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Air Force
Welcome/Visitors Control Center
2580 Hwy 98
Tyndall AFB, FL 32403
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When you arrive at your new installation, you’ll need to follow installation-specific procedures. Each installation and service handles in-processing differently. Here, you can find installation-specific guidelines and a list of documents to bring with you when checking- in. Reach out to the contacts provided if you have specific questions.
325 Comptroller Squadron is located in Building 647.
Customer Service Portal
You can input a case or question. Track your inquiry from start to finish. Finance has open office hours Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For Finance Pay Inquiries
Visit the Comptroller Services Portal at: https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/saffmCSP/portal/
In-processing and retirement/separation briefings are held in Building 647. PCS In-processing briefings are Tuesdays and Thursday at 8 a.m. Log into the Comptroller Services Portal for more information.
Retirement/separation briefings: Retirement/separation: You may walk in during regular customer service hours with a copy of your orders. Also if separating bring separation package, which can also be found on the home page of our CSP site: https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/saffmCSP/portal/.
Contact the Finance Office at 850-283-3580 or 312-523-3580 for additional information.
Items required for PCS in-processing:
Military Personnel Flight Customer Service
Comptroller Squadron Finance Customer Service office is excited to announce the launch of the Air Force Comptroller Services Portal.
The CSP is a user-friendly interface that delivers virtual CPTS customer service to regular Air Force military and civilian airmen where and when you need it here at Tyndall. CSP will be used as our primary means of communication so email will be secondary.
This self-help tool pulls information from a customer's common access card to catalog key documents and pay information.
CSP capabilities include:
To get started, visit the CSP today: https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/SAFFMCSP/portal which is PII protected. (CAC-enabled device required). For best results use Chrome! You will need to update your profile. Customer service appointments in person. Schedule your appointment at https://tyndallfinance.setmore.com. Please ensure you wear a mask to your appointment.
Phone: 850-283-3580/DSN 312-523-3580
Upon arrival at Tyndall, contact your sponsor. If you haven't been assigned or been in contact with your sponsor, contact your unit Commander Support Staff before arriving and a sponsor will be assigned. Please contact the Military and Family Readiness Center at 850-283-2400 if you still do not have a sponsor AFTER you arrive at Tyndall for assistance.
All military members must first in-process through their squadron command support staff section. (Exception: Personnel assigned to units w/out CSS will In-Process with MPF Customer Support).The commander support staff will schedule all new base personnel for the base welcome/newcomers briefing. Medical Right Start will be accomplished during the welcome brief. All hand-carried records and documents should be available for the base in-processing to begin.
Relocation counseling and sponsorship assistance as well as information on personal finances is available at the Military and Family Readiness Center (Building 662).
Contact the Traffic Management Office at 850-283-9850 for any move-related questions, such as household goods, hold baggage or other household move issues.
TDY for House Hunting
Report to your unit commander support staff section and request permissive TDY for house hunting. Prior to beginning your house hunting, be sure to check with the Housing Management Office at 850-283-2737/DSN 312-523-2737 or 325.ces.ceh.housing.flight@us.af.mil and the Military and Family Readiness Center Relocation Consultant at 850-283-2400/DSN 312-523-2400 or 325.fss.fsh.afrc@us.af.mil for base and community information.
Please contact the Base Housing Office at 850-283-2737 or DSN 523-2737 for more information on the availability of military family housing.Helpful hints for before you move:
Married Service members
If you get married before you PCS, you MUST inform your commander and follow the procedures exactly as you are given them. The military WILL NOT PAY for travel and housing expenses of your spouse if you do not follow proper procedures.
Release 2024.08.27.1