Naval Support Activity Mid-South

Cost of Living

The cost of living in Millington, TN is 12% lower than the U.S. National Average. The median home cost in the Millington area (March 2024) $315.9K, while the median rental cost (March 2024) for a 1 bedroom apartment is $1,242. The median income in Millington is $54,661 while the median income of Memphis is $62,588. Millington has an unemployment rate of 6.8% while Memphis has an unemployment rate of 4.6% as of March 2023.

Millington's housing expenses are 9% lower than the national average and the utility prices are 9% lower than the national average. Transportation expenses like bus fares and gas prices are 7% lower than the national average. Millington has grocery prices that are 8% lower than the national average. Healthcare in Millington is 12% lower than the national average.