Joint Base San Antonio
- Defense Biometric Identification System JBSA uses DBIDS at all gates. Visitors are required to have a Military (Active, Reserve, National Guard, Dependent, Retiree) CAC, a Contractor Card, or a DOD Civilian Card or have a sponsor with a valid DOD ID card to enter JBSA locations.
- Driving On Base: Vehicle drivers will not use hand-held devices such as cell phones, two-way radios, or electronic devices, such as personal data assistants (PDAs) while driving a vehicle. Vehicle drivers may use these devices once the car has stopped and is in park. This policy applies to all military and civilian personnel who operate a privately owned motor vehicle, Government-Owned vehicle, or Government Service Administration vehicles on JBSA.
- MWR Activities: Visit JBSA Today for information about MWR activities across JBSA-Fort Sam Houston, JBSA-Lackland, JBSA-Randolph, JBSA-Camp Bullis, and JBSA Recreation Park at Canyon Lake.
Defense Service Network Dialing Instructions: The DSN is the provider of long-distance communications services for the Department of Defense. Every installation has a unique DSN number, and the numbers vary by world-wide location. To place a call using DSN, the caller must be using a military phone on an installation. Cell phones cannot dial DSN numbers. If you would like to make a call on the Defense Switched Network please use the following guide:
- DSN for 221 is 471
- DSN for 292 is 554
- DSN for 295 is 421
- DSN for 395 is 969
- DSN for 466 is 450
- DSN for 565 is 665
- DSN for 652 is 487
- DSN for 671 is 473
- DSN for 808 is 420
- DSN for 925 is 945
- DSN for 977 is 969
- DSN for 916 is 429
JBSA Fort Sam Houston
Fort Sam Houston finds its roots as far back as 1845 when the Army established a garrison in San Antonio. In 1876, the Army began constructing the Quadrangle on land donated by the city, and the Army garrison moved to the site a few years later. Fort Sam Houston was formally named for General Sam Houston, the hero of the battle of San Jacinto and the first president of the Republic of Texas, in 1890. It is unique among Army posts. On the one hand, it is a major, active military installation that plays a vital role in defense of the nation. On the other hand, it contains some of the oldest structures on any Army installation. Two of those sights are the Pershing House and The Quadrangle. This blend of old and new gives today's Soldiers pride in a history that dates back over 150 years.
Fort Sam Houston is home to over 36,000 active duty and DOD civilians, 48,000 Family Members, and 76,000 retirees. It is home to 502d Air Base Wing, United States Army North, United States Army South, the Army Medical Department, Army Regional Health Command Central, Brooke Army Medical Center, US Army Medical Center of Excellence Navy Regional Recruiting, and the Medical Education and Training Campus, which graduates over 16,500 students from 49 medical programs annually.
- Childcare Services: There are 2 child development centers on Fort Sam Houston. Register children at Call 210-658-1140 for additional information.
- Emergency Medical Care: Brooke Army Medical Center provides 24-hour emergency care for military health care beneficiaries and severely traumatized patients from the local civilian community.
- ID Card Policy: ID cards, CAC, and DEERS enrolled will be issued by appointment and walk-in. Schedule appointments at or call 210-221-0415 and set up an appointment.
- Passports and Visas: Passports and Visas: Ensure members and dependents have the required passports or visa before final out-processing for an overseas assignment. Member and dependents are not allowed to final out-process without the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and dependents. Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without requiring passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) or dependents.
- Post Operator: The Fort Sam Houston automated operator can be reached by calling 210-221-1211, DSN 312-471-1211.
- Temporary Billeting: Call 210-357-2705 for reservations or additional information. Reservations can be made online by entering IHG Hotels Ft Sam Houston in a search engine. Wounded Warriors and their families have priority for lodging at Fort Sam Houston.
- Housing: Fort Sam Houston housing is privatized and managed by Hunt Military Communities. There are nine housing areas with 2-5-bedroom homes. Available for all ranks. Call 830-262-0830 or visit
- Newcomers Orientation: The official newcomer's orientation at Fort Sam Houston occurs on the first and third Friday of each month. When you in-process, you will be given your appointment. Attendance is mandatory for active-duty members and spouses are cordially invited to attend to learn about program and resources that are available.
- Relocation Services: The newly arriving service member and their family should be aware of the Relocation Assistance Program and the Lending Closet. Newcomer Orientation is offered at all three locations: Fort Sam Houston, Lackland and Randolph. They are specially designed to make their transition into our community an easier, more pleasant experience. Lending Closets are available at Fort Sam Houston, 210-221-2705 and Randolph AFB, 210-652-5321.
