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Air Force
Joint Base Andrews Education Services
1413 Arkansas Ave.
Andrews AFB, MD 20762
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
The Education and Training section provides base-level education and training support to the "Total Force." The education office oversees authorization of over 4 million dollars in tuition assistance funding for degrees of higher education. Primary programs include Community College of the Air Force student advisement, academic and vocational guidance/counseling from basic skills to graduate level, and guidance on all commissioning program applications.
Other education opportunities include Air Force COOL, Skill Program, Montgomery and Post 9/11 GI Bills, MyEducation Workshops, and the AF Institute of Technology.
The testing program includes tests for college credit, undergraduate college admission, certification and interest tests. The office oversees and coordinates activities and programs of four institutions of higher learning which offer 30 degree programs on base.
The Education Center can be located at building 1413 Arkansas Ave, Rm. 100, Joint Base Andrews, Maryland 20762. Phone 301-981-6377. Website: https://www.andrewsfss.com/education-training
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Joint Base AndrewsBldg 1413 Arkansas Ave. Rm 109301-735-6340 or 301-981-4098
Prince George's Community College
Joint Base AndrewsBldg 1413 Arkansas Ave. Rm 113301-981-5949
University of Maryland University College
Joint Base Andrews Bldg 1413 Arkansas Ave. Rm 105 301-981-3123 or 301-981-7244
Webster University
Joint Base AndrewsBldg 1413 Arkansas Ave. Rm 103301-420-2256
Release 2024.08.27.1