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Air Force
Military & Family Readiness Center
1191 Menoher Drive
Andrews AFB, MD 20762-6421
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Resources are available to help you understand and manage your finances, including one-on-one financial counseling to assist you and your family with financial readiness. Services are designed to focus on money management issues throughout your active-duty lifecycle and into retirement. Financial readiness educational opportunities range from basic planning to long-term investing. Check out the information below to see what’s available at your installation.
Cost of Living
The cost of living is high in Washington D.C. and the surrounding National Capital Region. Tips on dealing with the costs encountered while living here are available through these and other programs and services available at the Military and Family Readiness Center.
While most of these high costs are associated with housing and related expenses, everything else is relative to the actual area where you live, including your commuting costs. Your actual cost-of-living expenses will vary and depend on a variety of factors, such as where you chose to live Maryland, Virginia or the District, the size and specific location of your home or apartment and whether you chose to buy or rent.
Initial up-front moving expenses can vary as well, but you may want to plan on approximately $2,100 to $2,600 for a security deposit if you choose to rent. In most cases rental costs are equal to or lower than your Basic Allowance for Housing.
Housing Early Assistance Tool creates an easy online experience to connect you, the service member, with your future destination and offers an online venue to obtain housing assistance prior to a permanent change of station transfer. Headquarters Air Force Housing has successfully implemented HEAT across the Air Force enterprise so members can reach out to installations when preparing for transition. Installations are accessible through the HEAT tool across the continental U.S. and most installations outside the continental U.S. Members should use HEAT when preparing to transfer to their new assignment. Learn more at the Military Homes website.
Basic Needs Allowance: Service members with dependents CONUS or OCONUS are eligible for BNA and may be certified if:
For additional information – contact Total Force Service Center 800-525-0102.
The Personal Financial Management Services provided at the Military and Family Readiness Center provides Financial Readiness Training for all touchpoints across the military lifecycle. Training will be facilitated by classroom, zoom or one-on-one setting using Air Force standardized training curriculum. Mandatory touchpoints for Financial Readiness Training includes first duty station for enlisted and officers, Thrift Savings Plan (vesting), Continuation Pay, Transition, Pre- and Post-Deployment, Marriage, Divorce, Birth of First Child, Disabling Sickness or condition, PCS, and Promotion.
Personal Financial Management Program will provide workshops on budgeting, credit management, financial wellness and save and invest to all squadron and units on base. Computer-generated spending plan/budget, instruction on debt reduction using the website www.powerpay.org to help in managing debt financial options. Additionally, PFR has a plethora of financial-related websites and handout that are available through Andrews FSS website under Resources you will find M&FRC – go to Personal Financial Readiness. The M&FRC has Personal Financial Counselors that are available for you to set up appointments through the time tap website https://jba-mfrc.timetap.com/#/.
For more information, please visit https://www.andrewsfss.com/personal-financial-readiness.
During your move if you find yourself in need of emergency financial assistance the Air Force Aid Society may be able to assist you. To obtain more information about how to apply visit Air Force Aid Society at https://afas.org. Your submitted application will then be routed to the nearest Air Force installation. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard members should contact their emergency financial assistance branch for financial support.
For more information, please visit https://www.andrewsfss.com/air-force-aid-society.