- Army Sponsorship: The Directorate of Military Personnel manages the Army Sponsorship Program. Those soldiers relocating to Fort Sam Houston and have not been assigned a sponsor should call 210-221-0995. Sponsorship for Civilians is the responsibility of the gaining supervisor. Civilian employees should call 210-221-1425 for sponsorship assistance. You may go online to submit your sponsorship request form at
- Shuttle Services: Anyone with official business on post may use the post shuttle buses. No ID is required. There is no shuttle bus service to off post sites. There are two shuttle bus routes on post; one is the BAMC or "Hospital Route" and the other is the METC Route "Brigade Route." The "Hospital Route" services most clinics, the Finance Office, the Military Police Station, and the Military & Family Readiness Center. The "Brigade Route" services the troop areas, Troop Dispensary, Dental Clinics, Military Clothing Sales Store, and the Main Exchange. The routes are approximately 40 minutes. To obtain a copy of the shuttle bus schedule, stop by the Military & Family Readiness Center located at 3060 Stanley Road, Building 2797.
- Post Office: Fort Sam Houston Post Office is located at 2492 Stanley Road, Building 368, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. If you need to send mail to Fort Sam Houston before your arrival, contact your unit sponsor to arrange general delivery under your gaining unit to receive your PCS items.
JBSA Lackland Air Force Base
Lackland AFB is named after Brigadier General Frank Lackland, who was commissioned into the Army after serving in the District of Columbia National Guard. Construction on the base began on June 15, 1941, and was originally part of Kelly Field. One year later, it became an independent organization called the San Antonio Aviation Cadet Center. On February 3, 1948, the facility became Lackland AFB, Gateway to the Air Force. For more information, please visit the Lackland AFB homepage.
The base consists of more than 24,000 active duty members; 10,000 DOD civilians; and 11,000 contractors and family members. Lackland is comprised of the 37th Training Wing; 149th Fighter Wing; 59th Medical Wing; the Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency; 24th Air Force Wing, 67th Network Warfare Wing; the Cryptologic Systems Group; the National Security Agency; and 70 additional associate units.
- Childcare Services: There are 3 child development centers (2 on Lackland 1 on Kelly Annex, which is a part of Lackland) Family day care homes are available but also have limited infant capacity. You may pick up a list of family day care homes at the Military & Family Readiness Center or the Family Day Care Office located in Bldg. 6629 near Walker and Gentile and can be reached at 210-671-3376.
- Emergency Medical Care: Wilford Hall's emergency room is now closed. The Urgent Care Center will see only 2 years of age and up. For emergencies, go to the nearest emergency room. All inpatient care has been moved to Brooke Army Medical Center.
- ID Card Policy: ID cards, CAC and DEERS enrollment is issued only via walk-ins. Hours of operations are 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. For information call 210- 671-6006.
- Passports and Visas: Ensure member and/or dependents have the required passports and/or visa prior to final out-processing. Member and/or dependents are not allowed to final out-process without the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without having the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents.
- Base Operator: The Lackland automated operator can be reached by calling 210-671-1110, DSN 312-473-1110.
- Temporary Billeting: Billeting units are available. Those who are in PCS status have top priority. If there are no vacancies in the appropriate lodging facility, the Inns of Lackland have agreements with hotels and motels near the base and downtown to provide temporary housing for those arriving here in official travel status. You will still need to check in at the appropriate military billeting facility to get your non-availability statement. Your sponsor can make reservations for you if you provide a copy of your orders and credit card information. You may prefer to make your own reservations: 210-671-4277, 888-235-6343, or DSN 312-473-3622/0047/2556. Web site and E-mail information can be found in the Contacts for Lackland AFB. NOTE: There are 7 pet friendly rooms. Lodging maintains a list of pet-friendly hotels, motels, and kennels located in San Antonio. They are all within a reasonable distance of the base.
- Housing: Balfour Beatty Communities manage privatized housing on JBSA Lackland. Housing consists of duplex and single-family homes for military members and features three and four bedrooms, up to two and a half baths, fully equipped modern kitchens, ample storage space, and two-car attached garages. Visit the Air Force Housing website to find your new home,
- Newcomers Orientation: Once you arrive at JBSA-Lackland, report to your Commander's Support Staff (CSS) to sign in. You will receive a schedule of required in-processing appointments to include your date to attend the Newcomer Orientation briefing. If you do not have a CSS, report to the Customer Service Intro Programs located at 5161 Stewart St. Bldg. 5616, Room 129. The Newcomer Orientation briefing is mandatory and is held every other Wednesday at the Bob Hope Theater starting in October 2024. The briefing is open for military and civilian personnel who are newly assigned to JBSA Lackland. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Briefing hours are 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. Spouses Information Fair, 11:00-12:00. Military members are encouraged to attend the Information Fair. Contact your Unit Personnel Office, Command Support Staff, or Civilian Personnel Office to coordinate attendance.
- Speed Limit Enforcement: Posted base speed limits are strictly enforced. Violators who speed 15 mph over the speed limit will receive an automatic 30-day suspension of base driving privileges. Violators who speed 20 mph over the speed limit will receive an automatic 60-day suspension of base driving privileges. A suspension means that offenders are prohibited from operating a motor vehicle on Lackland AFB during the suspension period.
