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Air Force
Off Post Housing Referral - MHO - Fort Sam Houston
3171 Zinn Rd
Building 1161
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Learn about the variety of housing possibilities available as well as information about setting up utilities in your home . Housing options are available to your unique situation including: housing for families, single service members, families that are enrolled in the exceptional family member program, pet owners and unaccompanied personnel. Explore your options to find a home that best fits your needs.
San Antonio boasts over 174 neighborhoods in the Military City USA and the surrounding area. A wide-range of housing options are available for service members and their families. Rental rates vary considerably according to style, size and location. Below are a few references to assist you in your search for a new place to call home.
Visit the Air Force Housing Website to find your new home with the Air Force. This website serves as a one-stop shop for airmen and their families to obtain information about the housing options and support services available to them at Air Force bases worldwide.
HOMES.mil is a service designed website to connect service members and their families with rental options in the community. Neighborhoods are listed by zip codes covering San Antonio and the surrounding area. Listings are reviewed by the Military Housing Office for discriminatory content and safety concerns before properties are approved.
The MHO is your contact for all housing questions or concerns. Offices are located on each of the three main Joint Base locations. The MHO assists rental search of apartments and homes while also serving as the subject matter experts on lease reviews and disputes. Such concerns as discrimination complaints, tenant-landlord disputes and an assortment of off-post housing questions. Renters should carry renter’s insurance against fire, theft, and other damages. The property owner's insurance will cover the building but not the renter’s personal property.
To reach any of our 3 locations, please call the numbers below:
Visit InMyArea.com to search for utility providers based on your zip code. This website serves as a one-stop shop where you can explore your options, compare prices and purchase services.