectant or new fathers. Learn about your new role as a father, being a team parent, and how to keep the romance in your relationship with your spouse. Call 307-773-6278 for the next scheduled class.
Bundles for Babies -- Sponsored by the Air Force Aid Society and offered by the Airmen & Family Readiness Center. Babies cost bundles! Learn how to cope with the expense and stressors of having a new baby in the family. Offered four times per year. To register, call 307-773-2241.
Infant Massage Instruction -- One-on-one infant massage instruction is available, usually done during 2-3 sessions in your home. Massage is a wonderful way to get to know your baby and can be started when the infant is around 6 weeks old. Call 307-773-4643 for more information.
Childbirth Education/Refresher/Sibling Classes -- Offered at Cheyenne Regional Medical Center. Plan to take childbirth classes with your coach from 30-36 weeks of pregnancy. There is a fee. Call 307-633-7609 for further information.
Childbirth Classes for Young Women -- If you are 19 or younger, Best Beginnings offers childbirth classes free of charge to you and your partner. Call 307-633-4070 for more information.
Nursing Mother’s Program -- AF Aid Society will help military families rent or purchase a high quality electric breast pump to use upon returning to full time work, or to assist with breastfeeding premature, sick or multiple birth babies (recommendation by your pediatrician or lactation professional required). Contact 307-773-4643 for more information about eligibility for this program.
The Mental Health Clinic also offers classes on Parenting, Stress Management, Anger Management, and Marriage Enrichment. Please call us at 307-773-6278 for a listing of dates and times offered.
Release 2024.08.27.1