- Shuttle Services: Shuttle service is available to 21 locations on base. Buses run every 15-20 minutes and shuttle stops are clearly marked. Technical school students are the primary customer base, but others can ride on a space available basis. Schedules are available in billeting, base libraries, and Bldg 5008 on Gary Avenue. For students and medical staff that need transportation between WHMC and BAMC, a shuttle will run every 30 minutes from various sites on Lackland and Security Hill.
- Mail Facilities: There are two temporary mail facilities on Lackland AFB. Permanent party military assigned to Lackland AFB will send their mail to Rank and Name, PSC 3, 1320 Truemper St., Unit 369401, Lackland AFB, TX 78236. Pick up mail at building 9122 near the intersection of Carswell and Truemper Avenues, 210-671-9476/9477. Members assigned to Security Hill and any of its associated tenants will address their mail to Name & Rank, PSC 6, 2261 Hughes Avenue, Unit #623201, Lackland AFB, TX 78236. All incoming mail will be held as General Delivery; newcomers are assigned temporary box numbers when they pick up their mail the first time. Anything that comes in after that date as General Delivery mail will automatically be placed in the assigned box. If it will be more than 30 days before you arrive, ask your sponsor to take a copy of your orders to the appropriate location. The post office on Lackland can be reached at 210-671-0952.
JBSA Randolph Air Force Base
Randolph Field was dedicated on June 20, 1930, as a flying training base and continues in this mission today. The idea for Randolph began soon after the establishment of the Air Corps Act in 1926, which changed the name of the Army Air Service to the Army Air Corps. General Frank P. Lahm was placed in charge of all flying training and established the Air Corps Training Center and set up its headquarters at Duncan Field, next to Kelly Field, TX. After deciding the facilities at Kelly and Brooks Fields were not enough for proper training, the Air Corps soon decided an additional training field was needed. Randolph Field was named after Captain William Millican Randolph, who crashed his AT-4 on takeoff returning to duty at Kelly. He contributed immeasurably to the progress of aviation and served on the base name selection committee. After the Air Force became a separate service on September 18, 1947, Randolph Field was officially named Randolph Air Force Base on January 14, 1948. For more history visit Randolph's homepage.
Randolph is home to more than 4,000 military members; 5,000 dependents; and 5,000 DOD civilians. It is home to numerous units, including Headquarters Air Education and Training Command, Air Force Personnel Center, and the host unit, the 12th Flying Training Wing.
- Childcare Services: There are 2 child development centers.
- Passports and Visas: Ensure member and/or dependents have the required passports and/or visa prior to final out-processing. Member and/or dependents are not allowed to final out-process without the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. Members electing the accompanied tour will not be permitted to out-process without having the required passports/visas in hand for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents. These actions are necessary to prevent unforeseen hardships to the military members and their families. Therefore, as a last reiteration, it is essential, members do not out-process without having the appropriate passports/visas for themselves (if applicable) and/or dependents.
- Base Operator: The Randolph automated operator can be reached by calling 210-652-1110, DSN 312-487-1110.
- Temporary Billeting: Contact the Randolph Lodging office in Bldg. 112 or call 210-652-1844 or DSN 312-487-1844 as soon as you have your orders and an arrival date to request accommodations for you or your family. If nothing is available on base, they will refer you to a nearby hotel in the local community.
- Base Housing: Base housing is limited, but there are numerous apartments and single dwelling rentals in the community.
- Relocation Assistance: The Relocation Assistance Center offers classes and individual relocation assessment and referral. We also operate computer-based information on other military installations and demographics world-wide. Contact the Relocation Assistance Program at 210-652-5321or DSN 312-487-5321 for further information.
- Sponsorship: It is important to maintain contact with your sponsor and provide him/her with your arrival information. However, if you are unable to contact your sponsor prior to or upon arrival, contact your Commanders Support Staff during normal duty hours. If arriving after duty hours, contact the Lodging Office, which is the 24-hour arrival point. Report to your CSS the next duty day. Once you have signed in, the approval authority for permissive TDY for house-hunting is your gaining commander. The automated base operator can be reached 24 hours a day for additional listings, 210-652-1110 or DSN 312-487-1110.
- Shuttle Services from Airport: Taxi and shuttle service is also available from the San Antonio International Airport to Randolph. Fares vary, but taxis average around $35. Once you arrive at Randolph AFB, report to your CSS with your records. Upon signing in with your unit, you will be scheduled for required in-processing appointments including Finance, Social Actions, and Base Newcomer's Orientation briefings. The Base Military Taxi is also available for official use only. Please arrange transportation requirements in advance when support is needed during non-duty hours
- Mail: If you need a forwarding address for your mail, you may use the Postal Service Center. Your sponsor may deliver a copy of your PCS/TDY orders. You must follow up with a phone call to confirm receipt of orders at Commercial 210-652-3569, DSN 487-3569. Then you may use the address below to forward your mail. Upon your arrival, you may pick up your mail at the Postal Service Center located in building 860. If you have questions, they can be contacted at 210-652-3569.
Forwarding Address:
Your Name
1985 1St Street West #2000
Randolph AFB, TX 78150-4312