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Army Education Center
Nuernberger Strasse
USAG Ansbach
Unit 28738
Building 5817C
Ansbach Germany 91522
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
If you’ve ever considered taking your education a step further, you should look to your installation for more information and assistance. They can help you decide if receiving an advanced degree is right for you, tell you which local colleges and classes are offered and find out if you’re eligible for tuition assistance. The Voluntary Education Center, or Installation Education Center, is available to help you put together a plan to advance your education.
Military spouses can also choose to engage with an education and career coach through the DoD’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program, or SECO. These coaches can assist them in exploring multiple tools, resources and information to reach their educational goals. To contact a career coach call 800-342-9647 or visit https://myseco.militaryonesource.mil.
College courses are offered on-post and online. Degree programs range from Undergraduate Certificates to Master degrees. For information on various degree programs and a listing of possible Universities and Colleges, please contact the Ansbach Education Center: 49-(0) 9641-705-871848 or DSN 314-587-1848 / 49-(0) 9641-705-871849 or DSN 314-587-1849.
On Post Universities:
Embry Riddle Aeronautical UniversityPrograms ranging from the Associate level to the Master level. Please contact: 49-(0) 9641-705-871844 or DSN 314-587-1844
University of Maryland Global CampusPrograms ranging from the Associate level to the Master level. Please contact: 49-(0) 9802-684-9910 or DSN 314-587-1475
The USAG Ansbach Education Centers on Katterbach Kaserne and Storck Barracks are committed to providing the best possible educational programs and services to soldiers, family members, and civilians pursuing personal and professional educational opportunities.
A full range of Army Continuing Education System (ACES) programs and services are available, with services provided to Active Duty /Reserve Component Soldiers and their Family Members, as well as Retirees and Department of Army Civilians (as applicable). ACES Guidance Counselors are available on a walk-in basis; no appointment is necessary. Our professional Guidance Counselors offer a holistic counseling approach which includes career, educational, and financial aid counseling. ACES programs include education and career counseling, Credentialing Assistance (CA), college programs, Tuition Assistance (TA), testing (Army Personnel Testing and the National Testing Center), and the Basic Skills Education Program (BSEP). We also include regular briefs for specials programs to include AMEDD, Green to Gold, and Army Ignited 101. Our staff is highly proficient with TA, CA and VA education benefits, as well as other forms of federal financial aid, grants and scholarships.
ArmyIgnitED is a tailored, intuitive resource that empowers you to achieve your educational goals. Whether you’re at home or deployed, you have access to education opportunities, support, and guidance throughout your education journey.
We have two excellent accredited universities located on the installation:
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is the world’s pre-eminent university for aviation and aerospace education. Regionally accredited, ERAU has been working with US military service members since 1970, helping them to earn a degree while on active duty or as veterans. They are located at more than 90 military installations around the globe. ERAU campuses offer associate, bachelor, and master degrees, as well as undergraduate certifications that will help those in the military, after you’ve served your country, or as a civilian.
University of Maryland Global Campus offers online and on-site programs at the associate, bachelor, and master degree levels. Regionally accredited, UMGC has been working with US military service members since 1949, helping to assist active-duty military personnel and veterans earn a degree. They are located in more than 175 locations around the globe. They are committed to helping students obtain their degree to assist them in their careers in the military or in the civilian life.
USAG Ansbach Army Education Centers Locations:Katterbach KaserneStorck Barracks
Hours of Operation:Katterbach KaserneMonday – Friday0800-1630
Storck BarracksWednesday0830-1600
Phone:Katterbach Kaserne +49 (0) 9641-705-871848 +49 (0) 9641-705-871849
Storck Barracks+49 (0) 9641-705-871845
Closed on federal holidays