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Legal Services/Command Judge Advocate
Via Vecchia Livornese
Camp Darby
Tirrenia Italy 56018
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Legal assistance is available to you and your family. Below, you’ll find information about claims and installation specific programs and services. If you have questions, reach out to the legal assistance program at your installation.
Services of the Legal Assistance Office
The Camp Darby office of the command judge advocate provides legal assistance, claims, notaries/powers of attorney and estate planning services to personnel stationed at Camp Darby. Administrative law and military justice are also provided on a limited basis to the command and staff. Trial defense services are provided either by the Vicenza Trial Defense Office (Army) or by the Aviano legal office for Airmen. Darby OCJA is happy to coordinate and support those services as well.
All services are by appointment. Call DSN 645-8751/8752 or commercial 050-965-8751/8752 or email to: usarmy.usag-italy.setaf-af.mbx.ocja-camp-darby-office@army.mil
Claims Contact: U.S. Army Center for Personnel Claims Support, Phone: 502-626-3000 Fax: 502-626-1320, DSN: 536-3000, Web:https://www.JAGCNet.army.mil/PCLAIMS, Email: usarmy.knox.hqda- otjag.mbx.cpcs@army.mil.
a. Household Goods Claims: The “Notice of Loss/damage” form is provided by the Transportation Service Provider at the time of delivery. Submit in the DPS system within 180 days of delivery (75 days for shipments prior to 15 May 20) at https://www.militaryonesource.mil/PCS. If you have issues with the site do not wait. Mail/e-mail/FAX your notice to the TSP using the contact information on the lower right corner of the form. Keep proof of the date and time notice was sent (Mail/fax return receipt. Your claim must be submitted to the TSP within 9 months of delivery for Full Replacement Value. Claims filed after 9 months will be paid depreciated value only. You have 2 years from the date of delivery to file your claim. If you are unsatisfied with any or all of the TSP’s settlement offers or denials you may transfer your item(s) and/or claim to your MCO. Transferring your claim to the MCO in the DPS system does not.
transfer the electronic file. You must go to https://www.JAGCNet.army.mil/PCLAIMS to file.
b. POV shipment claims: Carefully inspect the exterior and interior of your vehicle for new damage when you pick it up from the Vehicle Processing Center. Completely list any damage to your POV on the vehicle shipping document (DD Form 788 or commercial equivalent) before taking possession of your vehicle and departing the VPC. You may settle a claim on - the-spot for up to $1,500 and retain the right to file a subsequent claim for loss or damage discovered within 48 hours of departure from the VPC (damage discovered after 48 hours is much harder to prove liability). To file a claim for damages discovered after departing the VPC, email International Auto Logistics at Claims@ialpov.us. If you are not satisfied with IAL’s settlement, you may reject the offer and file the claim with CPCS provided you can prove the damage occurred due to the negligence of, or while the POV was in the custody of the contractor. To file a claim you must go to https://www.JAGCNet.army.mil/PCLAIMS.
Release 2024.08.27.1