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School Liason
5722 Integrity Dr.
Building 456
Millington, TN 38054
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Each installation provides information about the types of schools and programs offered on or near your installation for your child. Learn about the types of programs, guidelines and requirements for each school. Whether you choose to send your child to a Department of Defense School, a private school or public school, your installation can help you explore all of your options to make the right decision for you and your child.
There are eight public school systems that serve the Memphis area. A number of private schools are also available.
There are no DODEASchools aboard the base. There are eight public school systems that serve the Memphis area. All city and county schools are fully accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges & Schools. Memphis-Shelby County Schools is Tennessee's largest public school district and is among the 25 largest public school districts in the United States.
The school board numbers are listed below:
School lunch prices vary throughout the school districts. Millington school district has no charge for breakfast or lunch. The other remaining school districts charge between $1.50 - $4.00 for breakfast and lunch. For additional information & to view lunch menus please visit the school website. Transportation is provided by each school system. Children living on base receive bus transportation. All middle and high schools are members of the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association and as members follow its rules and regulations. Before/After school programs are available for a fee that is determined by the organization providing the service. For questions regarding private or alternative schools, please contact Jennifer Lundy, School Liaison, at 901-874-5343.
Entrance Requirements
They must be 6 years old on or before September 30 of the calendar year to enter first grade. A Student entering kindergarten must have a physical examination (within last six months), Permanent Tennessee Certificate of Immunization (green form) or a temporary Certificate of Immunization, birth certificate (certified copy) and social security number. Parents may be asked to provide a Proof of Residence.
A child entering kindergarten must be five years old on or before August 15.
However, a child does not have to enroll in school at five years of age, but enrollment must occur no later than the child's sixth birthday. T.C.A. 49-6-3001(c)(1); SBE Rule 0520-01-03-.03(10)(a)
"Any transfer student applying for admission who was legally enrolled in an approved kindergarten in another state and who will be five years of age no later than December 31 of the current school year, shall be enrolled." SBE Rule 0520-01-03-.03(10)(b). So, a child entering school during the fall from another state may enter kindergarten as long as the child turns five that calendar year and was enrolled in an approved kindergarten in the other state.
The compulsory attendance law also applies to five-year-old children once they have attended school for six weeks. "[A] child may be withdrawn within six (6) weeks of initial enrollment without penalty." TCA 49-6-3007(g). Also, see page 35 of the Dept. of Education's attendance manual.
First Grade
"No child shall be eligible to enter first grade . . . without having attended an approved kindergarten program; provided, that a child meeting the requirements of the state board of education for transfer and/or admission, as determined by the commissioner, may be admitted by an LEA, notwithstanding any other provision or act to the contrary. "T.C.A. 49-6-201(d).
Depending on local board policy, children may be allowed to go from kindergarten directly to second grade. TCA 49-6-3106.
All other grades require a copy of the last report card and proof of address. The local school will request records from the previous school attended, so please have that address. Students transferring into the system from out of state or from a non-public school must provide a Permanent Tennessee Certificate of Immunization or Temporary Certificate of Immunization which is up to date.
Special Education
Most schools serving students in the Memphis area offer special education at various locations, and transportation is provided to the school offering classes for the particular need.
Gifted Programs
Programs for gifted students vary at each school district. For additional information, please contact the school board. District phone numbers can be found at the top of the page.
Compulsory Attendance
There are compulsory school attendance laws. Some pertinent laws are: (1) Every parent of a child 7 - 17 years of age must require the child to attend school. A person who fails to do so may be fined for every day a child is unlawfully absent. (2) A child who is unlawfully kept out of school may be found by Juvenile Court to be a dependent and neglected child and removed from the home. The parent may be punished by fine and/or imprisonment. (3) The school principal is required by law to report to the school superintendent children who are absent without proper excuse as much as five days during the school year. The school superintendent must report to the Juvenile Court Judge. (4) Memphis Police Officers, and other law enforcement officers, have been instructed to take into custody and deliver either to school or to the Juvenile Court Detention Center children found in the community during school hours who are truant from school.
Graduation Requirements
Total Required Credits to graduate: 22
Tennessee State Board of Education High School Policy 2.103(1)(e) states, “A public high school student may complete an early high school graduation program and be eligible for unconditional entry into a public two-year institution of higher education or conditional entry into a public four-year institution of higher education, if the student meets the requirements of T.C.A. § 49-6-8303,” also known as the Move on When Ready Act. Students who are interested in graduating before their senior year through the Move on When Ready program must complete this intent form available from the department of education. Completed intent forms should be sent to MoveOn.WhenReady@tn.gov.
Grading Scale
The grading scale is as follows: A - 100-93; B - 92-85; C - 84-75; D - 74-70; F - 69 & bel
Private and parochial schools abound in the Memphis-Shelby County area. There are also schools for special education and special needs children.
Memphis also has four-year degree granting colleges, junior colleges, and many business and technical schools.
For more information contact NSA Mid-South School Liaison 901-628-5335 or visit https://www.tn.gov/education/families/school-options/non-public-schools.html.
As of September 30, 2016 the Navy College office permanently closed and has transitioned to conducting business primarily online at https://www.navycollege.navy.mil.
Goodwill Memphis Excel Center offers free high school for adults.2576 Thousand Oaks Blvd Memphis, TN 38118Phone (901) 589-6100 or (901) 726-3100. Hours: Monday–Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
List of resources and support services that The Excel Center provides to empower for success: