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Bldg. 5818 first floor
Ansbach Germany 91522
Contact information for key programs and services at this installation.
Figuring out the best way to get around is important when you’re in a new installation. It’s useful to understand the various regulations, local laws as well as license and registration requirements. Whether you need a driver’s license, transport a car overseas or want help buying a car, there are people to assist you at your new installation. Check out the topics below to find information and regulations on vehicles and registration at your base.
Although other US States allow use of an expired driver’s license with a military ID, other countries do not have the same allowance. A current, valid stateside driver’s license is required to get a USAREUR driving permit and international driving permit. Once you arrive and in-process to your new location, you will not be able to drive without the local military driver’s permit (varies by host country). Ensure your license is valid before you PCS. If it will expire during your assignment in Europe, learn what your state’s requirements are to renew on-line (if possible).
Contact your new garrison Driver’s Testing Office at +49 (0) 9641-70587-3090 for specific information on the requirements (testing, payment, etc.) for getting a driver’s permit for your new location. If your assignment is to Germany, you can test on-line before you arrive (certificate is good for a short time). Study guides are available for you to review and you can take practice tests before you take the actual test. The test is available on JKO with CAC - https://jkodirect.jten.mil/. You may need to scroll to find the course/ test number USA-007 / USA-007B.
Your Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) will need to be registered with USAREUR to operate in Germany. Vehicle Registration for USAG Ansbach is located in building 5810 on Katterbach Kaserne. For more information please call +49 (0) 611-143-587-1151 / 1150.
Driver's License
USAREUR Driver's License
All personnel who wish to obtain a USAREUR driver's license must have a valid state side driver's license and be 18 years of age, attend a driving orientation class, and successfully pass a written test and road sign test.
In accordance with the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) personnel who do not have a valid stateside license will either have to obtain one, get a military vehicles operator's license or a German driver's license.
Family members will be required to have either a stateside license or a German license, which costs significantly more in Germany than in the states. There is a mandatory orientation class and driver's license testing. This test has 100 written questions on general driving regulations and 50 questions on international road sign recognition.
Persons holding a USAREUR POV driver's license and operating a POV are assumed to have given their consent to chemical tests for alcohol or other drug content of the blood, breath, or urine by U.S./German authorities.
International Driver's License
Many European countries require an international driver's license before you can drive in their Country. It is recommended to buy one before traveling overseas.
USAREUR Regulation (AER 190-1) prescribes policies and procedures for licensing and driving privately owned vehicles (POV), and registering POVs in Germany under the Supplemental Agreement (SA) to the NATO Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA)
Privately Owned Vehicles (POV)
POVs must meet the minimum standards of exterior condition considered acceptable in the local military or civilian community. License plates must be completely visible and the rear plate centered under the light. Latching devices, including locks on body doors, must be operational. Body rust and corrosion at locations that would weaken areas protecting the driver or passengers will cause the POV to be rejected. Paintings or markings resembling those normally used on U.S. government-owned vehicles, and markings that might associate a POV with a foreign government, are prohibited.
Installation of any of the following types of lighting is prohibited: White, amber or any color lights behind the grill for the purpose of lighting up the grill, lights in the wheel walls, under fenders, or behind the tires. Vehicles will not have more than two original or add-on stoplights affixed in the rear window, or decorative lighting around the license plate. POVs must be equipped with safety glass, except when the vehicle manufacturer uses Plexiglas. The windshield will be free of damage (excluding scratches and chips) located in the driver's windshield wiping area.
Driving In Germany
Traffic -- U.S. military personnel, civilians and their family members are governed by both German Traffic Laws and Military Traffic Laws.
German Samaritan Law -- The German criminal code states that every driver who comes upon an accident is obligated to render aid so long as this is reasonably possible. If you do not render aid you may be punished with imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or by a fine. The Red Cross provides first aid classes.
Insurance -- Insurance is mandatory prior to registering the POV
Child Safety Seats -- All children under 12 years of age, under 59 inches tall must ride in the back seat of all automobiles. The child must be secured with suitable European Union (EU) Regulation 44-approved or U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)-approved child restraint devices.
Children weighing more than 48 pounds will use booster devices or other suitable child-restraint devices to ensure that the seat belts fit properly. Seat belts are required to be worn by everyone at all times.
Bicycles -- Department of Defense Instruction (DODI) requires persons riding a bicycle on government facilities to wear a safety helmet. This law also applies to passengers. Children under 40 pounds being carried on a bicycle must ride in an approved safety seat.
Gas Rationing -- When you register your vehicle you will be issued gas-rationing papers, which are also your registration. You must present this paper every time you purchase gas or gas coupons on post. Gasoline on the economy is very expensive, about $1.80 a liter.
Rationing -- A ration card is necessary for the purchase of coffee, alcohol and cigarettes on post. You may purchase these items on the economy without any restrictions but they are more expensive.
Vehicle Checks -- Vehicles are subject to safety inspections at all times. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure safe mechanical condition of his/her vehicle. Strict laws prohibit running out of gas while driving on the Autobahn in Germany, which will result in heavy fines.
Cell Phones --- Hands-free devices must be used while operating a motor vehicle on ALL military installations worldwide.
Registering Vehicles on the Installation
All personnel registering a vehicle for the first time in USAREUR must provide copies of their PCS orders assigning them to Germany, or their unit of assignment. This also includes civilian personnel working for AF, NAF, and AAFES etc. If assignment orders were not received we require a memo from your employing agency authorizing logistical support for the USAG Ansbach Community. The normal requirements remain the same, this is an additional requirement. We cannot register your vehicle until we receive this required documentation. This requirement along with proof of ownership, proof of third party insurance, ID card, USAREUR Certificate of license and registration fee. Documentation varies depending on vehicle origin.
AER 190-1 is the regulation that governs registering vehicles in USAREUR.
If you have questions please call Ansbach vehicle registration at Primary- 0611-143-587-1151, Secondary- 314-587-1151. or visit Vehicle Registration :: U.S. Army Garrison Ansbach
Make sure to have all the required documents, when coming to the Registration Office.
POVs Shipped from the States
You will need to bring in the following documents in order to pick up your vehicle from the Vehicle Processing Center in Ansbach:
We will issue you temporary plates (good for 30 days) in order to pick up your vehicle. Inspection can be done at any vehicle inspection point within USAREUR.
Commercially Shipped Vehicles:
Once your vehicle arrives in port or here in Ansbach, you can come in and pick up temporary plates in order to operate your vehicle.
Buying a New American Spec'd Vehicle:
New vehicles are exempt from having to go through inspection for the first 2 years.
Buying a Car from Another ID Card Holder:
Buyer and seller must both be present in our office. The following is needed to register:
Motorcycles (If shipped with Household shipment):
Note: Driver's license is not required if you do not intend to put plates on your bike.
Buying a Car off the Local Economy
Before you buy a car on the local economy make sure that the car is in good working order and go for a last drive. This is what you will need to register a vehicle:
The authorization to drive a POV in Germany is a privilege, not a right. This privilege may be withdrawn if a driver fails to show responsibility or care for his or her own safety or for the safety of others while operating a POV.
German law and USAREUR Policy regulates the operation of motor vehicles, and regulate the following:
Release 2024.08.27.1