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Housing Office
Via Vecchia Livornese
Camp Darby
Building 725
Pisa Italy 56018
Housing Services Office
In-Processing Info
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
When planning for a move with the military, you might consider moving into government housing. Government housing is owned and maintained by the Department of Defense and is typically on the installation. Eligibility and availability for this type of housing may vary by service member, family size and installation. Learn more about the different options, benefits and discounts that may be available to you through government housing.
Government Leased Quarters are provided upon availability. If quarters are available, an appointment will be scheduled to take you there to show quarter prior to the offer acceptance if you do not have your own transportation. After this appointment, you will sign for the quarters offer and the official assignment day will be scheduled.
Once you have signed for the quarters, a condition report and the government furniture inventory will be performed by you and the inspector, and you will be instructed on the operation of your appliances. At this time, you will be authorized to contact the Central Furnishings Management Office to arrange
delivery of additional loaner furniture should you need it.
Single Service Member Housing-
Senior enlisted bachelor quarters and bachelor officer quarters - There are no BOQ facilities; senior enlisted bachelors and bachelor officers should plan on residing in economy housing. Unaccompanied E-6 and below are required to live in barracks if space is available. Barracks and/or dormitory rooms are furnished and laundry facilities are located within the building; however, linens and blankets are no longer provided by the furnishings management office. Barracks are managed by the unit I.A.W the ABMP. It is not recommended to bring pets.
Off-Post Housing-
Off-post housing units ranging from one- to - four bedroom apartments and houses. Availability can be in short supply, particularly in certain seasons of the year. Approval to live in off-post housing with overseas housing allowance is on a case-by-case basis only. Arriving personnel should contact the housing office for further information.
Furnishings Management Office-
All Department of Defense personnelwho are eligible for furnishings support may request furniture and appliance support. Those residing in government-leased quarters or private rentals are authorized to receive a loaner set of furnishings for 90 days (incoming - until household goods arrive), and 60 days (outgoing - upon pickup of HHGs). The loaner sets will accommodate basic needs of beds, chairs, tables and other furniture needed to occupy housing in the absence of personal HHGs. The furnishings management officer may extend the incoming period if household goods shipments are delayed beyond 90 days.
Major appliances - washers, dryers, refrigerators and stoves, American Forces Network television decoders, wardrobes and freestanding kitchen cabinets, if required, are authorized to eligible DOD personnel for the duration of their overseas tour. Based on the aforementioned, do not ship major appliances to
this community from the continental United States with your household goods.
DPW, Self Help Pick-up Point-
Residents of government-leased housing are eligible to sign out equipment for household maintenance (lawnmowers, ladders, etc.) and some replacement >supplies for quarters. Residents of barracks or dormitories need to coordinate requests for equipment or supplies through their barracks/dormitory manager/point of contact. Residents of private rental housing are able to borrow equipment (no consumable supplies are authorized for issue to private rental residents) while waiting for household goods to arrive, and when household goods have been shipped prior to a permanent change of station out.
For hours of operation and contact information, go to the Garrison website.
Once you have in-processed you may contact the Housing Office. Upon reporting to the Housing Office, you will be interviewed by a member of the staff at which time you will be briefed on Temporary Lodging Allowance, the availability of quarters and private rentals. At that time, your bedroom
requirements will be identified.
Quarters are assigned based on two factors: grade and family composition. If there are medical conditions that require special considerations, the sponsor must have documentation of the condition available at the time of sign in. Medical documents will be evaluated by the Exceptional Family Member Program
specialist from the Army Health Clinic at U.S. Army Garrison Italy. A recommendation will then be made through EFMP and the medical and military chain of command.
EFMP Housing-
EFMP housing is not available because the buildings in which quarters are situated are not owned by the U.S. Army. Therefore, it is difficult to obtain permission from landlords to make conversions such as adding ramps, etc., necessary for Exceptional Family Members.
Release 2024.08.27.1