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School Aged Care (SAC) & Teen Center
School Aged Care Bldg. 1982-B
Teen Center Bldg. 1982-B
Santa Rita, GU 96915
School Aged Care
Teen Center
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
A wide range of programs are available for youth and teens, including youth sports and recreation programs, educational programs and programs that support leadership and career development. Please review the information to learn what programs and services are available at this installation.
The Youth and Teen Centers are located aboard Naval Base Guam. They include:
For information about any of the youth centers and programs offered call 671-333-1844.
Part-time and summer jobs are available at local establishments such as fast food restaurants, and the Commissary. Some enterprising young people offer to mow lawns, baby sit and do odd-jobs to earn extra cash.
The minimum working age on Guam is 14 and fall within the Labor Law for Minors guidelines. A passport or birth certificate and parent or guardian's written permission is necessary for applicants.
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) offers many different youth sports programs (ex. swimming, soccer, basketball, and much more). Guam offers the perfect climate for many year round outdoor sports. There are two Youth and Teen Centers located on Naval Base Guam:
School Age Care offers a program for youth sponsors for incoming children who are already registered with the CDC. For more information please contact 671-339-6130.
Youth sponsorship can also be offered through the DoDEA schools. For more information please contact 671-344-9578.
Both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are offered on base and are quite active. Guam has many scouting troops off-base that boys and girls may join. For more information contact the Boy Scouts on NBG at bsatroop23@gmail.com or the Girl Scouts at 671-646-5652 / guamgirlscout@gmail.com. McCool Elementary/Middle School, 671-339-8676, sponsors the Sea Cadet Program.
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) offers many different youth sports programs (ex. swimming, soccer, basketball, and much more). Guam offers the perfect climate for many year round outdoor sports. There are many off-base youth leagues and teams that children may join. MWR also offers other creative outlets and programming. Call MWR youth sports for more information at 671-339-6410.
The Naval Base Guam Chapel offers religious programs for youths and Mothers of Preschoolers (MOP), a weekly parent and child play group. For more information for religious youth programs call 671-339-2126.