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Deployment can be a challenging phase of the military lifecycle, but it’s important to know that you don’t have to go through it alone. The military provides a variety of resources and support programs — ranging from educational briefings to morale calls — for your loved ones, children and service members to ease the stress of deployment. Military members may be assigned to a specific installation but support may come from local communities, Yellow Ribbon events or the installation itself.
Deployment assistance is provided to help DoD personnel and families meet the challenges during the four phases of deployment which include pre-deployment, deployment/sustainment, re-integration, and post-deployment. For more information about the JB Andrews Deployment and Family Readiness programs, please visit our website at https://www.andrewsfss.com/deploymentandfamilyreadiness.
Pre-Deployment: The pre-deployment phase begins upon assignment to a firm deployment tasking and ends when the Airman departs home station. The M&FSC’s responsibility during this phase is to provide a standardized pre-deployment briefing, which is mandatory for the deploying Airman and highly encouraged for family members. M&FSC staff contact family members to inform them of resources and services available if they are unavailable to attend the briefing. Deployment/Sustainment: The deployment and sustainment phase refers to the time that the member is away from home station. The member is deployed while the family is “sustained” during the member’s absence. M&FSC programs and services are available to family members to help reduce stress for the duration of the deployment. Information is disseminated by the RNCO and other M&FSC staff individually or in groups via consultations, workshops, newsletters, email and telephone contact. Reintegration/Redeployment: The reintegration/redeployment phase begins 30 days prior to redeployment back to home station and lasts up to 30 days upon return. Consultations are provided by M&FSC staff for families at home station and are typically provided in group settings; walk-in consultations are also available. Reintegration education must be provided within 7 days of return and prior to personal recovery leave.
Post-Deployment: The post-deployment phase begins 30 days after return to home station and lasts until 180 days following deployment. Services provided focus on reconnecting members with their families, units and communities and presenting information to enhance resilience in our Airmen and their families. For information about deployment, please contact your local installation M&FSC. They stand ready to assist.
Release 2024.08.27.1